Bach Bibliography
Listing of Journal Contents

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Series : Bach
Author Title Series Vol No Year Pages NB
Barber, ElinoreJ. S. Bach in the Year of the Moon. Bach 1 1 Winter 1970 3-5
David, Hans T.The Original Titles of Bachs Works. Bach 1 1 Winter 1970 5-14
David, Hans T.Bach Form: Ground Plans by the Late Professor Hans T. David. Aria mit 30 Variationen (Goldberg Variations) -- J. S. Bach [1742]. Bach 1 1 Winter 197015-16
Barber, ElinoreRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings [Part I]. Bach 1 1 Winter 197017-18
Barber, ElinoreQuestions to The Editor [Part I]. Bach 1 1 Winter 197019-22
Barber, ElinoreBach Adds a Tempo Mark? Bach 1 2 Apr 1970 3-5
David, Hans T.Bach's Problems and Artistic Creed. Bach 1 2 Apr 1970 6-13
David, Hans T.Bach Form -- A Letter and Ground-Plan. Bach 1 2 Apr 197014-17
Barber, Elinore; Winzenburger, JanetRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings [Part II]. Bach 1 2 Apr 197017-20
Barber, ElinoreQuestions to the editor [Part II]. Bach 1 2 Apr 197021-25
Winzenburger, WalterTranslation from Gerber's Historischbiographisches Lexikon der Tonkünstler (1790). [Part I]. Bach 1 2 Apr 197026-30
Barber, ElinoreButter, Guns, and Bach? Bach 1 3 Jul 1970 3-4
David, Hans T.The art of the Fugue. Bach 1 3 Jul 1970 5-21
Appel, Richard G.J. S. Bach and the Bay Psalm Book. Bach 1 3 Jul 197022-24
Barber, ElinoreHans Theodore David: 'A Portrait in Outline'. Bach 1 3 Jul 197025-29
Winzenburger, WalterTranslation from Gerber's Neues Historisch-biographisches Lexikon der Tonkünstler (1812). [Part II]. Bach 1 3 Jul 197030-40
Barber, Elinore; Winzenburger, JanetRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 1 3 Jul 197041-44
Barber, ElinoreQuestions to the Editor. [Part III]. Bach 1 3 Jul 197045-47
Barber, ElinoreBeethoven and Bach. Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 4-5
Barber, ElinoreBeethoven on Bach. Excerpts from Letters. Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 6-8
Herz, GerhardToward a New Image of Bach. [Part I.] Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 9-27
David, Hans T.Structures of Some Composite Works of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Bach 1 4 Oct 197028-30
David, Hans T.Litterae ab musicis. Hans David Disclaims the Authenticity of a 'Bach Holograph'. Bach 1 4 Oct 197031-32
Barber, ElinoreRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 1 4 Oct 197033-34
Barber, ElinoreQuestions to the Editor. [Part IV.] Bach 1 4 Oct 197035-40
Winzenburger, WalterTranslation from Die wahren Grundsätze zum Gebrauch der Harmonie Johann Philipp Kirnberger, 1773 [excerpts]. Bach 1 4 Oct 197041-46
Barber, ElinoreBach's Portrait in Gerber's Lexicon. Bach 2 1 Jan 1971 3-6
Herz, GerhardToward a New Image of Bach. Part II. Bach 2 1 Jan 1971 7-28
David, Hans T.Johann Sebastian Bach's Great Mass. A Brief Introduction to the Ground Plan Charts and Illustrations. Bach 2 1 Jan 197129-32
David, Hans T.Litterae ab musicis. [Letter to Alfred Einstein] Bach 2 1 Jan 197133-34
Barber, Elinore; Winzenburger, JanetRiemenschneider Bach Library vault holdings. Bach 2 1 Jan 197135-37
Barber, ElinoreQuestions to the Editor. Bach 2 1 Jan 197138-41
Winzenburger, WalterTranslation from Die Kunst des reinen Satzes in der Musik (Johann Philip Kirnberger, 1779) [excerpts]. Bach 2 1 Jan 197142-46
Barber, ElinoreBach and the B-A-C-H Motive. Bach 2 2 Apr 1971 3-5
David, Hans T.Hebrew Letters in Polyphonic Settings by Christian Composers. Bach 2 2 Apr 1971 6-17
David, Hans T.Bach Analyses. J. S. Bach's Prelude in E minor from The Well-tempered Clavier, Book 1. Bach 2 2 Apr 197118-19
Schweitzer, AlbertLitterae ab musicis. Bach 2 2 Apr 197120-21
Barber, ElinoreRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 2 2 Apr 197122-23
Barber, ElinoreQuestions to the Editor. Bach 2 2 Apr 197124-26
David, Hans T.What every graduate student should know. Bach 2 2 Apr 197127-30
Winzenburger, WalterTranslation from 'Die Kunst des reinen Satzes in der Musik': Part II (Johann Philip Kirnberger, 1779) [excerpts]. Bach 2 2 Apr 197131-34
Barber, ElinoreJ. S. Bach and The Critics. Bach 2 3 Jul 1971 4-6
David, Hans T.The Six-Four Chord Without Theory: An 'Unofficial' History. Bach 2 3 Jul 1971 7-14
David, Hans T.Bach Analyses: J. S. Bach's Fugue in E minor from The Well-tempered Clavier, Book I. Bach 2 3 Jul 197115-16
David, Hans T.Litterae ab musicis: Hans T. David Writes Concerning The Editing of Early Music. Bach 2 3 Jul 197117-20
Winzenburger, Janet; Barber, ElinoreRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 2 3 Jul 197121-24
Barber, ElinoreQuestions to the Editor. Bach 2 3 Jul 197125-27
David, Hans T.Music History - A Teaching, Learning, Performing Experience. Bach 2 3 Jul 197128-32
Winzenburger, WalterTranslation from 'Der vollkommene Capellmeister'. Johann Mattheson, 1739. Bach 2 3 Jul 197133-36
David, Hans T.The Six-Four Chord Without Theory: An 'Unofficial' History, Part II. Bach 2 4 Oct 1971 3-9
Herford, JuliusBach's Models of 'Good Inventiones'. [Part I]. Bach 2 4 Oct 197110-14
Barber, Elinore; Winzenburger, JanetRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach's Four-Part Chorales. Bach 2 4 Oct 197115-17
Krenek, ErnstParvula Corona Musicalis. Bach 2 4 Oct 197118-31
Barber, ElinoreQuestions to the Editor. Bach 2 4 Oct 197132-35
Leaver, Robin A.Further Thoughts on B-A-C-H. Bach 2 4 Oct 197136-37
Winzenburger, WalterTranslation from 'Der vollkommene Capellmeister' by Johann Mattheson (1763 [sic]). Chapter 13: Categories and Characteristics of Melodies. Bach 2 4 Oct 197138-41
Gleason, HaroldA Seventeenth-Century Organ Instruction Book. Bach 3 1 Jan 1972 3-12
Winzenburger, Walter P.Meter and Tempo Indications in Music of the Early Baroque. Bach 3 1 Jan 197213-21
Spitta, PhilippLitterae ab musicis. [Letter to an unnamed addressee in Vienna dated 2 Feb.1871] Bach 3 1 Jan 197222-26
Herford, JuliusBach's Models of 'Good Inventiones'. Part II. Bach 3 1 Jan 197227-30
Winzenburger, Janet; Barber, ElinoreRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 3 1 Jan 197231-34
Rudolf, MaxStorm and Stress in Music, Part I. Bach 3 2 Apr 1972 3-13
Mulbury, DavidBach's 'Passacaglia' in c minor. Notes Regarding Its Background, Essence, and Performance. [Part I.] Bach 3 2 Apr 197214-27
Herford, JuliusBach's Models of 'Good Inventiones'. Part III. Bach 3 2 Apr 197228-30
Dupré, MarcelLitterae ab musicis. Marcel Dupre Writes to Albert Riemenschneider. Bach 3 2 Apr 197231-32
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- The Choice of an Instrument. Bach 3 2 Apr 197233-37
Barber, Elinore; Winzenburger, JanetRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Eighteenth-Century French Publications. Bach 3 2 Apr 197238-39
Babitz, SolTo the editor of Bach. Bach 3 2 Apr 197240-43
Rudolf, MaxStorm and Stress in Music, Part II. Bach 3 3 Jul 1972 3-11
Mulbury, DavidBach's 'Passacaglia' in C minor. Notes Regarding Its Background, Essence, and Performance. Part II. Bach 3 3 Jul 197212-20
Krenek, ErnstPostscript to the 'Parvula Corona' Bach 3 3 Jul 197221-26
Leaver, Robin A.Leipzig's Rejection of J. S. Bach, Part I. Bach 3 3 Jul 197227-39
Winzenburger, JanetRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 3 3 Jul 197240-42
Babitz, SolTo the Editor of BACH. Bach 3 3 Jul 197243-44
Leaver, Robin A.Leipzig's Rejection of J. S. Bach, Part II. Bach 3 4 Oct 1972 3-7
Rudolf, MaxStorm and Stress in Music, Part III. Bach 3 4 Oct 1972 8-16
Mulbury, DavidBach's 'Passacaglia' in C minor. Notes Regarding Its Background, Essence, and Performance -- Part III. Bach 3 4 Oct 197217-24
Schweitzer, AlbertAlbert Schweitzer writes to Elinore Barber concerning his condition, his work, his fight against atomic weapons. Bach 3 4 Oct 197225-27
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Phrasing. Bach 3 4 Oct 197228-32
Winzenburger, JanetRiemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 3 4 Oct 197243-44
Harmon, ThomasThe Mühlhausen Organ Revisited. Precious Clues to Bach's Preference in Organ Design and Registration. Bach 4 1 Jan 1973 3-15
Herford, JuliusBach's Models of 'Good Inventiones' -- How to Develop the Same Well. Bach 4 1 Jan 197316-20
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music: Articulation. Bach 4 1 Jan 197321-25
Currie, Randolph N.Cyclic Unity in Bach's Sechs Chorale: A New Look at the 'Schüblers,' Part I. Bach 4 1 Jan 197326-38
Kilgore, EdnaTime Signatures of the Well-Tempered Clavier: Their Place in Notational History. Bach 4 2 Apr 1973 3-16
Herford, JuliusThe C-Major and C-Minor Preludes of the Well-tempered Clavier, Book 1. Bach 4 2 Apr 197317-21
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music: Tempo. Bach 4 2 Apr 197322-24
Currie, Randolph N.Cyclic Unity in Bach's Sechs Chorale: A New Look at the 'Schüblers,' Part II. Bach 4 2 Apr 197325-39
Leaver, Robin A.Heinrich Schütz as a Biblical Interpreter. Bach 4 3 Jul 1973 3-8
Leaver, Robin A.List of the Settings of Bible Texts in the Works of Heinrich Schütz. Bach 4 3 Jul 1973 8-12
Pisk, Paul A.Bach in Our Time. Bach 4 3 Jul 197313-17
Hirsch, ArturJohann Sebastian Bach's Cantatas in Chronological Order. Bach 4 3 Jul 197318-35
Herford, JuliusJ. S. Bach's Fugue II in C Minor (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1): An Analysis. Bach 4 3 Jul 197336-40
Leaver, Robin A.The Funeral Sermon for Heinrich Schütz. [I] Bach 4 4 Oct 1973 3-17
Jenne, NatalieBach's Use of Dance Rhythms in Fugues. [I] Bach 4 4 Oct 197318-26
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Notes Inégales: A Brief History and a Summary. Bach 4 4 Oct 197327-35
Jenne, NatalieBach's Use of Dance Rhythms in Fugues. Part II. Bach 5 1 Jan 1974 3-8
Leaver, Robin A.The Funeral Sermon for Heinrich Schütz. Part II: The Sermon. Bach 5 1 Jan 1974 9-22
Currie, Randolph N.A Neglected Guide to Bach's Use of Number Symbolism -- Part I. Bach 5 1 Jan 197423-32
Jenne, NatalieBach's Use of Dance Rhythms in Fugues: Part III. Bach 5 2 Apr 1974 3-21
Leaver, Robin A.The Funeral Sermon for Heinrich Schütz. Part II: The Sermon (Conclusion). Bach 5 2 Apr 197427-35
Currie, Randolph N.A Neglected Guide to Bach's Use of Number Symbolism -- Part II. Bach 5 2 Apr 197436-49
Currie, Randolph N.A Neglected Guide to Bach's Use of Number Symbolism -- Part III. Bach 5 3 Jul 1974 3-12
Leaver, Robin A.The Funeral Sermon for Heinrich Schütz. Part III: The Biographical Section. Bach 5 3 Jul 197413-20
Schenkman, WalterRhythmic Patterns of the Baroque -- Part I. Bach 5 3 Jul 197421-28
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments. Part I Bach 5 3 Jul 197437-40
Currie, Randolph N.A Neglected Guide to Bach's Use of Number Symbolism -- Part IV. Bach 5 4 Oct 1974 3-8
Schenkman, WalterRhythmic Patterns of the Baroque -- Part II. Bach 5 4 Oct 1974 9-17
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments. Part I (Continued). Bach 5 4 Oct 197425-30
Leaver, Robin A.The Libretto of Bach's Cantata No. 79: A Conjecture. Bach 6 1 Jan 1975 3-11
Radice, Mark A.An Inventory of Bach's Musical Offering. Bach 6 1 Jan 197512-16
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part III, The Trill. Bach 6 1 Jan 197524-35
Noehren, RobertNotes on Bach and the Organ of his Time. Bach 6 2 Apr 1975 3-14
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part IV, The Appoggiatura. Bach 6 2 Apr 197527-40
Schenkman, WalterThe Establishment of Tempo in Bach's Goldberg Variations. Bach 6 3 Jul 1975 3-10
Hirsch, ArturNumber Symbolism in Bach's First Cantata Cycle: 1723-1724 -- Part I. Bach 6 3 Jul 197511-19
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part V, Acciaccaturas and Broken Chords. Part VI, Mordents and Inverted Mordents. Bach 6 3 Jul 197520-35
Leaver, Robin A.Bach's Understanding and Use of the Epistles and Gospels of the Church Year. Bach 6 4 Oct 1975 4-13
Hirsch, ArturNumber Symbolism in Bach's First Cantata Cycle: 1723-1724 -- Part II. Bach 6 4 Oct 197514-19
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part VII, The Turn and the Slide. Part VIII, Compound Ornaments. Part IX, Additional Remarks. Bach 6 4 Oct 197523-29
Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music: Dynamics. A Postscript. Bach 7 1 Jan 1976 3-11
Boe, JohnFully Notated Articulation in Bach's Mature Keyboard Music. Bach 7 1 Jan 197612-19
Hirsch, ArturNumber Symbolism in Bach's First Cantata Cycle: 1723-1724 -- Part III. Bach 7 1 Jan 197627-32
Ganz, BeatriceProblems of Articulation in Baroque Keyboard Music (At the Piano or Organ). Bach 7 2 Apr 1976 3-13
Boe, JohnFully Notated Articulation in Bach's Mature Keyboard Music -- Part II. Bach 7 2 Apr 197614-22
Posell, JacquesA Philatelic Visit with J. S. Bach. Bach 7 2 Apr 197623-28
Schenkman, WalterThe Influence of Hexachordal Thinking in the Organization of Bach's Fugue Subjects. Bach 7 3 Jul 1976 7-16
Leaver, Robin A.Number Associations in the Structure of Bach's Credo, BWV 232. Bach 7 3 Jul 197617-24
Leaver, Robin A.The Calov Bible from Bach's Library. Bach 7 4 Oct 197616-22
Herz, GerhardLombard Rhythm in the Domine Deus of Bach's B minor Mass: An Old Controversy Resolved. Bach 8 1 Jan 1977 3-11
Kochevitsky, George A.More on Articulation in J. S. Bach's Keyboard Music. Bach 8 1 Jan 197725-29
Hochreither, KarlSome Reflections on the Performance of Bach's Vocal-Instrumental Works. Bach 8 2 Apr 1977 2-14
Currie, Randolph N.Bach's Newly Discovered Canons in a First Edition: Some Observations. Bach 8 2 Apr 197715-22
Pisk, Paul A.A New Look at the 'Great 48'. Bach 8 2 Apr 197723-25
Currie, Randolph N.Bach's Newly Discovered Canons in a First Edition: Some Observations, Part II. Bach 8 3 Jul 1977 3-12
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part I: Einige Canonische Veränderungen über das Weynacht-Lied 'Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her'. Bach 8 3 Jul 197713-25
Hammel, MarlaThe Figured-bass Accompaniment in Bach's Time: A Brief Summary of Its Development and An Examination of Its Use, Together With a Sample Realization, Part I. Bach 8 3 Jul 197726-31
Currie, Randolph N.Bach's Newly Discovered Canons in a First Edition: Some Observations, Part III. Bach 8 4 Oct 1977 3-9
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part II: Clavierübung, Book I [The Clavier Partitas] ([Leipzig]: Published by the Author, 1731), Partita 1, title-page, Praeludium, Allemande, Corrente, Sarabande. Bach 8 4 Oct 197711-22
Schenkman, WalterThree Collections of Keyboard Works by C. P. E. Bach -- Part I. Bach 8 4 Oct 197723-36
Schenkman, WalterThree Collections of Keyboard Works by C. P. E. Bach -- Part II. Bach 9 1 Jan 1978 2-14, 23-25
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part III: Clavierübung, Book I [The Clavier Partitas] ([Leipzig]: Published by the Author, 1731), Partita 1 (contd.) Menuet I, Menuet II, Giga; Partita II Sinfonia. Bach 9 1 Jan 197815-22
Smith, Mark M.A Deceptive Edition of the Bach 'Cello Suites. Bach 9 1 Jan 197826-29
Hammel, MarlaThe Figured-bass Accompaniment in Bach's Time: A Brief Summary of Its Development and An Examination of Its Use, Together With a Sample Realization, Part II. Bach 9 1 Jan 197830-36
Joseph, Charles M.Some Revisional Aspects of Bach's Keyboard Partitas, BWV 827 and 830. Bach 9 2 Apr 1978 2-16, 25-27
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part IV: Clavierübung, Book I [The Clavier Partitas] ([Leipzig]: Published by the Author, 1731), Partita II (contd.) Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Rondeaux, Capriccio [1st half]. Bach 9 2 Apr 197817-24
Leaver, Robin A.The Valuation of Bach's Library. Bach 9 2 Apr 197828-32
Goldstein, MichaelIn Tokyo: A Little-Known Bach Autograph. [BWV 1006a] Bach 9 2 Apr 197833-36
Hammel, MarlaThe Figured-bass Accompaniment in Bach's Time: A Brief Summary of Its Development and An Examination of Its Use, Together With a Sample Realization, Part III. Bach 9 2 Apr 197837-39
Harriss, Ernest C.J. F. Agricola's Anleitung zur Singkunst: A Rich Source by a Pupil of J. S. Bach. Bach 9 3 Jul 1978 2-8
Leaver, Robin A.Bach and Luther. Bach 9 3 Jul 1978 9-12; 25-32
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part V: Clavierübung, Book I [The Clavier Partitas] ([Leipzig]: Published by the Author, 1731), Partita II, concluded: Capriccio (last half); Partita III: Fantasia, Allemande, Corrente, Sarabande, Burlesca, Scherzo, Gigue. Bach 9 3 Jul 197813-24
Schenkman, WalterPortrait of Mattheson, the Editor, Together with His Correspondents, Part I. Bach 9 4 Oct 1978 2-10
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part VI: Clavierübung, Book I [The Clavier Partitas] ([Leipzig]: Published by the Author, 1731), Partita IV. Bach 9 4 Oct 197811-22
Herz, GerhardA Bach Signature in the Possession of Gerhard Herz. Bach 9 4 Oct 197823-24
Schenkman, WalterPortrait of Mattheson, the Editor, Together with His Correspondents, Part II. Bach10 1 Jan 1979 3-12
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part VII: Clavierübung, Book I [The Clavier Partitas] ([Leipzig]: Published by the Author, 1731), Partita V. Bach10 1 Jan 197913-25
Schenkman, WalterPortrait of Mattheson, the Editor, Together with His Correspondents, Part III. Bach10 2 Apr 1979 2-8
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part VIII: Clavierübung, Book I [The Clavier Partitas] ([Leipzig]: Published by the Author, 1731), Partita V, contd.: Passepied, Gigue. Bach10 2 Apr 1979 9-12
Jenne, NatalieOn the Performance of Keyboard Allemandes. Bach10 2 Apr 197913-30
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part IX: Clavierübung, Book I [The Clavier Partitas] ([Leipzig]: Published by the Author, 1731). Partita IV, Toccata. Bach10 3 Jul 197932-39
Kellner, Herbert AntonA Mathematical Approach Reconstituting J. S. Bach's Keyboard-Temperament. Bach10 4 Oct 1979 2-8
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part X: Clavierübung, Book I [The Clavier Partitas] ([Leipzig]: Published by the Author, 1731). Partita IV, contd.: Allemande, Corrente, Air, Sarabande, Tempo di Gavotta, Gigue. Bach10 4 Oct 1979 9-18
Benedum, RichardStructure and Symbolism in Bach's Prelude and Fugue in E-flat, BWV 552. Bach10 4 Oct 197919-24
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. [Part XI] Clavierübung, Book IV [the 'Goldberg' Variations] Nürnberg: Balthaser Schmid [ca. 1742], BWV 988. Bach11 1 Jan 19802-40
Harriss, ErnestA Chronology of the Works of Johann Sebastian Bach. Part I. Bach11 2 Apr 1980 2-20
Boer, Bertil Herman van Jr.Observations on Bach's Use of the Horn. Bach11 2 Apr 198021-28
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XII. Musicalisches Opfer (Musical Offering) (Zella St. Blasi, Thuringia: Johann Georg Schübler, 1747), Part I. Bach11 2 Apr 198029-36
Harriss, ErnestA Chronology of the Works of Johann Sebastian Bach. Part II. Bach11 3 Jul 1980 2-8
Boer, Bertil H. van, Jr.Observations on Bach's Use of the Horn. Bach11 3 Jul 1980 9-23
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XIII. Musicalisches Opfer (Musical Offering) (Zella St. Blasi, Thuringia: Johann Georg Schübler, 1747), Part II: Ricercar, a 6. Bach11 3 Jul 198024-31
Ambrose, JaneThe Bach Flute Sonatas: Recent Research and a Performer's Observations. Bach11 3 Jul 198032-45
Harriss, ErnestA Chronology of the Works of Johann Sebastian Bach. Part III. Bach11 4 Oct 1980 3-7
Morgan, Wesley K.Bach's Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied: an Old Problem. Bach11 4 Oct 1980 8-23
Rimbach, EvangelineThe Magnificat of Johann Kuhnau. Bach11 4 Oct 198024-31
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XIV. Die Kunst der Fuge (Leipzig, 1752). Bach11 4 Oct 198032-36
Morgan, Wesley K.Bach's Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied: an Old Problem. Part II. Bach12 1 Jan 1981 2-12
Espinosa, AlmaMore on the Figured-bass Accompaniment in Bach's Time: Friedrich Erhard Niedt and The Musical Guide. Bach12 1 Jan 198113-22
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XV. Die Kunst der Fuge (Leipzig, 1752). Contrapunctus I; Contrapunctus II. Bach12 1 Jan 198130-35
Braunlich, HelmutJohann Peter Kellner's Copy of the Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo by J. S. Bach. Bach12 2 Apr 1981 2-10
Sevier, Zay DavidBach's Solo Violin Sonatas and Partitas: The First Century and a Half, Part 1. Bach12 2 Apr 198111-19
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XVI. Die Kunst der Fuge (Leipzig, 1752). Contrapunctus III, Contrapunctus IV. Bach12 2 Apr 198120-27
Heinrich, AdelA Collation of the Expositions in Die Kunst der Fuge of J. S. Bach. Bach12 2 Apr 198128-40
Schenkman, WalterTheory and Practice: Mattheson's Differing Key Arrangements, Part I. Bach12 3 Jul 1981 2-10
Gleason, HaroldA Seventeenth-Century Organ Instruction Book. [Wegweiser die Kunst die Orgel] Bach12 3 Jul 198111-20
Sevier, Zay DavidBach's Solo Violin Sonatas and Partitas: The First Century and a Half, Part 2. Bach12 3 Jul 198121-29
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XVI. Die Kunst der Fuge (Leipzig, 1752). Contrapunctus V, Contrapunctus VI. Bach12 3 Jul 198130-36
Schenkman, WalterTheory and Practice: Mattheson's Differing Key Arrangements, Part II. Bach12 4 Oct 1981 3-9
Schenkman, WalterJohann Mattheson's Organisten-Probe: Erlaeuterungen, A Translation, Part I. Bach12 4 Oct 198110-16
Corrao, TimothyC. P. E. Bach's Clavier Quartet in A Minor, Wotquenne 93, Part I. Bach12 4 Oct 198117-21
Lenneberg, HansBach, Handel, and Relative Success, Part I. Bach12 4 Oct 198122-27
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XVIII. Die Kunst der Fuge (Leipzig, 1752). Contrapunctus VII, Contrapunctus VIII. Bach12 4 Oct 198128-35
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XIX. Die Kunst der Fuge (Leipzig, 1752). Conclusion. Bach13 1 Jan 1982 2-44
Robison, John O.The Lost Oboe Works of J. S. Bach. Bach13 2 Apr 1982 2-5
Adams, Courtney S.Organization in the Two-Part Inventions of Johann Sebastian Bach, Part I. Bach13 2 Apr 1982 6-16
Lenneberg, HansBach, Handel, and Relative Success, Part II. Bach13 2 Apr 198217-22
Corrao, TimothyC. P. E. Bach's Clavier Quartet in A Minor, Wotquenne 93, Part II. Bach13 2 Apr 198223-27
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XIX [sic!]. Suite Première avec Prelude (Eighteenth-century Manuscript Copy of the First 'English' Suite) Bach13 2 Apr 198229-36
Robison, John O.The Lost Oboe Works of J. S. Bach, Part II. Bach13 3 Jul 1982 3-11
Adams, Courtney S.Organization in the Two-Part Inventions of Johann Sebastian Bach, Part II. Bach13 3 Jul 198212-19
Ambrose, Z. PhilipAnother Lament in Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen. Bach13 3 Jul 198220-22
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XX. Suite Première avec Prelude. Prélude, Gigue; [Suite 6] Gigue. Bach13 3 Jul 198223-34
Dürr, AlfredThe Historical Background of the Composition of Johann Sebastian Bach's Clavier Suite, Part I. Bach13 4 Oct 1982 2-7
Dürr, AlfredZur Entstehungsgeschichte der Klaviersuiten von Johann Sebastian Bach, I. Bach13 4 Oct 1982 8-13
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XXI. [Suite 5] Prelude, BWV 810 Gigue; [Suite 6] Prelude, BWV 811. Bach13 4 Oct 198214-29
Robison, John O.The Lost Oboe Works of J. S. Bach, Part III. Bach13 4 Oct 198230-35
Dürr, AlfredThe Historical Background of the Composition of Johann Sebastian Bach's Clavier Suite, Part II. Bach14 1 Jan 1983 2-11
Dürr, AlfredZur Entstehungsgeschichte der Klaviersuiten von Johann Sebastian Bach, II. Bach14 1 Jan 198312-21
Robison, John O.The Lost Oboe Works of J. S. Bach, Part IV. Bach14 1 Jan 198322-28
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XXII. 13 Parts to Cantata BWV 174 (1729), Ich liebe den Höchsten von ganzem Gemüte, Manuscript in the hands of J. S. Bach and his circle. Bach14 1 Jan 198329-39
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XXIII. 13 Parts to Cantata BWV 174 (1729), Ich liebe den Höchsten von ganzem Gemüte, Manuscript in the hands of J. S. Bach and his circle. Bach14 2 Apr 1983 3-60
Fairleigh, James P.Italian Prototypes of the Baroque Ritornello. Bach14 3 Jul 1983 2-11
Bolduan, Miriam F.The Significance of the Viola Pomposa in the Bach Cantatas. Bach14 3 Jul 198312-17
Robison, John O.The Lost Oboe Works of J. S. Bach, Part V. Bach14 3 Jul 198318-28
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XXIV. Heinrich Nicolaus Gerber's Eighteenth-century Manuscript Copy of J. S. Bach's Wohl-temperirte Clavier. Bach14 3 Jul 198331-44
Flindell, E. FrederickApropos Bach's Inventions [Part I] Bach14 4 Oct 1983 3-14
Unmack, Susan; Hartwell, RobertBaroque Ideals of Text Declamation and Their Relevance to the Falsobordone Genre. Bach14 4 Oct 198315-24
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XXV. Heinrich Nicolaus Gerber's Eighteenth-century (1725) Manuscript Copy of J. S. Bach's Das wohl-temperirte Clavier (Continued). Bach14 4 Oct 198325-35
Flindell, E. FrederickApropos Bach's Inventions, Part II. Bach15 1 Jan 1984 3-16
Cowart, GeorgiaSymbolic Correspondence in the Duets of Bach's Mass in B Minor, Part I. Bach15 1 Jan 198417-24
Barber, Elinore[Facsimile of biographical entry of H. N. Gerber in his son's Historisch-Biographisches Lexicon der Tonkunstler, 1790] Bach15 1 Jan 198428-34
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XXVI. Heinrich Nicolaus Gerber's Eighteenth-century (1725) Manuscript Copy of J. S. Bach's Das wohl-temperirte Clavier (Continued). Bach15 1 Jan 198436-43
Flindell, E. FrederickApropos Bach's Inventions, Part III. Bach15 2 Apr 1984 3-17
Cowart, GeorgiaSymbolic Correspondence in the Duets of Bach's Mass in B Minor, Part II. Bach15 2 Apr 198418-25
Shatzkin, MertonThematic Anticipations in Bach. Bach15 2 Apr 198426-34
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XXVII. Heinrich Nicolaus Gerber's Sixteenth-century [sic] (1725) Manuscript Copy of J. S. Bach's Das wohl-temperirte Clavier (Continued). Bach15 2 Apr 198435-44
Trautmann, ChristophBach's Clavierübung: III. Bach15 3 Jul 1984 3-11
Shatzkin, MertonThematic Anticipations in Bach, Part II. Bach15 3 Jul 198412-23
Heinrich, AdelSignificance of the Original Subject and Its Variants in Bach's Die Kunst der Fuge. Bach15 3 Jul 198424-32
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XXVIII. Heinrich Nicolaus Gerber's Eighteenth-century (1725) Manuscript Copy of J. S. Bach's Das wohl-temperirte Clavier (Continued). Bach15 3 Jul 198433-36
White, H. M.Canon in the Baroque Era: Some Precedents for the Musical Offering. Bach15 4 Oct 1984 4-15
Riemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings. Bach Tercentenary Facsimile Publication Project. Part XXIX. Heinrich Nicolaus Gerber's Eighteenth-century (1725) Manuscript Copy of J. S. Bach's Das wohl-temperirte Clavier (Continued). Bach15 4 Oct 198437-52
Mann, AlfredMissa Brevis and Historia: Bach's A-Major Mass. Bach16 1 Jan 1985 6-11
Herz, GerhardToward a New Image of Bach. Bach16 1 Jan 198512-52
Dürr, AlfredThe Historical Background of the Composition of Johann Sebastian Bach's Clavier Suite, Part I. Bach16 1 Jan 198553-58
Dürr, AlfredThe Historical Background of the Composition of Johann Sebastian Bach's Clavier Suite, Part II. Bach16 1 Jan 198559-68
Noehren, RobertNotes on Bach and the organ of his Time. Bach16 1 Jan 198569-80
Rilling, HelmuthBach's Significance. Bach16 3 Jul 1985 2-16
Brokaw, James A., IIRecent Research on the Sources and Genesis of Bach's Well-tempered Clavier, Book II. Bach16 3 Jul 198517-35
Ebert, Robert R.Thalers, Patrons, and commerce -- A Glimpse at the Economy in the Times of J. S. Bach. Bach16 3 Jul 198537-54
Leaver, Robin A.Heinrich Schütz as a Biblical Interpreter. Bach16 4 Oct 1985 4-8
Radice, Mark A.Heinrich Schütz and the Foundations of the Stile Recitativo in Germany. Bach16 4 Oct 1985 9-23
Leaver, Robin A.List of the Settings of Bible Texts in the Works of Heinrich Schütz. Bach16 4 Oct 198524-31
Leaver, Robin A.Schütz and the Psalms. Bach16 4 Oct 198534-48
Schenbeck, LawrenceTempo and Rhythm in Bach's Cantata Ouvertures. Bach17 1 Jan 1986 3-17
Payne, Thomas B.Musical Terminology in the Contrapuntal and Canonic Works of J. S. Bach. Bach17 1 Jan 198618-35
Linton, MichaelBach, Luther, and the Magnificat. Bach17 2 Apr 1986 3-15
Smith, Timothy A.More Evidence of Numeral-Logical Design in Bach's St.Matthew Passion. Bach17 2 Apr 198624-30
Collins, TimothyObservations on the Origins and Influences Leading to Bach's Idiomatic Writing for the Trumpet in Grosser Herr o starker König from the Christmas Oratorio. Bach17 2 Apr 198631-45
Ambrose, JaneNotations on Mattheson's Der Brauchbare Virtuoso. Bach17 3 Jul 1986 3-9
Konecni, Vladimir J.; [Koneèni]Bach's St. Matthew Passion: A Rudimentary Psychological Analysis, Part I. Bach17 3 Jul 198610-21
Bostrom, Kerry L.The Use of Recitative and the Communal Style in the Solo Cantatas of Dietrich Buxtehude. Bach17 3 Jul 198622-32
Konecni, Vladimir J.; [Koneèni]Bach's St. Matthew Passion: A Rudimentary Psychological Analysis, Part II. Bach17 4 Oct 1986 3-16
Stinson, RussellBach's Tercentenary Issues of Periodicals: A Selected Bibliography. Bach17 4 Oct 198617-23
Barber, ElinoreBach's 'Incomplete' Quadruple Fugue from Die Kunst der Fuge (1752-Edition Print Held by the Riemenschneider Bach Institute.) Bach17 4 Oct 198624-29
Heinrich, AdelHeretofore Unpublished Conclusions for the 'Incomplete' Quadruple Fugue (Die Kunst der Fuge) Project. Part I: Adel Heinrich's 1986 Contribution. Bach17 4 Oct 198630-41
Benitez, Vincent P.Musical-Rhetorical Figures in the Orgelbüchlein of J. S. Bach. Bach18 1 Jan 1987 3-21
Stinson, RussellAn Introduction to Beiträge zur Bachforschung. Bach18 1 Jan 198722-24
Barber, ElinoreRiemenschneider Bach Institute Vault Holdings, Facsimile Series: .. Wegweiser .. Die Kunst die Orgel recht zu schlagen -- A Seventeenth-century Organ Instruction Book, Part I. Bach18 1 Jan 198725-36
[Hewlett, Walter B.]Riemenschneider Bach Institute Library, Facsimile Series: Vermehrter ... Wegweiser... die Kunst die Orgel recht zu schlagen. Part I, Continued: Walter B Hewlett's English Translations of the Eight Wegweiser Pages Previously Printed in the January 1987 BACH Journal together with BACH Editorial Notes Including Minor Differences between the 1692 and 1698 Wegweiser Editions, and Dr. Hewlett's Explanatory Notes. Bach18 2 Apr 1987 4-35
[Hewlett, Walter B.]Riemenschneider Bach Institute Library, Facsimile Series: Vermehrter ... Wegweiser... die Kunst die Orgel recht zu schlagen. Part II: 'Introductory Remarks' from Walter B Hewlett's Vermehrter ... Wegweiser of 1698 and the 1692 Wegweiser Pages 9-14 Published in Tandem with Dr. Hewlett's Translation and Explanatory Notes and BACH Editorial Notes Indicating Minor Differences between the 1692 and 1698 Wegweiser Editions. Bach18 2 Apr 198737-63
Radice, Mark A.Johann Mattheson and the Stylus Narrativus. Bach18 3 Jul 1987 3-9
[Hewlett, Walter B.]Riemenschneider Bach Institute Library, Facsimile Series: Vermehrter ... Wegweiser... die Kunst die Orgel recht zu schlagen. (Part III). The 1692 Wegweiser, Pages 15-21 Published in Tandem with Dr. Hewlett's Translation and Explanatory Notes and Editorial Footnotes Indicating Minor Differences between the 1692 and 1698 Wegweiser Editions. Bach18 3 Jul 198711-37
Johnson, PaulTempo Relation in a Class of Keyboard Compositions from Sweelinck to Bach. Bach18 4 Oct 1987 4-28
[Hewlett, Walter B.]Riemenschneider Bach Institute Library, Facsimile Series: Vermehrter ... Wegweiser... die Kunst die Orgel recht zu schlagen. (Part IV). The 1692 Wegweiser, Pages 22-29 Published in Tandem with Dr. Hewlett's Translation and Explanatory Notes and Editorial Footnotes Indicating Minor Differences between the 1692 and 1698 Wegweiser Editions. Bach18 4 Oct 198729-54
Wolff, ChristophMusical Forms and Dramatic Structure in Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Bach19 1 1988 6-20
Schildkret, DavidToward a Correct Performance of Fermatas in Bach's Chorales. Bach19 1 198821-27
Ebert, Robert R.A Comparison of the Prices of Organs in Bach's Time and the 1980's. Bach19 1 198828-45
Getz, Christine SuzanneA Telemann Concerto for Violin and Strings?: Some Hints on the Reconstruction of an Unidentified Concerto. Bach19 2 1988 3-24
[Hewlett, Walter B.]Riemenschneider Bach Institute Library. Facsimile Series: Vermehrter...Wegweiser... die Kunst die Orgel recht zu schlagen (Part V). The 1692 Wegweiser, Pages 30-48 Published in Tandem with Dr. Walter Hewlett's 1698 Translations and Explanatory Notes and Editorial Footnotes Indicating Minor Differences between the 1692 and 1698 Wegweiser Editions. Bach19 2 198825-56
Collins, Timothy A.Gottfried Reiche: A More Complete Biography. Bach19 3 Fall 1988 4-18
[Hewlett, Walter B.]Riemenschneider Bach Institute Library. Facsimile Series: Vermehrter...Wegweiser... die Kust die Orgel recht zu schlagen. The 1692 Wegweiser, Pages 41-48 Published in Tandem with Dr. Walter Hewlett's 1698 Translations and Explanatory Notes and Editorial Footnotes Indicating Minor Differences between the 1692 and 1698 Wegweiser Editions Together with Dr. Hewlett's Translation of Carissimi's Ars Cantandi, 1696 Edition (Published with the 1698 Wegweiser) Bach19 3 Fall 198819-74
Schulze, Hans-JoachimThe Parody Process in Bach's Music: An Old Problem Reconsidered. Bach20 1 Spring 1989 7-21
Cox, Howard H.Bach's Conception of His Office. Bach20 1 Spring 198922-30
Whaples, Miriam K.Bach's Earliest Arias. Bach20 1 Spring 198931-54
Wolff, ChristophBach the Cantor, the Capellmeister, and the Musical Scholar: Aspects of the B-Minor Mass. Bach20 1 Spring 198955-64
Butler, Gregory G.J. S. Bach's Einige Canonische Veraenderungen: The View from the Original Print. Bach20 2 Summer 1989 4-37
Snyder, Kerala J.To Lübeck in the Steps of J. S. Bach. Bach20 2 Summer 198938-48
Dadelsen, Georg vonFriedrich Smend's Edition of the B-minor Mass by J. S. Bach. Bach20 2 Summer 198949-74
Mann, AlfredA Document from the Hand of Arthur Mendel: Introduction and Commentary. Bach20 3 Fall 1989 4-5(-14)
Mendel, ArthurPersönliches zur Geschichte der Jüngeren Bach-Forschung. ('A Personal Message Concerning the History of Recent Bach Scholarship') Bach20 3 Fall 1989 6-14
Tatlow, RuthJ. S. Bach and the Baroque Paragram: A Reappraisal of Friedrich Smend's Number-Alphabet Theory. Bach20 3 Fall 198915-33
Leaver, Robin A.The Revival of the St. John Passion: History and Performance Practice. Bach20 3 Fall 198934-49
Herz, GerhardYoshitake Kobayashi's Article 'On the Chronology of the last phase of Bach's Work - Compositions and Performances: 1736 to 1750' - An Analysis with Translated Portions of the Original Text. Bach21 1 Spring 1990 3-25
Schulze, Hans-JoachimBach's Secular Cantatas - A New Look at the Sources. Bach21 1 Spring 199026-41
Faulkner, QuentinJacob Adlung's 'Musica Mechanica Organoedi' and the 'Bach Organ'. Bach21 1 Spring 199042-59
Marshall, Robert L.Truth and Beauty: J. S. Bach at the Crossroads of Cultural History. Bach21 2 Summer 1990 3-14
David, Hans T.Deceptive Performance Traditions. (1926) Bach21 2 Summer 199015-22
David, Hans T.Trugerische Aufführungstraditionen. [Original Text] Bach21 2 Summer 199023-30
Eller, RudolfThoughts on Bach's Leipzig Creative Years. Bach21 2 Summer 199031-54
Herz, GerhardThe Story behind Alfred Dürr's 'Capriccio'. Bach21 3 Winter 1990 4-8
Morana, FrankThe Presto in D minor, BWV 970: Its Authorship Reconsidered. Bach21 3 Winter 1990 9-29
Leaver, Robin A.Parody and Theological Consistency: Notes on Bach's A-Major Mass. Bach21 3 Winter 199030-43
Franklin, Don O.The Carnegie Manuscript and J. S. Bach. Bach22 1 Spring-Summer 1991 5-15
Marshall, Robert L.Bach and Mozart: Styles of Musical Genius. Bach22 1 Spring-Summer 199116-32
Kroeger, KarlJohann Sebastian Bach in Nineteenth-Century America. Bach22 1 Spring-Summer 199133-42
Buelow, George J.A Bach Borrowing by Gluck: Another Frontier. Bach22 1 Spring-Summer 199143-61
Siegele, Ulrich'I had to be industrious...'. Thoughts about the relationship between Bach's social and musical character. Bach22 2 Fall-Winter 1991 5-12
Morana, FrankThe lost dedication copy of Partita 1: Bach as Poet? Bach22 2 Fall-Winter 199113-23
Leaver, Robin A.New Light on the Pre-History of The Bach Choir of Bethlehem. Bach22 2 Fall-Winter 199124-34
Kordes, GesaSelf-Parody and the 'Hunting-Cantata,' BWV 208 - An Aspect of Bach's Compositional Process. Bach22 2 Fall-Winter 199135-57
Nott, Kenneth'Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden': Observations on Bach and the style galant. Bach23 1 Spring-Summer 1992 3-30
Rogal, Samuel J.For the Love of Bach: The Charles Burney - Samuel Wesley Correspondence. Bach23 1 Spring-Summer 199231-37
Louwenaar-Lueck, KarylThe Sequence of Sarabande and Air in Bach's Keyboard Partitas. Bach23 1 Spring-Summer 199238-50
Schulenberg, DavidC.P.E. Bach and Handel: A Son of Bach Confronts Music History and Criticism. Bach23 2 Fall-Winter 1992 5-30
Marissen, MichaelOn Linking Bach's F-Major Sinfonia and his Hunt Cantata. Bach23 2 Fall-Winter 199231-46
White, AndrewThe Prelude and Fugue in C major from Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier [Book I]: Notes on the Compositional Process. Bach23 2 Fall-Winter 199247-60
Collins, DenisHistorical Precedents for Bach's Evolutio Canon BWV 1087/10. Bach24 1 Spring-Summer 1993 5-14
Radice, Mark A.Concerning the Dating of Reinhard Keiser's St. Mark Passion. Bach24 1 Spring-Summer 199315-20
Cox, Howard H.The Text Selection Process in Handel's Chandos Anthems. Bach24 1 Spring-Summer 199321-34
McLean, Hugh J.BWV 551, A Bachian Orphan. Bach24 1 Spring-Summer 199335-42
Kobayashi, YoshitakeUniversality in Bach's B Minor Mass: A Portrait of Bach in His Final Years. (In Memoriam Dietrich Kilian.) Bach24 2 Fall-Winter 1993 3-25
Morana, FrankThe 'Dobenecker' Toccata BWV-Anh. II 85: An Early Bach Work? Bach24 2 Fall-Winter 199326-37
Butler, Gregory G.J. S. Bach's 'Hudemann' Canon, BWV 1074: A Note on the Engraving and Printing History. Bach25 1 Spring-Summer 1994 5-10
Marissen, MichaelMore Source-Critical Research on J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. Bach25 1 Spring-Summer 199411-27
Cox, Howard H.The Scholarly Detective: Investigating Bach's Personal Bible. Bach25 1 Spring-Summer 199428-45
Kellner, Herbert AntonKepler, Bach, and Gauss: The Celestial Harmony of the Earth's Motion. Bach25 1 Spring-Summer 199446-56
David, Hans T.Deceptive Performance Traditions. (1926) Bach25 2 Fall-Winter 1994 36-53
George Kochevitsky Speaks Concerning the Performance of Early Music. (1972-1976) Bach25 2 Fall-Winter 1994 54-58
Rudolf, MaxStorm and Stress in Music. (1972) Bach25 2 Fall-Winter 1994 6-35
Schenkman, WalterPortrait of Mattheson, the Editor, Together with His Correspondents. (1978-1979) Bach25 2 Fall-Winter 1994 63-90
Ambrose, JaneNotations on Mattheson's Der brauchbare Virtuoso. (1986) Bach25 2 Fall-Winter 1994 91-98
Radice, Mark A.Tate's Libretto for Dido and Aeneas: A Revaluation. (1976) Bach25 2 Fall-Winter 1994 99-106
Leaver, Robin A.The Funeral Sermon for Heinrich Schütz. Bach25 2 Fall-Winter 1994115-129
Emans, ReinmarStylistic Analysis and Text Philology in the Service of 'Inner Chronology' involving Stylistic Analysis of Selected Arias by Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach26 1-2 1995 1-14
Emans, ReinmarStilkritik und Textphilologie im Dienste der 'inneren Chronologie'. Stilkritische Untersuchungen zu ausgewählten Arien Johann Sebastian Bachs. Bach26 1-2 199515-27
Smithers, Don L.The Original Circumstances in the Performance of Bach's Leipzig Church Cantatas, 'Wegen seiner Sonn- und Festtägigen Amts-Verrichtungen'. Bach26 1-2 199528-47
Schenkman, WalterBach and the Beer Fiddlers. Bach26 1-2 199548-56
Harmon, ThomasThe Mühlhausen Organ Revisited. Precious Clues to Bach's Preference in Organ Design and Registration. Bach26 1-2 199557-69
Noehren, RobertNotes on Bach and the Organ of his Time. Bach26 1-2 199570-83
Brown, Emily FreemanZarathustra. Reflection of the Baroque Overture. Bach26 1-2 199584-90
Collins, DenisMusical Terminology in the Canonic Works of Bach: An Historical Context. Bach26 1-2 199591-101
Crist, Stephen A.Bach, Theology, and Harmony: A New Look at the Arias. Bach27 1 Spring-Summer 1996 1-30
Linton, MichaelThe Dual Chiastic Design of the C-Major Prelude, BWV 870 (The Well Tempered Clavier, Book II.) Bach27 1 Spring-Summer 199631-56
Ambrose, JaneMadness and Music: Handel's Porphyric Patron, George III. Bach27 1 Spring-Summer 199657-65
Parvula Corona Musicalis by Ernst Krenek: The Composer's Autograph Manuscript and Explanations. Bach27 1 Spring-Summer 199666-85
Smithers, Don L.Anomalies of Tonart and Stimmton in the first version of Bach's Magnificat (BWV 243a). Bach27 2 Fall-Winter 1996 1-59
Gleason, HaroldA seventeenth-century Organ Instruction Book. [Wegweiser die Kunst die Orgel recht zu schlagen] Bach27 2 Fall-Winter 199660-83
Smithers, Don L.The Emperors' New Clothes Reappraised; or Bach's Musical Resources Revealed. Bach28 1-2 1997 1-81
Livingstone, ErnestNotes on the Art of Fugue: A Fragment. Bach28 1-2 1997 82-86
Unger, Melvin P.Bach's First Two Leipzig Cantatas: The Question of Meaning Revisited. Bach28 1-2 1997 87-125
Butler, H. JosephA Newly Discovered Work of Charles Theodore Pachelbel. Bach28 1-2 1997126-144
Smith, Timothy A.That 'Crown of Thorns'. Bach28 1-2 1997144-150
Flindell, E. FrederickBach's Tempos and Rhetorical Applications. Bach28 1-2 1997151-236
Barber, ElinoreJ. S. Bach: Suite 4 à Violoncello Solo -- A Manuscript Copy in the Hand of Anna Magdalena Bach; Doris Ornstein's Harpsichord Transcription of BWV 1010. Bach29 1 Spring-Summer 199838-76
Barber, ElinoreAlbert Riemenschneider: A Portrait of the Founder of Baldwin-Wallace College's Conservatory of the Occasion of its 100th Anniversary. Bach29 2 Fall-Winter 1998 1-7
Tomita, YoThe Sources of J. S. Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier II in Vienna 1777-1801. Bach29 2 Fall-Winter 1998 8-79
Kellner, Herbert AntonA Mathematical Approach Reconstructing J. S. Bach's Keyboard Temperament. Bach30 1 Spring-Summer 1999 1-9
Kellner, Herbert AntonConsidering the Tempering Tonality B-Major in Well-Tempered Clavier II. Bach30 1 Spring-Summer 199910-25
Leahy, AnneThe Opening Chorus of Cantata BWV 78, Jesu, der du meine Seele; Another Example of Bach's Interest in Matters Soteriological. Bach30 1 Spring-Summer 199926-41
Payne, IanTelemann's Musical Style c.1709-c.1730 and J. S. Bach: The Evidence of Borrowing. Bach30 1 Spring-Summer 199942-64
Markevitch, DimitryBach's Cello Suites Revisited: The Manuscripts of the Bach Cello Suites, an Inextricable Labyrinth for Cellists? [A Reader's Response] Bach30 1 Spring-Summer 199966-69
Rifkin, JoshuaThe Emperor's Headgear: A Brief Response to Don Smithers. Bach30 1 Spring-Summer 199970-73
Baumgartner, NicholasCurrents in Bach Interpretation in Contemporary Germany. Bach30 2 1999 1-26
Collins, DenisBach and Approaches to Canonic Composition in Early Eighteenth-Century Theoretical and Chamber Music Sources. Bach30 2 199927-48
Tomita, YoBach and His Early Drafts: Some Observations on Little Known Early Versions of Well-Tempered Clavier II and the Goldberg Variations from the Manfred Gorke Collection. Bach30 2 199949-72
Badura-Skoda, EvaDid J. S. Bach Compose 'Pianoforte Concertos'? Bach31 1 2000 1-16
Leaver, Robin A.Johann Sebastian Bach: Theological Musician and Musical Theologian. Bach31 1 200017-33
Milner, Scott C.'Süße Todesstunde' or 'Mit Fried und Freud': Reformation Theology and the Lutheran 'Art of Dying' in Two Bach Cantatas. Bach31 1 200034-57
Peters, Mark A.Adapting Bach's final Weimar Cantata for Performance in Leipzig: Liturgical and Musical Considerations in Cantata 147. Bach31 1 200058-73
Jerold, BeverlyPitch in the Vocal Works of J. S. Bach. Bach31 1 200074-95
Cole, WarwickImprovisation as a Stimulus to Composition in Bach's Partita II. Bach31 1 200096-112
Author-Title-Subject: Cumulative Index 1970-2000 Bach31 2 20001-67
Melamed, Daniel R.The Text of 'Gott ist mein König' BWV 71. Bach32 1 2001 1-16
Tomita, YoPsalm and the Well-Tempered Clavier II: Revisiting the Old Question of Bach's Source of Inspiration. Bach32 1 200117-43
Payne, IanTelemann's Fragmentary Ensemble Version of Keyboard Ouverture, TWV 32:16 and the 'Consort' Element in the Pre-c.1730 Keyboard Suites. Bach32 1 200144-72
Barber, ElinoreSchweitzer and Bach. Bach32 1 200173-76
Mann, AlfredGerhard Herz (September 24, 1911--September 3, 2000). Bach32 1 200177-78
Schulze, Hans-JoachimEy! How Sweet the Coffee Tastes: Johann Sebastian Bach's Coffee Cantata in its Time. Bach32 2 2001 1-34
Schulze, Hans-Joachim'Ey! Wie schmeckt der Coffee süsse': Johann Sebastian Bachs Kaffee-Kantate in ihrer Zeit. Bach32 2 200136-117
Baumgartner, NicholasEuropean Bach Interpretation at the Turn of the Millennium. Bach33 1 2002 1-56
Butler, Gregory G.The Galant Style in J. S. Bach's Musical Offering: Widening the Dimensions. Bach33 1 200257-68
Ahrens, ChristianJohann Sebastian Bach and The 'New Gusto' In Music Around 1740. Bach33 1 200269-83
Jerold, BeverlyEditorial Decisions for Ornaments in Bach's Works. Bach33 2 2002 1-14
Collins, DenisBach's Occasional Canon BWV 1073 and 'Stacked' Canonic Procedure in the Eighteenth Century. Bach33 2 200215-34
Steiger, RenateDialogue Structures in J. S. Bach's Cantatas: The Basic Form of Worship as a Model for Artistic Shaping. Bach33 2 200235-70
Mayerovitch, RobertCD Review: Johann Sebastian Bach. Art of Fugue. Peter Elyakim Taussig, piano solo. MS 102 Crystal Music Records, 2001. Recorded on the Yamaha Disklavier PRO(R)piano. Bach33 2 200271-76
Greer, MaryEmbracing Faith: The Duet as Metaphor in Selected Sacred Cantatas by J. S. Bach. Bach34 1 2003 1-71
Kennelly, LauraThe Willard Palmer Collection at the Riemenschneider Bach Institute. Bach34 1 200372-89
Clement, AlbertOn the Inner Correlation of the Six Chorales BWV 645-650 and its Significance. Bach34 2 2003 1-62
Schenkman, WalterTatlow's Bach and Bach's Signatures in the Goldberg Variations. Bach34 2 200363-106
Elferen, Isabella van'Recht bitter und doch süße': Textual and Musical Expression of Mystical Love in German Baroque Meditations of Christ's Passion. Bach35 1 2004 1-28
Geck, MartinThe Ultimate Goal of Bach's Art. Bach35 1 200429-41
Butler, Lynn EdwardsJohann Christoph Bach's New Organ for Eisenach's Georgenkirche. Bach35 1 200442-60
Jerold, BeverlyFasch and the Beginning of Modern Artistic Choral Singing. Bach35 1 200461-86
Botwinick, SaraFrom Ohrdruf to Mühlhausen: A Subversive Reading of Bach's Relationship to Authority. Bach35 2 2004 1-59
Garcia, FedericoThe Nature of Bach's Italian Concerto BWV 971. Bach36 1 2005 1-24
Peters, Mark A.A Reconsideration of Bach's Role as Text Redactor in the Ziegler Cantatas. Bach36 1 200525-66
Jerold, BeverlyBach's Lament about Leipzig's Professional Instrumentalists. Bach36 1 200567-96
Flindell, E. FrederickBach and the Middle Ages. Bach36 2 2005 1-119
Jerold, Beverly[On Gertrud Schmeling Mara.] Bach36 2 2005120-122
Ellis, MarkMotif and Structure in Bach's Fifth Prelude. Bach37 1 2006 1-25
Corlis, TimothyAnalysis of Spectra in J. S. Bach's Prelude and Fugue, BWV 552. Bach37 1 200626-49
Coul, Thomas Op deThe Augmentation Canon in J. S. Bach's Musicalisches Opfer. Bach37 1 200650-77
Paczkowski, SzymonOn the Problems of Parody and Style in the 'Et resurrexit' from the Mass in B minor by Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach37 2 2006 1-44
Payne, IanTelemann and the French Style Revisited: Transformative Imitation in the Ensemble Suites (TWV 55). Bach37 2 2006 45-80
Leahy, Anne'Vor deinen Thron tret ich': The Eschatological Significance of the Chorale Settings of the P271 Manuscript of the Berlin Staatsbibliothek. Bach37 2 2006 81-118
Unger, Melvin P.Alfred Mann. Bach37 2 2006119
Rathey, MarkusTwo Unlikely Sisters: The 'Cross' and the 'Crosses' in BWV 12 and 69a. Bach38 1 2007 1-44
Öhm-Kühnle, ChristophHeinrich Nikolaus Gerber's Rediscovered Manuscript of Johann Sebastian Bach's Suite in E Minor (BWV 996): A Copy of Bach's Hitherto Unknown Revised Version. Bach38 1 200745-66
Rienenschneider, Tom; Kennelly, LauraThe Baldwin-Wallace College Bach Legacy at 75 Years. Bach38 1 200767-85
Oleskiewicz, Mary'For the Church as Well as For the Orchestra': J.S. Bach, the Missa, and the Dresden Court, 1700-1750. Bach38 2 2007 1-38
Collins, DenisFrom Bull to Bach: In Search of Precedents for the 'Complete' Version of the Canon by Augmentation and Contrary Motion in J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. Bach38 2 200739-63
Paczkowski, SzymonBach and the Story of an 'Aria Tempo di Polonaise' for Joachim Friedrich Flemming. Bach38 2 200764-98
Stinson, RussellClara Schumann's Bach Book: A Neglected Document of the Bach Revival. Bach39 1 20081-66
Bates, William H.J. S. Bach's Fantasy and Fugue in G Minor, BWV 542: A Source Study for Organists. Bach39 2 20081-89
Glöckner, AndreasAlumni and Externals in the Choirs of the Thomas School during Bach's Time. Bach40 1 2009 1-34
Elferen, Isabella vanThe Hungry Soul: Communion Mystics and Physiology in J. S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Bach40 1 200935-57
Leahy, AnneThe American Image of Bach from a German Emigré's Perspective: Gerhard Herz and the Modern American Bach Movement. Bach40 1 200958-79
Pardee, KatharineThe Earliest Complete Performance of the St. Matthew Passion? Bach40 1 200980-81
Crean, EliseG. H. Stölzel's Practischer Beweiss: A Hitherto Unconsidered Source for J. S. Bach's Fourteen Canons. Bach40 2 2009 1-21
Serebrennikov, MaximFrom Partimento Fugue to Thoroughbass Fugue: New Perspectives. Bach40 2 200922-43
Smith, Timothy A.Fugues Without Words: A Hearing of Four Fugues from The Well-Tempered Clavier as Passion Music. Bach40 2 200944-65
Edwards, Timothy D.The Royal Theme's Hidden Symmetry: In Defense of the Concise Solution to the Augmentation Canon in J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. Bach41 1 2010 1-31
Armstrong, JoeThe Formation of Bach's Motifs: Chapter Two of André Pirro's L'Esthétique de Jean-Sébastien Bach. Bach41 1 201032-96
Corneilson, PaulC. P. E. Bach's Evangelist: Johann Heinrich Michel. Bach41 2 2010 1-23
Schulenberg, DavidAn Enigmatic Legacy: Two Instrumental Works Attributed to Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. Bach41 2 201024-60
Jerold, BeverlyThe Bach-Scheibe Controversy: New Documentation. Bach42 1 2011 1-45
Göncz, ZoltánThe Sacred Codes of the Six-Part Ricercar. Bach42 1 201146-69
Irwin, JoyceThe Orthodox Lutheranism of Mattheson and Bach. Bach42 1 201170-83
Milka, Anatoly [Milka, Anatolij Pavloviè]Preface to the Facsimile Reproduction of the Original Edition of Gottfried Kirchhoff's L'A.B.C. Musical: Contenant des Preludes et des Fugues les Tons Pour l'Orgue, ou le Clavecin Fort utile aux disciples pour aprendre a accompagner de la Basse Continue et a faire des Preludes et des Fugues. Amsterdam, c.1734. Bach42 2 2011 1-39
Leaver, Robin A.Suggestions for Future Research into Bach and the Chorale: Aspects of Repertoire, Pedagogy, Theory, and Practice. Bach42 2 201140-63
Morgan, EmersonA Previously Unknown Source for the Orgelbüchlein: Yale Misc. Ms. 545. Bach42 2 201164-73
Marshall, Robert L.Bach at Mid-Life: The Christmas Oratorio and the Search for New Paths. Bach43 1 2012 1-28
Peters, Mark A.J. S. Bach's Meine Seel' erhebt den Herren (BWV 10) as Chorale Cantata and Magnificat Paraphrase. Bach43 1 201229-65
Rathey, MarkusJohann Sebastian Bach's Passions: Recent Publications and Trends in Current Scholarship. Bach43 1 201265-83
Greer, MaryMasonic Allusions in the Dedications of two Canons by J. S. Bach: BWV 1078 and 1075. Bach43 2 2012 1-45
Rathey, MarkusThe Chorale Cantata in Leipzig: The Collaboration between Schelle and Carpzov in 1689-1690 and Bach's Chorale Cantata Cycle. Bach43 2 201246-92
Ebata, Nobuaki; Tomita, Yo; Mills, IanMendelssohn and The Schübler Chorales (BWV 645-650): A New Source found in the Riemenschneider Bach Institute Collection. Bach44 1 2013 1-45
Ishii, AkiraJohann Sebastian Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, and Johann Jacob Froberger: The Dissemination of Froberger's Contrapuntal Works in Late Eighteenth-Century Berlin. Bach44 1 2013 46-133
Kennelly, LauraIn Memoriam: Elinore Louise Barber (June 3, 1919-March 26, 2013) Bach44 1 2013134
Butler, Lynn EdwardsFour Sources Relating to Bach, Organ Builder Johann Scheibe, and the Organs in Zschortau and Stötteritz. Bach44 2 2013 1-5
Grant, Jason B.The Origins of the Aria 'Ich folge dir, verklärter Held' and the Recurring Chorus 'Triumph!' from the Oratorio Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Bach44 2 2013 6-24
Chobanian, Loris OhannesFANTASIA For Organ Duo / 'Bach - Riemenschneider' Bach44 2 201321p
Lee, KayoungThe Reception of Bach's Music in Korea from 1900 to 1945. Bach44 2 201325-51
Serebrennikov, MaximOnce Again on the Authorship of BWV 907 and BWV 908. Bach44 2 201352-66
Williams, PeterWhat is it to Write a Biography of J. S. Bach? Bach45 1 2014 1-14
Leaver, Robin A.Letter Codes Relating to Pitch and Key for Chorale Melodies and Bach's Contributions to the Schemelli Gesangbuch. Bach45 1 201415-33
Jerold, BeverlyJohann Philipp Kirnberger and the Bach Chorale Settings. Bach45 1 201434-43
Greer, Mary'Denn er ist unser Friede' ['For He is our peace']: The Significance of the Marking 'Due Chori in unisono' in the Autograph Score of J. S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Bach45 1 201444-89
Szabó, ZoltánPrecarious Presumptions and the 'Minoritz Report': Revisiting the primary sources of the Bach Cello Suites. Bach45 2 2014 1-33
Carrier-McClimon, CarolynHearing the 'Töne eines Passionliedes' in J. S. Bach's Christmas Oratorio: The Nineteenth-Century Critical Reception of BWV 248. Bach45 2 201434-67
Rifé i Santaló, JordiThe Kyries of J. S. Bach's B-minor Mass and Gottlob Harrer's D-major Mass (Harwv 32): Between Late Baroque and the Style Galant. Bach45 2 201468-93
Franklin, Don O.In Memoriam: Martin Petzoldt (13 April 1946--13 March 2015). Bach46 1 2015 1
Franklin, Don O.'Recht Glauben, Christlig Leben, Seelig Sterben': Johann Olearius and the Libretto of Cantata 67. Bach46 1 2015 2-28
Franklin, Don O.Viewing the Poetic Texts in Bach's Matthew Passion from a New Perspective. Bach46 1 201529-48
Maul, MichaelA Weimar Commemorative Album and Bach's Canon BWV 1073. Bach46 1 201549-73
Cortens, Evan'Durch die Music gleichsam lebendig vorgestellet': Graupner, Bach, and Mein Herz schwimmt im Blut. Bach46 1 201574-110
Leaver, Robin A.The Historical Context of Martin Petzoldt's Paper on Bach's Cantorate in Leipzig. Bach46 2 2015 1-6
Petzoldt, MartinBach as Cantor of St. Thomas in Leipzig, 1723-1750. Bach46 2 2015 7-21
Collins, DenisTaneyev's Theories of Movable Counterpoint and the Music of J. S. Bach. Bach46 2 201522-45
Crist, Stephen A.What Did Johann Ludwig Krebs Learn about Arias from his Teacher, Johann Sebastian Bach? Bach46 2 201546-58
Vandall, Robert DennisThe First Bach Festival at Baldwin Wallace. Bach46 2 201559-77
Exner, EllenThe Godfather: Georg Philipp Telemann, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, and the Family Business. Bach47 1 Jun 2016 1-20
Cypess, RebeccaAncient Poetry, Modern Music, and the Wechselgesang der Mirjam und Debora: The Meanings of Song in the Itzig Circle. Bach47 1 Jun 201621-65
Rathey, MarkusA Divided Country - A Divided Bach: The Cantor-Kapellmeister Controversy and the Cold War. Bach47 2 2016 1-26
Wollny, PeterObservations on the Autograph of the B-Minor Mass. Bach47 2 201627-46
Music, David W.Early Bach Publications in United States: Tune Books and Hymnals. Bach47 2 201647-76
Greer, MaryThe Secret Subscribers to C. P. E. Bach's Oratorio Die Israeliten in der Wüste: The Masonic Connection. Bach47 2 201677-94
Sampsell, GaryPopular Music in the Time of J. S. Bach: The Leipzig Mandora Manuscript. Bach48 1 2017 1-35
Wollny, Peter'Bekennen will ich seinen Namen': Authenticity, Purpose and Context for the Aria BWV 200. Observations on Johann Sebastian Bach's Reception of Works by Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel. Bach48 1 2017 36-75
Franklin, Don O.Reading Bachäs Notation: A Guide to the Temporal Structure of the 1733 Missa. Bach48 1 2017 76-92
Leaver, Robin A.Bach Cantatas: in Print and Recordings. Bach48 1 2017 93-114
Wolff, ChristophThe Leonhardt Connection From Sweelinck to Bach: Links and Gaps Between Historic 'Makers of Organists' Bach48 2 and 49/1 2018 2-8
Butt, JohnLeonhardt's Role in the Invention of Historically Informed Performance. Bach48 2 and 49/1 2018 9-12
Sorrell, JeannetteImagination on Fire: A Remembrance of Gustav Leonhardt. Bach48 2 and 49/1 2018 13-20
Wolf, PeterReminiscences of Three Performers and an Instrument Maker. Bach48 2 and 49/1 2018 21-43
Koopman, TonGustav Leonhardt as a Teacher. Bach48 2 and 49/1 2018 44-47
Wentz, JedOn the Protestant Roots of Gustav Leonhardt's Performance Style. Bach48 2 and 49/1 2018 48-92
Dirksen, PieterGeorg Böhm's Keyboard Music> Questions of Authorship and Connections with the Music of J. S. Bach. Bach48 2 and 49/1 2018 93-115
Leaver, Robin A.; Remeš, DerekJ. S. Bach's Chorale-Based Pedagogy: Origins and Continuity. Bach48 2 and 49/1 2018116-150
Byros, VasiliThinking in Bach's Language, Teaching in His Shoes: How the Thomaskantor Structured My Syllabus as a Modern-Day Notenbüchlein or Zibaldone. Bach49 2 2018175-204
Remeš, DerekTeaching Figured Bass with Keyboard Chorales and C. P. E. Bach's Neue Melodien zu einigen Liedern des Neuen Hamburgischen Gesangbuchs (1787). Bach49 2 2018205-226
Korsyn, KevinComposition Lessons with Bach. Bach49 2 2018227-247
Doll, ChristopherBeginnings for Beginners: A Pedagogy for Starting a Prelude. Bach49 2 2018248-265
Anson-Cartwright, MarkTeaching Bach's Aria Forms: Expanding Students' Analytical Horizons. Bach49 2 2018266-280
Brody, ChristopherTeaching Bach's Binary Forms. Bach49 2 2018281-310
Davis, StaceyTeaching Rhythm and Meter with the Moto Perpetuo Movements from Bach's Unaccompanied Instrumental Works. Bach49 2 2018311-329
Sanchez-Behar, AlexanderLooking Forward, Looking Back: Reconsidering the Study of J. S. Bach's Chorales in the Undergraduate Curriculum. Bach49 2 2018330-344
Inman, Samantha M.Introduction to Graduate Theory: Teaching Tonal Hierarchy through Bach. Bach49 2 2018345-364
Marlowe, SarahA Taxonomy for Teaching Music Theory: J. S. Bach and Lessons in Invertible Counterpoint. Bach49 2 2018365-387
Hoag, MelissaOn Relevance and Repertoire in the Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint Classroom Bach49 2 2018388-401
Lim Bing Nan, MickA Mystery Unraveled: Who Composed the Gutenberg 300th Anniversary Cantata? Bach49 2 2018402-424
Fülöp, RebeccaIntroduction. Bach50 1 2019 1-4
Moering, James M.Status, Standards, and Stereotypes: J. S. Bach's Presence in the Silent Era. Bach50 1 2019 5-31
Plank, DanaFrom the Concert Hall to the Console: Three 8-Bit Translations of the Toccata and Fugue in D Minor. Bach50 1 2019 32-62
Wissner, Reba A.First Mathematics, Then Music: J. S. Bach, Glenn Gould, and the Evolutionary Supergenius in The Outer Limits' 'The Sixth Finger' (1963). Bach50 1 2019 63-80
Brown-Montesano, KristiTerminal Bach: Technology, Media, and the Goldberg Variations in Postwar American Culture. Bach50 1 2019 81-117
Haldey, OlgaVoice of the Dance: J. S. Bach and Other Classics in the Maksimova-Vasiliev Film Fouetté (1986). Bach50 2 Fall 2019136-174
Baumgartner, MichaelJ. S. Bach, Jean-Luc Godard, and the Reimagining of the Immaculate Conception in Hail Mary (1985). Bach50 2 Fall 2019175-219
Brill, MarkThe Consecration of the Marginalized: Pasolini's Use of J. S. Bach in Accattone (1961) and Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo (1964). Bach50 2 Fall 2019220-253
Broman, Per F.Another Woody: J. S. Bach in Dixieland. Bach50 2 Fall 2019254-274
Kupfer, Peter'Good Hands': The Music of J. S. Bach in Television Commercials. Bach50 2 Fall 2019275-302
Fuhrmann, ChristinaEditorial: Tribute to Dr. Elinore L. Barber. Bach51 1 2020 1-4
Lester, JoelTone-painting the Mysterious: The 'Et expecto' from J. S. Bach's Mass in B Minor. Bach51 1 2020 5-43
Rathey, MarkusMemory, Morals, and Contemplation in Leipzig Passion Texts from the 1720s: A New Perspective on J. S. Bach's St. John Passion from 1724. Bach51 1 2020 44-69
Marshall, Robert L.; Marshall, Traute M.Bach Family Sites. Bach51 1 2020 70-121
Leaver, Robin A.History Past and Present: Celebrating Two Milestones of the Bach Choir of Bethlehem. Bach51 1 2020122-138
Talle, AndrewWho Was Anna Magdalena Bach? Bach51 1 2020139-171
Plank, Steven E.BACH at 50: Some Anniversary Thoughts. Bach51 2 2020177-185
Crist, Stephen A.Johann Philipp Bach and the Aria Scotese con Variazzione: Twilight of the Bach Dynasty? Bach51 2 2020186-209
Varwig, BettinaDistributed Listening: Aural Encounters with J. S. Bach's Sacred Cantatas. Bach51 2 2020210-240
Franklin, Don O.Notational and Performance Issues in J. S. Bach's Preludes and Fugues for Organ. Bach51 2 2020241-258
Oleskiewicz, MaryThe Partita in A Minor for Unaccompanied Flute BWV 1013: Problems and Possibilities. Bach51 2 2020259-294

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