Bach Bibliography
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Series : NaucnyeTrudy
Volume : 68
Year : 2011
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Kirillina, Larisa Valentinovna:   K istorii bahianstva v klassičeskuű epohu NaucnyeTrudy 68 (2011), 62-82. [Bach studies in the Classical epoch] Latin 2
2. Zenkin, Konstantin Vladimirovič:   Bahianstvo kompozitorov-romantikov pervoj poloviny XIX veka. NaucnyeTrudy 68 (2011), 83-96. [Interest in J.S. Bach's music among Romantic composers of the first half of the 19th century] Latin 2
3. Saponov, Mihail Aleksandrovič:   'Bludnyj syn' bahovskih partitur: Corno da caccia. NaucnyeTrudy 68 (2011), 97-107. ['The prodigal son' of J.S. Bach's music: Corno da caccia] Latin 2
4. Krivickaâ, Evgeniâ Davidovna:   Nekotorye aspekty v izučenii organnogo naslediâ I.S. Baha: Voprosy vremennoj atribucii, stilâ i autentičnoj registrovki. NaucnyeTrudy 68 (2011), 108-119. [The study of J.S. Bach's organ heritage: Temporal, stylistic, and authentic timbral attribution] Latin 2
5. Nosina, Vera Borisovna:   Ob jelementah muzykal'noj ritoriki v klavirnyh sonatah K.F.Je. Baha. NaucnyeTrudy 68 (2011), 217-230. [On elements of musical rhetoric in the clavier sonatas of C.P.E. Bach]
6. Grohotov, Sergej Vladimirovič; Činaev, Vladimir Petrovič (eds.):   Ot barokko k romantizmu. I. Muzykal'nye jepohi i stili: Jestetika, pojetika, ispolnitel'skaja interpretacija. [From Baroque to Romanticism. I. Musical epochs and styles: Aesthetics, poetics, performance interpretation] - Moskva: Gosudarstvennaja Konservatorija imeni P. I. Čajkovskogo, 2011. 348p. ISBN: 5-89598-251-4; 978-5-89598-251-8. (= Naučnye trudy Moskovskoj Gosudarstvennoj Konservatorii im. P. I. Čajkovskogo; No. 68) [contents] Latin 2

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita