Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^Bach$
Year : 2018
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. A Mystery Unraveled: Who Composed the Gutenberg 300th Anniversary Cantata? Bach 49 2 2018 402-424
2. A Taxonomy for Teaching Music Theory: J. S. Bach and Lessons in Invertible Counterpoint. Bach 49 2 2018 365-387
3. Beginnings for Beginners: A Pedagogy for Starting a Prelude. Bach 49 2 2018 248-265
4. Composition Lessons with Bach. Bach 49 2 2018 227-247
5. Georg Böhm's Keyboard Music> Questions of Authorship and Connections with the Music of J. S. Bach. Bach 48 2 and 49/1 2018 93-115
6. Gustav Leonhardt as a Teacher. Bach 48 2 and 49/1 2018 44-47
7. Imagination on Fire: A Remembrance of Gustav Leonhardt. Bach 48 2 and 49/1 2018 13-20
8. Introduction to Graduate Theory: Teaching Tonal Hierarchy through Bach. Bach 49 2 2018 345-364
9. J. S. Bach's Chorale-Based Pedagogy: Origins and Continuity. Bach 48 2 and 49/1 2018 116-150
10. Leonhardt's Role in the Invention of Historically Informed Performance. Bach 48 2 and 49/1 2018 9-12
11. Looking Forward, Looking Back: Reconsidering the Study of J. S. Bach's Chorales in the Undergraduate Curriculum. Bach 49 2 2018 330-344
12. On Relevance and Repertoire in the Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint Classroom Bach 49 2 2018 388-401
13. On the Protestant Roots of Gustav Leonhardt's Performance Style. Bach 48 2 and 49/1 2018 48-92
14. Reminiscences of Three Performers and an Instrument Maker. Bach 48 2 and 49/1 2018 21-43
15. Teaching Bach's Aria Forms: Expanding Students' Analytical Horizons. Bach 49 2 2018 266-280
16. Teaching Bach's Binary Forms. Bach 49 2 2018 281-310
17. Teaching Figured Bass with Keyboard Chorales and C. P. E. Bach's Neue Melodien zu einigen Liedern des Neuen Hamburgischen Gesangbuchs (1787). Bach 49 2 2018 205-226
18. Teaching Rhythm and Meter with the Moto Perpetuo Movements from Bach's Unaccompanied Instrumental Works. Bach 49 2 2018 311-329
19. The Leonhardt Connection From Sweelinck to Bach: Links and Gaps Between Historic 'Makers of Organists' Bach 48 2 and 49/1 2018 2-8
20. Thinking in Bach's Language, Teaching in His Shoes: How the Thomaskantor Structured My Syllabus as a Modern-Day Notenbüchlein or Zibaldone. Bach 49 2 2018 175-204

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita