Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : EastmanStudM
Volume : 37
Year : 2006
Show full details : ON
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Baron, Carol K.:   Transitions, Transformations, Reversals: Rethinking Bach's World. EastmanStudM 37 (2006), 1-34.
2. Baron, Carol K.:   Tumultuous Philosophers, Pious Rebels, Revolutionary Teachers, Pedantic Clerics, Vengeful Bureaucrats, Threatened Tyrants, Worldly Mystics: The Religious World Bach Inherited. EastmanStudM 37 (2006), 35-85.
3. Cleve, John van:   Family Values and Dysfunctional Families: Home Life in the Moral Weeklies and Comedies of Bach's Leipzig. EastmanStudM 37 (2006), 86-107.
4. Irwin, Joyce L.:   Bach in the Midst of Religious Transition. EastmanStudM 37 (2006), 108-126.
5. Siegele, Ulrich:   Bach's Situation in the Cultural Politics of Contemporary Leipzig. EastmanStudM 37 (2006), 127-173. Edited and abridged by Carol K. Baron with translation assistance from Susan H. Gillespie with Ruben Weltsch.
6. Kevorkian, Tanya:   The reception of the Cantata during Leipzig Church Services, 1700-1750. EastmanStudM 37 (2006), 174-189.
7. Goodman, Katherine R.:   From Salon to Kaffeekranz: Gender Wars and the Coffee Cantata in Bach's Leipzig. EastmanStudM 37 (2006), 190-218.
8. Kuhnau, Johann:   A Treatise on Liturgical Text Settings (1710). EastmanStudM 37 (2006), 219-226. Translated by Ruben Weltsch; introduced by Carol K. Baron.
9. Scheibel, Gottfried Ephraim:   Random Thoughts About Church Music in Our Day (1721). EastmanStudM 37 (2006), 227-249. Introduced and translated by Joyce Irwin.
10. Baron, Carol K.:   Bach's Changing World: Voices in the Community. Rochester, NY: Univ. of Rochester Press, 2006. xvi, 264p. ISBN: 1-58046-190-5. (= Eastman studies in music, 37) [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita