Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Author : Yearsley, David
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Yearsley, David Gaynor:   Ideologies of learned counterpoint in the northern German Baroque. diss. (1994), 376p
2. Yearsley, David:   The organ music of J. S. Bach. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Organ (1998), 236-249
3. Yearsley, David:   Alchemy and Counterpoint in an Age of Reason JAMSoc 51/2 (Summer 1998), 201-243
4. Yearsley, David:   Towards an Allegorical Interpretation of Buxtehude's Funerary Counterpoints. MLetters 80/2 (May 1999), 183-206
5. Yearsley, David:   Bach and the Meanings of Counterpoint. (2002), xvi, 257p
6. Yearsley, David:   Death Everyday: The Anna Magdalena Bach Book of 1725 and the Art of Dying. 18cM 2/2 (Sep 2005), 231-249
7. Yearsley, David:   The concerto in northern Europe to c.1770. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Concerto (2005), 53-69
8. Yearsley, David:   C. P. E. Bach and the living traditions of learned counterpoint. [ce]CPEBachStud (2006), 173-201
9. Yearsley, David:   In Buxtehude's footsteps. EarlyM 35/3 (Aug 2007), 339-353
10. Yearsley, David:   Women at the organ: a fragment. [fs]Williams70 (2007), 119-141
11. Richards, Annette; Yearsley, David (eds.):   Organ Works / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. CPEBachCW 1/ 9 (2008), xxvi, 123p
12. Yearsley, David (ed.):   Princes of War and Peace and their Most Humble, Most Obedient Court Composer. Konturen(Oregon) 1 (2009), 1-33
13. Yearsley, David:   What is a Sängerin? [p]Women_Yale (Oct 2009)
14. Yearsley, David:   Poets, Mothers, and Performers: Considering Women's Impact on the Music of Johann Sebastian Bach. 18cM 7/2 (Sep 2010), 326-329
15. Yearsley, David:   Bernhard the German and the invention of the pedals. OrganYb 39 (2010), 7-25
16. Yearsley, David:   Bach's Feet: the Organ Pedals in European Culture. (2011), xiv, 298p
17. Yearsley, David:   Exorcising Completeness in the Pedal Exercitium. AmerOrganist(2) 46/10 (Oct 2012), 62-69
18. Yearsley, David:   Hoopskirts, coffee, and the changing musical prospects of the Bach women. WomenM 17 (2013), 27-58
19. Yearsley, David:   'What's in a Name?' David Yearsley on Writing About the Musical Lives of Anna Magdalena Bach. BachNotesABS 26 (Spring 2017), 1-3
20. Yearsley, David:   Keyboard Music. [ce]RoutledgeResearchCompanion (2017), 295-316
21. Yearsley, David; Marshall, Kimberly:   Interlude: Recollecting the Westfield Center Bach Organ Tour of 1989. KeyboardPerspectives 10 (2017), 113-118
22. Yearsley, David:   Sex, Death, and Minuets: Anna Magdalena Bach and Her Musical Notebooks. (2019), 336p

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita