Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : [ce]Marshall
Year : 2019
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Marshall, Robert L.:   Prologue. The Century of Bach and Mozart as a Music-Historical Epoch: A Different Argument for the Proposition. [ce]Marshall (2019), 1-8, 261
2. Marshall, Robert L.:   Young Man Bach: Toward a Twenty-First-Century Bach Biography. [ce]Marshall (2019), 9-29, 261-266
3. Marshall, Robert L.:   The Notebooks for Wilhelm Friedemann and Anna Magdalena Bach: Some Biographical Lessons. [ce]Marshall (2019), 30-37, 266-268
4. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach and Luther. [ce]Marshall (2019), 38-55, 268-269
5. Marshall, Robert L.:   Redeeming the St. John Passion--and J. S. Bach. [ce]Marshall (2019), 56-64, 269-270
6. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach's Keyboard Music. [ce]Marshall (2019), 65-113, 270-276
7. Marshall, Robert L.:   The Minimalist and Traditionalist Approaches to Performing Bach's Choral Music: Some Further Thoughts [ce]Marshall (2019), 114-120, 276-277
8. Marshall, Robert L.:   Truth and Beauty: J. S. Bach at the Crossroads of Cultural History. [ce]Marshall (2019), 121-129, 277-278
9. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach at Mid-Life: The Christmas Oratorio and the Search for New Paths. [ce]Marshall (2019), 130-147, 278-279
10. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach at the Boundaries of Music History: Preliminary Reflections on the B-Minor Mass and the Late-Style Paradigm. [ce]Marshall (2019), 148-155, 279-280
11. Marshall, Robert L.:   Father and Sons: Confronting a Uniquely Daunting Paternal Legacy. [ce]Marshall (2019), 156-173, 280-284
12. Marshall, Robert L.:   Johann Christian Bach and Eros. [ce]Marshall (2019), 174-185, 284-286
13. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach and Mozart: Styles of Musical Genius. [ce]Marshall (2019), 186-196, 286-289
14. Marshall, Robert L.:   Mozart and Amadeus. [ce]Marshall (2019), 197-211, 289-292
15. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach and Mozart's Artistic Maturity. [ce]Marshall (2019), 212-237, 292-294
16. Marshall, Robert L.:   Mozart's Unfinished: Some Lessons of the Fragments [ce]Marshall (2019), 238-251, 294-296
17. Marshall, Robert L.:   Had Mozart Lived Longer: Some Cautious (and Incautious) Speculations. [ce]Marshall (2019), 252-259, 296-298
18. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach and Mozart: Essays on the Enigma of Genius. [ce]Marshall (2019), xxi, 331p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita