Musical Acoustics Demonstrations

3 Trumpet Tones - Effect of Playing Level on Spectrum


The spectrum of the sound produced by an instrument can change quite a bit, depending especially on the playing level.  The sound of a trumpet playing softly is much different than the sound of a trumpet played loudly, but then made quiet again by turning down the volume.  People use terms such as brassy, bright, or harsh to describe some of the sounds of a brass instrument.


There are three tones, all the same note, played on a trumpet.   One was originally played softly (pp), one was played at a medium level (mf), and one was played loudly (ff), and then their amplitudes were adjusted so that they all have the same loudness.  Which tone was originally played softly, and which was played loudly?  How can you tell?  What is the difference in the spectrum of the sound (look especially at the higher harmonics).

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