Bach Bibliography
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Series : diss.
Year : 1985
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Petzoldt, Martin:   Studien zur Theologie im Rahmen der Lebensgeschichte Johann Sebastian Bachs. diss. (1985) Dissertation B. - Leipzig: Karl-Marx-Universität 1985 [maschinenschr.] vii, 161, A 59 Bl.
2. Hughes, Jennifer:   Bach's Keyboard music in England and Germany, 1770-1850. diss. (1985) MA, diss., Leeds Univ. 1985.
3. Benitez, Vincent P.:   Musical-rhetorical figures in the 'Orgelbüchlein' of J.S. Bach. diss. (1985) diss. 1985
4. Campbell, Robert:   Mendelssohn's Te Deum in D: Influences and the development of style. diss. (1985), 150p. DMA diss., Music: Stanford Univ., 1985. 150p. [DA 8522259]
5. Gibboney, Ted A.:   Cryptic eloquence: Elements of form and expression in the large cantus firmus setting of J. S. Bach's 'Clavierübung III'. diss. (1985), 169p. DMA doc., Organ: Indiana Univ., 1985. 169p.
6. Tur, Tat'jana:   Funkcii central'noj kul'minacii v dramaturgii muzykal'nogo proizvedenija: Na materiale malyh form. diss. (1985), 22p. [Functions of internal points of climax in the dramatic shape of musical compositions: An examination of small forms.] PhD diss., Music theory: Leningradskaja Konservatorija, 1985. 22p.
7. Schilling, Kevin:   Johann Sebastian Bach's concerto for oboe and violin, BWV 1060 and Brandenburg concerto no.2, BWV 1047: Two performance analyses based on a study of rhythmic groupings. diss. (1985), 244p. DMA doc., Oboe: Indiana Univ., 1985. 2 v., 244p.
8. Zappalà, Pietro:   Le Choralkantaten di Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. diss. (1985), 263p. Tesi di Laurea diss., Musicology: Univ. Pavia, 1985. 263 p.
9. Bighley, Mark Steven:   The Lutheran Chorales in the Organ Works of J. S. Bach. diss. (1985), 271p. DMA diss., Arizona State Univ. 1985. 271p
10. Kilian, Gerald:   Studien zu Louis Spohr. diss. (1985), 339p. PhD diss., Musikwissenschaft: Ruprecht-Karl-Univ., Heidelberg, 1985. - Karlsruhe: Wahl, 1986. 339p. (= Wissenschaftliche Beiträge Karlsruhe, 16)
11. Kranz, Maria Hinrichs:   Max Reger: piano variations on themes of Bach, Beethoven, Telemann. diss. (1985), 75p. DMA diss., American Conservatory of Music, 1985. 75p
12. Nott, Michael David:   Ernest Bloch's pedagogical writings: a didactic legacy of twentieth-century America diss. (1985), ix, 532 leaves. PhD diss., University of Rochester, 1985. 2v (ix, 532 leaves)
13. Stinson, Russell:   The Bach Manuscripts of Johann Peter Kellner and his Circle. diss. (1985), x, 493p. PhD diss., University of Chicago, 1985. x, 493p.
14. Pollard, Joseph Victor:   Tuning and temperament in southern Germany to the end of the seventeenth century. diss. (1985), xv, 501p. 2 vols. PhD diss., University of Leeds, 1985. xv, 244p, 245-501p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita