Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach's 'Art of fugue': An Examination of the Sources. Introduction. [Seminar Report.] CurMcol 19 (1975), 47-50 | |
| 2. | Stauffer, George Boyer: The free organ preludes of Johann Sebastian Bach. diss. (1978), iv, 311p | |
| 3. | Stauffer, George B.: The Chronology of Bach's Free Organ Works. [p]AMS_Minneapolis (Oct 1978) | |
| 4. | Stauffer, George B.: The Matter of Tempo in Bach's Two- and Three-Part Inventions: Chacun à son temps? [p]AMS_Allegheny (Apr 1980) | |
| 5. | Stauffer, George Boyer: The Organ Preludes of Johann Sebastian Bach. StudMcol 27 (1980), xi, 261p | |
| 6. | Stauffer, George B.: Über Bachs Orgelregistierpraxis. BachJb 67 (1981), 91-105 | |
| 7. | Stauffer, George B.: Upstairs at the Thomasschule: Bach's Method of Keyboard Instruction as Revealed in the Manuscripts of H. N. Gerber and Anonymous 5. [p]AMS_Boston (Nov 1981) | |
| 8. | Stauffer, George B.: Johann Mattheson and J. S. Bach: the Hamburg connection. [ce]NewMatthesonStudies (1983), 353-368 | |
| 9. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach's Pastorale in F: A closer look to a maligned work. OrganYb 14 (1983), 44-60 | |
| 10. | Stauffer, George B.; Earle, Eugenia: 'I have often felt both suprise and delight at the means he employed to make, little by little, the faulty good, the good better, and the better perfect ...' -- J. S. Bach as Reviser of his Own Keyboard Works. [p]AMS_GreaterNewYork (Apr 1983) | |
| 11. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach's 'Orgelbüchlein': More Than Just a Liturgical Year. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 3 (Mar 1985), 76-78 | |
| 12. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach as reviser of his own keyboard works. EarlyM 13/2 (May 1985), 185-198 | |
| 13. | Stauffer, George B.: 'This fantasia is unique, and never had its like'--Problems of Dating Bach's Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor, BWV 903. [p]AMS_GreaterNewYork (Apr 1985) | |
| 14. | Stauffer, George B.: Fugue Types in Bach's Free Organ Works. [ce]JSBOrganist (1986), 133-156 | |
| 15. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach's Organ Registration Reconsidered. [ce]JSBOrganist (1986), 193-211 | |
| 16. | Stauffer, George B.; May, Ernest (eds.): J. S. Bach as Organist. His instruments, music and performance practices. [ce]JSBOrganist (1986), 308p | |
| 17. | Stauffer, George B.; May, Ernest: Preface (to J. S. Bach as Organist). [ce]JSBOrganist (1986), vii-x | |
| 18. | Stauffer, George B.: Forkel's letters to Hoffmeister & Kühnel: A Bach Biographical Source Recovered. JMcol 5/4 (Autumn 1987), 549-561 | |
| 19. | Stauffer, George B. (ed.): The Forkel-Hoffmeister & Kühnel Correspondence. A Document of the Early 19th-Century Bach Revival. (1988), xxviii, 151p | |
| 20. | Stauffer, George B.: Christian Gottlieb Zieglers 'Anleitung zur musikalischen Composition'. Ein Bach-Dokument aus der New York Public Library. BachJb 74 (1988), 185-189 | |
| 21. | Stauffer, George B.: 'Diese Fantasie ... hat nie ihres Gleichen gehabt.' - Zur Rätselhaftigkeit und zur Chronologie der Bachschen Chromatischen Fantasie und Fuge BWV 903. [cr]Leipzig1985 (1988), 253-258 | |
| 22. | Stauffer, George B.: 'This fantasia... never had its like': on the enigma and chronology of Bach's Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 903. BachStud 1 (1989), 160-182 | |
| 23. | Stauffer, George B.: Once Again: Bach's So-Called B-Minor Mass. [p]AMS_Capital (Apr 1990) | |
| 24. | Stauffer, George B.: On the Unfinished State of Bach's Mass in B Minor. [p]AMS_Chicago (Nov 1991) | |
| 25. | Ritchie, George; Stauffer, George B.: Organ Technique: Modern and Early. (1992), xv, 382p | |
| 26. | Stauffer, George B.: Boyvin, Grigny, D'Anglebert, and Bach's assimilation of French Classical organ music. EarlyM 21/1 (Feb 1993), 83-84, 86-96 | |
| 27. | Stauffer, George B.: Leipzig: a cosmopolitan trade centre. ManM 4 (1993), 254-295 | |
| 28. | Stauffer, George B.: J. S. Bach as Organ Pedagogue. FestschriftSer 12 (1994), 25-44 | |
| 29. | Stauffer, George B.: Sammenstillingen af praeludium og fuga. Organistbladet 60/1 (1994), 11-25 | |
| 30. | Stauffer, George B.: De organist Bach. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 86-101 | |
| 31. | Stauffer, George B.: J. S. Bach's Harpsichords. FestschriftSer 14 (1995), 289-318 | |
| 32. | Stauffer, George B.: The Breitkopf Family and Its Role in Eighteenth-Century Music Publishing. BachPerspectives 2 (1996), 1-9 | |
| 33. | Stauffer, George B.: The Thomasschule and the Haus 'zum Goldenen Bären': A Bach-Breitkopf Architectural Connection. BachPerspectives 2 (1996), 181-203 | |
| 34. | Stauffer, George B. (ed.): J. S. Bach, the Breitkopfs, and Eighteenth-Century Music Trade. BachPerspectives 2 (1996), xv, 219p | |
| 35. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach der Organist. [ce]WeltBachKantaten 1 (1996), 87-102 | |
| 36. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach: The Mass in B Minor ('The Great Catholic Mass') (1997), xiv, 309p | |
| 37. | Stauffer, George B.: President's Report: The first ABS CD, Bach Perspectives 3, and ABS New Haven. AmerBachSocNL (Fall 1997), 1 | |
| 38. | Stauffer, George B.: Changing issues of performance practice. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 203-217 | |
| 39. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach the Organist. [ce]WorldOfBachCantatas 1 (1997), 77-92 | |
| 40. | Stauffer, George B.: President's Report: ABS Activities in Washington, Bethlehem, and New York. AmerBachSocNL (Fall 1998), 1 | |
| 41. | Stauffer, George B.: De sinfonia's. [ce]WereldBachCantates 3 (1998), 156-175 | |
| 42. | Stauffer, George B.: President's Report: The Latest News from Leipzig. AmerBachSocNL (Fall 1999), 1 | |
| 43. | Stauffer, George B.: Die Sinfonien. [ce]WeltBachKantaten 3 (1999), 157-176 | |
| 44. | Stauffer, George B.: Bachs Leipziger Orgel- und Klavierwerke. Bachfest_Leipzig 2000 (2000), 71-82 | |
| 45. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach's Leipzig Organ and Clavier Works. Bachfest_Leipzig 2000 [English edn] (2000), 73-82 | |
| 46. | Stauffer, George B.: Beyond Bach the Monument, Who Was Bach the Man? NYTimes (2 Apr 2000) | |
| 47. | Stauffer, George B.: Organist Bach. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 1 (2001), 131-154 | |
| 48. | Stauffer, George B.: Rewriting Bach, As Bach Rewrote Others. NYTimes (25 Feb 2001) | |
| 49. | Stauffer, George B.: Sinfonia. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 3 (2002), 265-297 | |
| 50. | Stauffer, George B.: Breaking New Ground: Bach's Cantata Movements with Obbligato Organ. [p]ABS_Houston (Apr 2002) | |
| 51. | Stauffer, George B.: The Arts and Royal Extravagance: Music at the French Court. [ce]WorldOfBaroqueMusic (2006), 105-121 | |
| 52. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach and the Bounds of Originality. [ce]WorldOfBaroqueMusic (2006), 213-234 | |
| 53. | Stauffer, George B. (ed.): The World of Baroque Music: New Perspectives. [ce]WorldOfBaroqueMusic (2006), x, 293p | |
| 54. | Stauffer, George B.: The Symbolum Nicenum of the B-minor Mass and Bach's Late Choral Ideal. [cr]Belfast2007 1 (2007), 116-117 | |
| 55. | Stauffer, George B.: The Symbolum Nicenum of the B-minor Mass and Bach's Late Choral Ideal. [cr]Belfast2007 1 [supplement 3] (Nov 2007), 11p | |
| 56. | Stauffer, George B.: Music for 'Cavaliers et Dames': Bach and the Repertoire of His Collegium Musicum. [ce]AboutBach (2008), 135-156 | |
| 57. | Butler, Gregory G.; Stauffer, George B.; Dalton Greer, Mary (eds.): About Bach. [ce]AboutBach (2008), xi, 216p | |
| 58. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach's Cantata and Passion Movements with obbligato Organ. [fs]Kooiman70 (2008), 19-41 | |
| 59. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach and the Lure of the Big City. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 243-266 | |
| 60. | Stauffer, George B.: The complete organ works of J.S. Bach: The Leupold Edition. AmerOrganist(2) 44/ 9 (Sep 2010), 40-43 | |
| 61. | Stauffer, George B.: Ein neuer Blick auf Bachs 'Handexemplare': Das Beispiel Clavier-Übung III. BachJb 96 (2010), 29-52 | |
| 62. | Stauffer, George B. (ed.): Clavier-Übung III / Johann Sebastian Bach. CompOrgWorks(Leupold) 8 (2010), xxxii, 136p | |
| 63. | Stauffer, George B.: Bach's Late Works and the Central German Organ. KeyboardPerspectives 3 (2010), 113-130 | |
| 64. | Stauffer, George B. (ed.): Pedagogical works: Eight short preludes and fugues, pedal exercitium, Orgel-Büchlein--Standard Urtext. CompOrgWorks(Leupold) 1a (2012), li, 139p | |
| 65. | Stauffer, George B. (ed.): Pedagogical works: Eight short preludes and fugues, pedal exercitium, Orgel-Büchlein--Practical Urtext. CompOrgWorks(Leupold) 1b (2012), xxxviii, 197p | |
| 66. | Stauffer, George B. (ed.): Six trio sonatas and miscellaneous trios. CompOrgWorks(Leupold) 7 (2013), 158p | |
| 67. | Stauffer, George B.: Noch ein 'Handexemplar'Ö Der Fall der Schübler-Choräle. BachJb 101 (2015), 177-192 | |
| 68. | Stauffer, George B.: Miscellaneous Organ Trios from Bach's Leipzig Workshop. Bachperspectives 10 (2016), 39-59 | |
| 69. | Stauffer, George B.: Von Bach korrigierte Exemplare der Originaldrucke seiner Tastenwerke - ein weiterer Fall. BachJb 103 (2017), 211-218 | |
| 70. | Stauffer, George B. (ed.): Schübler Chorales, Canonic Variations on Vom Himmel hoch, Chorale Partitas / Johann Sebastian Bach. CompOrgWorks(Leupold) 1/9 (2018), xlviii, 146p | |