Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : diss.
Year : 1975
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Rovenko, Aleksander Ivanoviè:   Strettnaja imitacija: Teoretièeskije, stilevyje i metodièeskije osnovy polifonii J. S. Bacha. diss. (1975), 114p. [Die Engführung: theoretische, stilistische u. methodische Grundlagen der Polyphonie J. S. Bachs.] Dissertation. Moscow: 1975. 114p. [Ukrain]; Kiev: Muzicna Ukraina 1976, 85p. Latin 2
2. Rabin, Judy Ellen:   An annotated chronological bibliography of literature and editions of 'Das Wohltemperierte Clavier'. diss. (1975), 144p. MA thesis, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1975, 144p.
3. Murray, Robert P.:   Evolution of Interpretation as Reflected in Successive Editions of J. S. Bach's 'Chaconne'. diss. (1975), 225p. PhD diss., Indiana University, 1975. 225p. [BWV 1004/5]
4. Oefner, Claus:   Das Musikleben in Eisenach 1650-1750. diss. (1975), 250p. PhD diss. Universität Halle (Saale), 1975. 250p
5. Petrash, David Lloyd:   Felix Mendelssohn as organ composer: Unpublished and little-known works, a lecture recital, together with 3 recitals of selected works of S. Adler, J. Alain, J. S. Bach, W. Bolcom, J. Cabanilles, A. de Cabezon, J. Charpentier, H. Distler, J. Froberger, S. A. de Heredia, M. Kluge, G. Ligeti, G. Litaize, O. Messiaen, J. Oxinagas, M. Reger, and A. Wyton. diss. (1975), 37p. DMA diss., University of North Texas, 1975, 37p. Ann Arbor, Mich. [usw.]: Univ. Microfilms International, 1978. AAT 7604412.
6. Hoke, Hans Gunter:   Neue Studien zur Kunst der Fuge BWV 1080. Zusammenfassendes Gesamtexposé meiner Veröffentlichungen. diss. (1975), 42, 10, 2p. vorgelegt von Hans Gunter Hoke. Dissertation B. Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg 1975, 42, 10, 2 Bll.
7. Sharp, Nan Ellen Orthmann:   The Use of Flutes and Recorders in the Church Cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach. diss. (1975), 442p. DMA diss., Performance, Rochester, N. Y.: Eastman School of Music, 1975. 442p.
8. Okuda, Yuko:   J.C. Bach no Piano Kyosokyoku op. 7 no. 1-3 no Gakufu Kotei. diss. (1975), 49p. [A critical edition of the piano concertos op. 7, nos. 1-3 by J.C. Bach.] MMus dissertation, Ochanomizu University, 1975. 2v. 49p.
9. Claypool, Richard David:   J. S. Bach's Sonatas for Melody Instrument and Cembalo Concertato: An Evaluation of All Related Manuscript Sources. diss. (1975), 545p. In 2 vols. - PhD diss., Music History and Literature, Northwestern University 1975. 545p.
10. Holliman, Jamesetta H.:   A Stylistic Study of Max Reger's Solo Piano Variations and Fugues on Themes by Johann Sebastian Bach and Georg Philipp Telemann. diss. (1975), 97p. PhD diss., Performance, New York University, 1975. 97p.
11. Schneider-Cuvay, Michaela:   Die Instrumentalwerke Johann Ernst Eberlins. diss. (1975), iv, 370p. PhD diss., Universität Salzburg, 1975. iv, 370p
12. Gant, Robert Edward:   The organ works of Anton Heiller. diss. (1975), v, 185p. DMA diss., University of Rochester, 1975. v, 185p.
13. Berg, Darrell M.:   The Keyboard Sonatas of C. P. E. Bach: An Expression of the Mannerist Principle. diss. (1975), vi, 396p. PhD diss., Musicology, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1975. [vi], 396 p.
14. Lewis, Horace Monroe:   The Problem of the tromba da tirarsi in the Works of J. S. Bach. diss. (1975), xiii, 147p. PhD diss., Music History, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. 1975. xiii, 147p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita