Bach Bibliography
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Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : Bach
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Herford, Julius: Bach's Models of 'Good Inventiones'. [Part I]. Bach 2/4 (Oct 1971), 10-14
Bach iii/2 (1972) 40-43 (Sol Babitz)
2. Gleason, Harold: A Seventeenth-Century Organ Instruction Book. Bach 3/1 (Jan 1972), 3-12
Bach iii/3 (1972) 43-44 (Sol Babitz): author's reply in Bach iii/4 (1972) 41
3. Kochevitsky, George A.: Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Notes Inégales: A Brief History and a Summary. Bach 4/4 (Oct 1973), 27-35
[Headings: Origins and Definitions; Renewed Interest in the Problem; Bach and the Techniques of Inequality; Conclusions and Suggestions]
Bach v/1 (1974) 33-34 (Sol Babitz; author)
Bach v/2 (1974) 50-51 (Sol Babitz; editor; author)
Bach vi/1 (1975) 36-39 (Sol Babitz)
4. Keller, Hermann: The Well-tempered Clavier by Johann Sebastian Bach. (1976), iii, 207p
London: Allen & Unwin; N.Y.: Norton: Trans. by Leigh Gerdine, 1976. iii, 207p.
MTimes cxviii/1610 (Apr 1977) 303-304 (Peter Williams)
BSosBul i/1 (1977) 29 (Peter Williams)
Bach viii/2 (1977) 23-25 (Paul A. Pisk)
AmerMTeacher xxvii/6 (1977/78) 39 (Charles Timbrell)
5. Herz, Gerhard: Lombard Rhythm in the Domine Deus of Bach's B minor Mass: An Old Controversy Resolved. Bach 8/1 (Jan 1977), 3-11
Bach viii/2 (Apr 1977) 26-27 (Sol Babitz), followed by author in Bach viii/3 (Jul 1997) 34-35
6. Kochevitsky, George A.: More on Articulation in J. S. Bach's Keyboard Music. Bach 8/1 (Jan 1977), 25-29
From Our Readers.
Bach viii/2 (Apr 1977) 26-27 (Sol Babitz), followed by author in Bach viii/3 (Jul 1997) 33-34
7. Robison, John O.: The Lost Oboe Works of J. S. Bach, Part IV. Bach 14/1 (Jan 1983), 22-28
Bach xiv/3 (1983) 29-30 (Joshua Rifkin)
8. Bolduan, Miriam F.: The Significance of the Viola Pomposa in the Bach Cantatas. Bach 14/3 (Jul 1983), 12-17
Bach xv/1 (Jan 1984) 25-27 (Alfred Dürr)
9. Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XXIV. Heinrich Nicolaus Gerber's Eighteenth-century Manuscript Copy of J. S. Bach's Wohl-temperirte Clavier. Bach 14/3 (Jul 1983), 31-44
Introductory Information and Facsimiles of the Title Page, and the First 7 Pages of Music (1725)
Bach xv/1 (Jan 1984) 25-27 (Alfred Dürr)
10. Kochevitsky, George A.: Performing Bach's Keyboard Music. (1996), 168p
White Plains, New York: Pro/Am Music Resources, 1996. 168p
Bach xxvii (1997) 84-85
Clavier xxxvi/1 (1997) 33 (Margalit Berkowitz)
11. Unger, Melvin P.: Handbook to Bach's Sacred Cantata Texts: An Interlinear Translation with Reference Guide to Biblical Quotations and Allusions. (1996), xvi, 777p
Lanham, Md. and London: Scarecrow Press, 1996. xvi, 777p. ISBN: 0-8108-2979-7.
Bach xxvii/2 (Fall-Winter 1996) 84-85
CanadianUnivMReview xvii/2 (1997) 104-107 (David Hill)
MLetters lxxix/1 (Feb 1998) 114-118 (Daniel R. Melamed)
FontesArtisM xlvi/1-2 (1999) 190-193 (Thomas F. Heck)
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
12. Steiger, Renate: Gnadengegenwart. Johann Sebastian Bach im Kontext lutherischer Orthodoxie und Frömmigkeit. (2002), xxiii, 397p
Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2002. xxiii, 397p. ISBN: 3-7728-1871-4. (= Doctrina et Pietas. Zwischen Reformation und Aufklärung. Texte und Untersuchungen, ii/2)
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 11.III. 2002 (Gustav Falke)
Lutherische Theologie und Kirche xxvi (2002) 46-47 (Volker Stolle)
EvGemeindeblatt Württemberg xvii (2002) 22 (Andreas Rössler)
BachJb lxxxviii (2002) 257-261 (Markus Rathey)
WürttembergBlKm lxix/3 (2002) 42-45 (Jochen Arnold)
Dansk teologisk Tidsskrift (4/2002), 311-312 (Sven Rune Havsteen)
LutherBeitr vii/4 (2002), 286-287 (Martin Schubach)
KyrkoMusikernasTidning (03/1 2003) 15 (Henrik Tobin)
MGottesd lvii/1 (2003) 33-34 (Ulrich Wilhelm)
TheolLiteraturZ cxxviii (2003) 67f (Jochen Arnold)
FürArbBesinnung lvi (Juli 2003) 260-262 (Bernhard Leube)
Cahiers de Sociologie Économique et Culturelle / Ethnopsychologie (Université du Havre) 36 (2003) 127-128 (Édith Weber)
TheolGlaube xcii/xciii (2002/2003), 463-464 (Dieter Hattrup)
BulSocHistProtestantFranc (1/2003), 175-176 (Édith Weber)
Ellips (2003) 1 BW 28/241 (Marcel S. Zwitser)
Luther lxxiv (2003), 163-164 (Gerhard Müller)
ForumKm liv/3 (May-Jun 2003) 42-43 (Birger Petersen-Mikkelsen)
PietismusNeuzeit xxix (2003) 327-332 (Johannes Wallmann)
Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses lxxxiii (3/2003) 381-383 (Ulrich Asper)
JEcclesiastHist lv/1 (2004) 203 (Ivor H. Jones)
Estudios Filosóficos clii (2004) 227-228 (Emilio García Estébanez)
Bach xxxv/2 (2004) 60-68 (Mark Bangert)
RivistaStoriaLetteraRelig xl (Feb 2004) 433-438 (Bruno Bianco)
TidsskrTeolKirke lxxvi/1 (2005) 13-25 (Merethe Roos)
TheolRundschau lxxi (2006) 114, 130-134 (Christoph Krummacher)
13. Williams, Peter F.: The Organ Music of J. S. Bach. Second Edition. (2003), x, 624p
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003. x, 624p. ISBN: 0521814162.
Ian Mills, 'On-line Book Review'
EarlyMReview 97 (2004) 9 (Clifford Bartlett)
MagyarZene xlii/2 (May 2004) 214-216 (Katalin Komlós)
Notes lxi/2 (2004) 430-432 (Lawrence Archbold)
Bach xxxv/2 (2004) 69-71 (Markus Rathey)
MEducatorsJ xcii/3 (Jan 2006) 20-21 (Thomas Zatorski)
14. Brown, Rachel: The Early Flute: A Practical Guide. (2003), xiv, 184p
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. xiv, 184p. ISBN: 0-521-89080-2; 0-521-81391-3; 978-0-521-89080-9; 978-0-521-81391-4.
RecorderMag xxiii/3 (Fall 2003) 90 (Marianne Mezger)
Fluit, xi/4 (Sep 2003) 45 (Mia Dreese)
EarlyMPerformer 13 (Jan 2004) 20-22 (Nancy Hadden)
EarlyMAmer x/2 (Summer 2004) 48-49 (Wendy Rolfe)
Bach xlxi/1 (2010) 101-102 (Sean Gabriel)
15. Bossuyt, Ignace: Johann Sebastian Bach: Christmas Oratorio. BWV 248. (2004), 185p
Translated (from Dutch) by Stratton Bull. Leuven University Press, 2004. 185p. ISBN: 90-5867-421-5. (= Ancorae, 19)
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
Bach xxxvii/1 (2006) 78-81 (Kerry McCarthy)
MLetters lxxxvii/4 (Nov 2006) 654-656 (John Butt)
16. Leahy, Anne; Tomita, Yo (eds.): Bach Studies from Dublin: Selected papers presented at the ninth biennial conference on Baroque music, held at Trinity College Dublin from 12th to 16th July 2000. IrishMStud 8 (2004), 270p
Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2004. 270p. ISBN: 1-85182-857-5. (= Irish Musical Studies, 8)
Teri Noel Towe, 'On-line Book Review'
EarlyMReview 103 (Oct 2004) 23-24 (Clifford Bartlett)
Bach xxxvi/1 (2005) 97-100 (Kerry McCarthy)
BachNotesABS 6 (Fall-winter 2006) 9-11 (Evan Scooler)
17. Kevorkian, Tanya: Baroque Piety: Religion, Society, and Music in Leipzig, 1650-1750. (2007), 266p
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 266p. ISBN: 0-7546-5490-7.
Consort 64, Summer 2008) 109-111 (Thomas Cooper)
Renaissance Quarterly lxi/3 (Fall 2008) 991-992 (Mark Peters)
BIOSJ xxxii (2008) 214-215 (David Knight)
H-Net (Apr 2008) (Janette Tilley)
LutherQ xxii/4 (Winter 2008) 465-467 (Paul Westermeyer)
ChurchHist lxxvii/4 (Dec 2008) 1064-1066 (Eric Lund)
JAMSoc lxii/1 (Spring 2009) 222-225 (Joyce L. Irwin)
Elise Crean, 'On-line Book Review'
EarlyM xxxvii/2 (May 2009) 306-307 (John Butt)
Bach xl/1 (2009) 85-87 (Markus Rathey)
18cM vii/1 (Mar 2010) 119-121 (Stephen Rose)
BachJb xcvii (2011) 293-298 (Michael Maul)
18. Haynes, Bruce: The End of Early Music: A Period Performer's History of Music. (2007), 304p
New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2007. 304p. ISBN13: 9780195189872; ISBN10: 0195189876
Notes lxiv/4 (Jun 2008) 767-769 (David Dolata)
EarlyM xxxvi/2 (May 2008) 301-304 (Robert Quinney)
TijdschrOudeM xxiii/1 (Feb 2008) 52-53 (Jan van den Bossche)
PerformPractReview xiii (2008) (Roland Jackson)
EarlyMAmer xiv/2 (Summer 2008) 52 (Maria Coldwell)
HistBrassSocJ xx (2008) 223-226 (Steven Plank)
AmerRecorder xlix/2 (Mar 2008) 23 (Scott Paterson)
Newsletter of the AmerMInstrSoc xxxvii/2 (Summer 2008) 7-8 (Robert Howe)
Goldberg 51 (Apr 2008) 18-19 (María del Carmen Gómez Muntané)
Bach xl/1 (2009) 82-84 (Ross W. Duffin)
19. Emans, Reinmar; Hiemke, Sven (eds.): Bachs lateinische Kirchenmusik. Das Handbuch. BachHandb 2 (2007), 421p
Hrsg. von Reinmar Emans und Sven Hiemke. Mit 17 Abbildungen und 50 Notenbeispielen sowie einem Werkverzeichnis. - Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 2007. 421p. ISBN: 978-3-89007-452-8. (= Das Bach-Handbuch, 2)
MKirche lxxviii/3 (2008) 202-203 (Markus Rathey)
Bach xlxi/1 (2010) 97-100 (Kerry McCarthy)
20. Jarvis, Martin W. B.: Did Johann Sebastian Bach Write the Six Cello Suites? diss. (2007), 430p
PhD diss., Faculty of Law Business & Arts, Charles Darwin University, 2007. xxxi, 430p
Bach li/1 (2020) 139-171 (Andrew Talle)
21. Emans, Reinmar; Hiemke, Sven (eds.): Bachs Passionen, Oratorien und Motetten. Das Handbuch. BachHandb 3 (2009), 506p
Hrsg von Reinmar Emans und Sven Hiemke. Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 2009. 506p. ISBN: 978-3-89007-453-5. (= Das Bach-Handbuch, 3)
MKirche lxxix/6 (Nov-Dec 2009) 436-437 (Ulrich Konrad)
Bach xliii/1 (2012) 65-83 (Markus Rathey)
Mf lxiv/3 (Jul-Sep 2011) 279-280 (Ulrich Bartels)
22. Butt, John: Bach's Dialogue with Modernity: Perspectives on the Passions. (2010), 336p
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 336p. ISBN-13: 978-0521883566. - Paperback edn. 2012. ISBN 978-1107404601.
Consort lxvii (Summer 2011) 123-124 (Robert Manning)
MLetters xcii/4 (Nov 2011) 649-650 (Robin A. Leaver)
SvenskTidskrMf xciii (2011) 90-92 (Jonas Lundblad)
BachNotesABS 16 (Spring 2012) [1]-4 (Mark A. Peters)
Bach xliii/1 (2012) 84-89 (William R. Everdell)
J18cStud xxxv/2 (Jun 2012) 273-274 (Bettina Varwig)
23. Jarvis, Martin W. B.: Written by Mrs Bach: The Amazing Discovery That Shocked the Music World. (2011), 224p
Pymble, N.S.W.: HarperCollins Publishers, 2011. 224p. ISBN: 978-0-7333-2872-5. (= ABC Books)
The Australian (14 May 2011) (Gillian Wills)
Bach li/1 (2020) 139-171 (Andrew Talle)
24. Walter, Meinrad: Johann Sebastian Bach, Johannespassion: eine musikalisch-theologische Einführung. (2011), 280p
Mit 63 Notenbeispielen. - Stuttgart: Carus-Verlag; Reclam, 2011. 280p. ISBN 978-3-89948-156-3 (Carus); ISBN 978-3-15-010813-0 (Reclam) - 2., aktualisierte Auflage. Stuttgart: Carus-Verlag, 2018. 284p. ISBN: 3-89948-343-X, 978-3-89948-343-7.
MKirche lxxxi/1 (Jan-Feb 2011) 63 (Meinrad Walter): 'Analytische Vertiefung'
MKirche lxxxi/2 (Mar-Apr 2011) 145-146 (Herbert Glossner)
BachJb xcvii (2011) 299-304 (Manuel Bärwald)
ForumMbib xxxii/3 (2011) 293-294 (Maja Hartwig)
Bach xliii/1 (2012) 65-83 (Markus Rathey)
25. Rose, Stephen: The Musician in Literature in the Age of Bach. (2011), ix, 237p
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. ix, 237p. ISBN: 978-1-107-00428-3. - Paperback edn. 2014. ISBN 978-1107428041.
EarlyMReview 142 (2011) (Clifford Bartlett)
EarlyM xxxix/4 (Nov 2011) 613-614 (Bettina Varwig)
MTimes clii/1917 (Winter 2011) 115-116 (Peter Williams)
EarlyMAmer xvii/4 (Winter 2011) 51-52 (Robert L. Marshall)
Bach xliii/1 (2012) 90-93 (Mark A. Peters)
18cM ix/2 (Sep 2012) 265-267 (Celia Applegate)
26. Wolff, Christoph; Zepf, Markus: The organs of J.S. Bach: A handbook. (2012), xxv, 208p
Trans. Lynn Edwards Butler. - Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2012. xxv, 208p. ISBN: 0-252-03684-0; 978-0-252-03684-2.
Bach xliii/2 (2012) 93-96 (Dan Zager)
AmerOrganist(2) xlvi/10 (Oct 2012) 88-89 (Rollin Smith)
EarlyMReview 151 (Dec 2012) 12 (Andrew Benson-Wilson)
Diapason civ/6:1243 (Jun 2013) 12-13 (John L. Speller)
JAMSoc lxvii/2 (Summer 2014) 589-598 (Ernest May)
FontesArtisM lxii/1 (Jan-Mar 2015) 41-42 (Bryan Proksch)
27. Gardiner, John Eliot: Music in the Castle of Heaven: A Portrait of Johann Sebastian Bach. (2013), xxxiv, 629p
London: Allen Lane, 2013. xxxiv, 629p + colour plates. ISBN-13: 978-0713996623.
Independent (27 Sep 2013) (Michael Church)
Economist (12 Oct 2013)
Sunday Times (13 Oct 2013) (Adam Lively)
NewYorkTimes 163/56,340 (4 Dec 2013) C7 (James R. Oestreich)
AmerOrganist(2) xlviii/3 (Mar 2014) 34-41 (Frank Morana)
Bach xlv/1 (2014) 90-100 (Robert L. Marshall)
OperaNews lxxix/1 (Jul 2014) 60 (Fred Cohn)
EarlyMReview 160 (Jun 2014) 11-12 (Beresford King-Smith)
Diapason cv/4:1253 (Apr 2014) 12-14 (John M. Bullard)
EarlyMAmer xx/2 (Summer 2014) 49 (Raymond Erickson)
ChoralJ lv/3 (Oct 2014) 90-91 (John C. Hughes)
EarlyM xliii/1 (Feb 2015) 160-163 (David Yearsley)
28. Chafe, Eric: J. S. Bach's Johannine Theology: The St. John Passion and the Cantatas for Spring 1725. (2014), 656p
New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. 656p. ISBN 978-0-19-977334-3.
Bach xlv/2 (2014) 94-105 (Mark A. Peters)
MTimes clvi/1930 (Spring 2015) 101-104 (Peter Williams)
Jennifer Kleeman Dieffenbach, 'On-line Book Review'
EarlyM xliv/1 (Feb 2016) 152-155 (Robert Quinney)
29. Pirro, André: The Aesthetic of Johann Sebastian Bach (2014), xi, 507p
André Pirro. Translated by Joe Armstrong. - Lanham, Maryland and Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing, 2014. xi, 507p. ISBN-13: 978-1-4422-3290-7.
Bach xlvii/1 (2016) 66-69 (Steven Plank)
MEducatorsJ ciii/1 (Sep 2016) 11 (Geary Henderson Larrick)
30. Schulenberg, David: The Music of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. EastmanStudM 114 (2014), xv, 416p
Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2014. xv, 416p. ISBN 978-58046-481-9. (= Eastman studies in music, No. 114)
EarlyM xliii/4 (Nov 2015) 701-702 (Susan Wollenberg)
Bach xlvi/2 (2015) 78-90 (Doris B. Powers)
JMcolResearch xxxiv/3 (2015) 266-269 (Yonatan Bar-Yoshafat)
Notes lxxii/3 (Mar 2016) 561-563 (Randall Goldberg)
Consort lxxii (Summer 2016) 124-125 (Tom Cooper)
18cM xiv/1 (Mar 2017) 129-131 (Darrel M. Berg)
Soc18cMNL 27 (Spring 2016) 7-9 (Bryan Proksch)
31. Tatlow, Ruth: Bach's numbers: compositional proportion and significance. (2015), xviii, 411p
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. xviii, 411p. ISBN: 978-1-107-08860-3.
Pieter Bakker, Postmodern Numbers 2015.
Zoltán Szabó, 'On-line Book Review'
Bach xlvii/1 (2016) 70-74 (Zoltán Szabó)
EarlyM xliv/2 (May 2016) 341-343 (David Ledbetter)
MLetters xcvii/3 (Aug 2016) 504-506 (Yo Tomita)
MAnalysis xxxvi/2 (Jul 2017) 268-281 (Robert Wells)
32. Schulenberg, David (ed.): C. P. E. Bach. [ce]Late18cComposers_CPEB (2015), xxv, 505p
Farnham: Ashgate [2015], xxxv, 505p. ISBN: 978-1-4724-4337-3. (= The late eighteenth-century composers.) - Abingdon: Routledge, 2016.
Bach xlix/2 (2018) 432-441 (Reginald L. Sanders)
33. Rathey, Markus: Bach's Major Vocal Works: Music, Drama, Liturgy. (2016), x, 234p
New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2016. x, 234p. ISBN: 978-0-300-21720-9.
Bach xlviii/2-xlix/1 (2018) 158-163 (Alannah Rebekah Franklin)
34. Haynes, Bruce; Burgess, Geoffrey: The pathetick musician: Moving an audience in the Age of Eloquence. (2016), xxix, 323p
New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. xxix, 323p. ISBN: 978-0-19-937373-4.
Bach xlix/2 (2018) 425-428 (David Kjar)
35. Marshall, Traute M.: The Making of Exploring the World of J. S. Bach: A Travelor's Guide. BachNotesABS 24 (Spring 2016), 1-4
Notes lxxv/1 (Sep 2018) 75-78 (Jaime Carini)
Bach xlix/2 (2018) 429-431 (Tanya Kevorkian)
36. Knyt, Erinn E.: Ferruccio Busoni and His Legacy. (2017), x, 357p
Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2017. x, 357p. ISBN: 978-0-253-02689-7.
Bach l (2019) 123-129 (Marc-André Roberge)
37. Talle, Andrew: Beyond Bach: Music and everyday life in the eighteenth century. (2017), xiv, 343p
Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2017. xiv, 343p. ISBN: 978-0-252-04084-9; 978-0-252-09934-2.
BachNotesABS 27 (Fall 2017) 8-9 (Evan Cortens)
Bach xlviii/2-xlix/1 (2018) 164-169 (Barbara M. Reul)
FontesArtisM lxv/1 (Jan-Mar 2018) 28-30 (Alon Schab, Colin Coleman, Sandi-Jo Malmon)
JAMSoc lxxii/2 (Summer 2019) 585-590 (Tanya Kevorkian)
38. Leaver, Robin A. (ed.): The Routledge Research Companion to Johann Sebastian Bach. [ce]RoutledgeResearchCompanion (2017), xxv, 556p
London and New York: Routledge, 2017. xxv, 556p. ISBN: 978-1-409-41790-3 (hbk), 978-1-315-45281-4 (ebk)
Bach xlviii/2-xlix/1 (2018) 151-157 (Bettina Varwig)
18cM xv/2 (2018) (Zoltán Szabó)
Consort lxxiv (Summer 2018) (Robert Manning)
39. Schulze, Hans-Joachim: Bach-Facetten: Essays--Studien--Miszellen. [ce]Schulze (2017), 817p
Mit einem Geleitwort von Peter Wollny. - Leipzig : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt ; Stuttgart : Carus-Verlag, 2017. 817p. ISBN 978-3-374-04836-6.
Bach l (2019) 118-122 (Markus Rathey)
40. Sposato, Jeffrey S.: Leipzig After Bach: Church & Concert Life in a German City. (2018), xix, 313p
New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. xix, 313p. ISBN: 978-0-19-061695-3; 978-0-19-061696-0.
BachNotesABS 29 (Fall 2018) 5-6 (Jason B. Grant)
Bach L/2 (Fall 2019) 308-318 (Mark Peters)
41. Spree, Eberhard: Die verwitwete Frau Capellmeisterin Bach: Studie über die Verteilung des Nachlasses von Johann Sebastian Bach. (2019), 308p
[zgl: Dissertation, Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden, 2018] - Altenburg: Verlag Klaus-Jürgen Kamprad, 2019. 308p. ISBN: 978-3-95755-642-4.
BachMag 34 (Herbst/Winter 2019) 55 (Werner Kopfmüller)
Bach li/1 (2020) 139-171 (Andrew Talle)
42. Yearsley, David: Sex, Death, and Minuets: Anna Magdalena Bach and Her Musical Notebooks. (2019), 336p
Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2019. 336p. (= New Material Histories of Music)
BachNotesABS 32 (Spring 2020) 3-4 (David Schulenberg)
18cStud liv/4 (Fall 2020) 220-223 (Matthew Dirst)
EarlyM xlviii/2 (May 2020) 261-262 (Zoltán Szabó)
Bach li/1 (2020) 139-171 (Andrew Talle)
43. Rose, Stephen: Musical Authorship from Schütz to Bach. (2019), xvi, 244p
Cambridge University Press, 2019. xvi, 244p. ISBN: 9781108363280.
Bach li/2 (2020) 295-305 (Daniel R. Melamed)
44. Luko, Alexis: Sonatas, Screams, and Silence: Music and Sound in the Films of Ingmar Bergman. 50/2 (Fall 2019)
New York: Routledge, 2-16. 292p. ISBN 9780415840309 (hbk), 9780415840316 (paper), 9780203768556 (e-book)
Bach L/2 (Fall 2019) 303-307 (Elsie Walker)
45. Marshall, Robert L.: Bach and Mozart: Essays on the Enigma of Genius. [ce]Marshall (2019), xxi, 331p
Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press; Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2019. xxi, 331p. ISBN: 978-1-58046-962-3
Bach li/2 (2020) 306-310 (Marshall Brown)

45 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1cr Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita