Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : DwightJM
Volume : 33
Year : 1873
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. [anon.]:   Rubinstein and his 'Ocean Symphony' in New York (For the 'Tribune', April 1). DwightJM 33/ 1 (19 Apr 1873), 4
2. [anon.]:   London. Passion Music in Passion week. Bach's 'St. Matthew Passion', five times in one week! DwightJM 33/ 2 (3 May 1873), 11-12
3. [anon.]:   London. St. Anne's Church, Soho. DwightJM 33/ 2 (3 May 1873), 12
4. [anon.]:   London. Bach in Birmingham. DwightJM 33/ 2 (3 May 1873), 12
5. [anon.]:   Utrecht [Bach Society concert]. DwightJM 33/ 2 (3 May 1873), 13
6. [anon.]:   The London 'Times' on Dr. Hans von Buelow. DwightJM 33/ 6 (28 Jun 1873), 44-45
7. MacFarren, George Alexander:   J. S. Bach's 'Passion of St. Matthew'. DwightJM 33/15 (1 Nov 1873), 113-114
8. MacFarren, George Alexander:   J. S. Bach's 'Passion of St. Matthew' (Concluded from page 114). DwightJM 33/15 (15 Nov 1873), 122
9. [anon.]:   Bach's Christmas music [Collection of anthems and arias to form Bach's 'Christmas Oratorio'] (From the 'Orchestra', London). DwightJM 33/18 (13 Dec 1873), 138-139

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita