Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : BachStud
Volume : 1
Year : 1989
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Buelow, George J.:   Expressivity in the accompanied recitatives of Bach's cantatas. BachStud 1 (1989), 18-35
2. Marshall, Robert L.:   On the origin of Bach's Magnificat: a Lutheran composer's challenge. BachStud 1 (1989), 3-17
3. Crist, Stephen A.:   Aria forms in the Cantatas from Bach's first Leipzig Jahrgang. BachStud 1 (1989), 36-53
4. Brainard, Paul:   The regulative and generative roles of verse in Bach's 'thematic' invention. BachStud 1 (1989), 54-74
5. Chafe, Eric T.:   The St John Passion: theology and musical structure. BachStud 1 (1989), 75-112
6. Mann, Alfred:   Bach's parody technique and its frontiers. BachStud 1 (1989), 115-124
7. Stinson, Russell:   Three organ-trio transcriptions from the Bach circle: keys to a lost Bach chamber work. BachStud 1 (1989), 125-159
8. Stauffer, George B.:   'This fantasia... never had its like': on the enigma and chronology of Bach's Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 903. BachStud 1 (1989), 160-182
9. Williams, Peter F.:   French overture conventions in the hands of the young Bach and Handel. BachStud 1 (1989), 183-193
10. Siegele, Ulrich:   The four conceptual stages of the Fugue in C Minor, WTC I. BachStud 1 (1989), 197-224
11. Brokaw, James A., II.:   The genesis of the Prelude in C Major, BWV 870. BachStud 1 (1989), 225-239
12. Franklin, Don O.:   Reconstructing the Urpartitur for WTC II: a study of the 'London Autograph' (BL Add. MS 35021). BachStud 1 (1989), 240-278
13. Finscher, Ludwig:   Bach in the eighteenth century. BachStud 1 (1989), 281-296
14. Zenck, Martin:   Tradition as authority and provocation: Anton Webern's confrontation with Johann Sebastian Bach. BachStud 1 (1989), 297-322
15. Herz, Gerhard:   The human side of the American Bach sources. BachStud 1 (1989), 323-350
16. Franklin, Don O. (ed.):   Bach Studies. [1] BachStud 1 (1989), 362p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita