Bach Bibliography
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Author : Butt, John
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Huray, Peter Le; Butt, John:   In Search of Bach the Organist. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 185-206
2. Butt, John Anthony:   The Significance and Incidence of Articulation Marks in the Primary Sources of J. S. Bach. diss. (1987), 336, 79, 31p
3. Butt, John:   Bach's organ sonatas BWV 525-530: Compilation and Recomposition. OrganYb 19 (1988), 80-90
4. Butt, John:   Bach Interpretation. Articulation Marks in Primary Sources of J. S. Bach. (1990), xiii, 278p
5. Butt, John:   Bach: 'Mass in B Minor'. CambridgeMHandb (1991), 126p
6. Butt, John:   Bach's Mass in B Minor: Considerations of its Early Performance and Use. JMcol 9/1 (Winter 1991), 109-123
7. Butt, John:   Improvised Vocal Ornamentation and German Baroque Compositional Theory - An Approach to 'Historical' Performance Practice. JRMA 116/1 (1991), 41-62
8. Butt, John:   Historical Performance of Bach in the Late-Twentieth Century: Meaningless, Desirable, or Unavoidable? [p]AMS_NorthernCalifornia (Fall 1992)
9. Butt, John:   Music education and the art of performance in the German Baroque. CambridgeMlTextsMonographs (1994), xix, 237p
10. Butt, John:   Bach the heretic? [p]BCB_Edinburgh (Jul 1994)
11. Butt, John:   J. S. Bach and G. F. Kauffmann: reflections on Bach's later style. BachStud 2 (1995), 47-61
12. Butt, John:   Perfectly infinite. BBCMMag (1997), 38-40
13. Butt, John:   Bach's metaphysics of music. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 46-59
14. Butt, John:   'A mind unconscious that it is calculating'? Bach and the rationalist philosophy of Wolff, Leibniz and Spinoza. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 60-71
15. Butt, John (ed.):   The Cambridge Companion to Bach. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), xv, 326p
16. Butt, John:   Historical Perspective & Introduction. [ce]SacredChoralMusicJSB (1997), 1-4
17. Butt, John:   Ornamentation. [ce]SacredChoralMusicJSB (1997), 48-54
18. Butt, John (ed.):   The Sacred Choral Music of J. S. Bach: A Handbook. [ce]SacredChoralMusicJSB (1997), 66p
19. Butt, John:   Bach's vocal scoring: what can it mean? EarlyM 26/1 (Feb 1998), 99-107
20. Butt, John:   Los signos de articulacion de la música para cuerda en la epoca de J.S. Bach. Quodlibet 11 (Jun 1998), 3-15
21. Butt, John:   Bach Recordings since 1980: A Mirror of Historical Performance. BachPerspectives 4 (1999), 181-198
22. Butt, John:   Vida de Bach. (2000), 384p
23. Butt, John:   The historical performance movement; Bach and the organ in 2000. [ce]IAOMillenniumBook (2000), 15-19
24. Butt, John:   Bach in the 21st Century: Re-evaluating him from the perspective of performance. [p]BCB_Dublin (Jul 2000)
25. Butt, John:   Performer's View: Bach and the Performance of Meaning. AmerBachSocNL (Fall 2001), 5, 10
26. Butt, John:   Bach, the Postmodern Mindset and Scholarship Today. [p]IS_Oxford (Dec 2001)
27. Butt, John:   Playing with History: The Historical Approach to Musical Performance. (2002), xv, 265p
28. Butt, John:   Choral music. [ce]CambridgeHist19cM (2002), 213-236
29. Butt, John:   Choral culture and the regeneration of the organ. [ce]CambridgeHist19cM (2002), 522-543
30. Butt, John:   Towards a genealogy of the keyboard concerto. [ce]KeyboardInBaroqueEurope (2003), 93-110
31. Butt, John:   Recordings: Altbachisches Archiv: Works by Johann Bach (1604-1673), Johann Christoph Bach (1642-1703), Georg Christoph Bach (1642-1697), Johann Michael Bach (1648-1694), Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). 18cM 1/1 (Mar 2004), 109-111
32. Butt, John:   Bach in the twenty-first century: re-evaluating him from the perspective of performance. IrishMStud 8 (2004), 191-204
33. Butt, John:   Bach in the twenty-first century: re-evaluating him from the perspective of performance. BachNachwelt 4 (2005), 169-181
34. Butt, John:   Figuring out Bach. [fs]Elliott (2005), 211-219
35. Butt, John:   The universal musician. Guardian (12 Dec 2005), 16-19
36. Butt, John:   Bach Passions and the Concepts of Time. [p]CWolff_Harvard (Sep 2005)
37. Butt, John:   Bringing Christ to the Concert Hall -- Mendelssohn and the Reshaping of the St Matthew Passion. [p]MendelssohnL19C_Dublin (Jul 2005)
38. Butt, John:   Bach: cantatas and a passion. EarlyM 34/1 (Feb 2006), 168-171
39. Butt, John:   Historical instruments and the embodiment of music. PubSchweizerischMfG 46 (2006), 9-16
40. Butt, John:   The Postmodern Mindset, Musicology and the Future of Bach Scholarship. UnderstandingBach 1 (2006), 9-18
41. Butt, John:   Choralpartiten. BachHandb 4/1 (2007), 494-510
42. Strohm, Reinhard; Butt, John; Dreyfus, Laurence; Tatlow, Ruth:   Bach Network UK -- latest report: New Directions in Bach Studies: Second J S Bach Dialogue Meeting [9-10 December 2006 in Oxford] BachNotesLBS (Mar 2007), [5]
43. Butt, John:   Clavier Übung III. BachHandb 4/2 (2008), 906-929
44. Butt, John:   Canonische Veränderungen über Vom Himmel hoch. BachHandb 4/2 (2008), 949-961
45. Butt, John:   Die 'Schübler-Choräle'. BachHandb 4/2 (2008), 996-1006
46. Butt, John:   Bach's Passions and the Textures of Time. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 111-120
47. Butt, John:   Between rhetoric and dialectic - Bach's inventive stance in the Passions. [p]SMA_Glasgow (Apr 2009)
48. Butt, John:   Bach's Dialogue with Modernity: Perspectives on the Passions. (2010), 336p
49. Butt, John:   Emotion in the German Lutheran Baroque and the development of subjective time consciousness. MAnalysis 29/1-3 (Mar-Oct 2010), 19-36
50. Butt, John:   Who is speaking in the Bach passions? [cr]Weimar2004 2 (2012), 428-433
51. Butt, John:   Organs and universities—A universal association? [cr]Harvard2012 (2013), 1-10
52. Butt, John; Tomita, Yo; Marissen, Michael; Varwig, Bettina:   Principles of Performance Lost and Gained: John Butt on Bach-related subjects in conversation with Yo Tomita, Michael Marissen and Bettina Varwig. [p]BNUK_Cambridge (Jul 2015)
53. Butt, John:   Leonhardt's Role in the Invention of Historically Informed Performance. Bach 48/2 and 49/1 (2018), 9-12
54. Butt, John:   Bach and the dance of humankind. [ce]MusicologyDance (2020), 19-48

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita