Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : DwightJM
Volume : 31
Year : 1871
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. [anon.]:   Bach's 'Passion-Music' ['St. Matthew Passion'] at Westminster Abbey (From the London 'Daily News', April 7). DwightJM 31/ 3 (6 May 1871), 17-18
2. [anon.]:   Bach in Westminster Abbey. DwightJM 31/ 3 (6 May 1871), 21-22
3. [anon.]:   The musical festival. DwightJM 31/ 3 (6 May 1871), 22-23
4. [anon.]:   What they say of the Passion music. DwightJM 31/ 4, 5 (20 May; 3 Jun 1871), 29-30; 34-35
5. [anon.]:   Second Triennial Festival of the Handel and Haydn Society. Evening -- Bach's 'Passion Music'. DwightJM 31/ 6 (17 Jun 1871), 46-47
6. [anon.]:   More impressions of the 'Passion Music' at the Festival. DwightJM 31/ 6 (17 Jun 1871), 48
7. [anon.]:   Musical Festival of the Lower Rhine (From the London 'Daily Telegraph'). DwightJM 31/ 7 (1 Jul 1871), 49-50
8. [anon.]:   Second Triennial Festival of the Handel and Haydn Society. Fifth day (Concluded). DwightJM 31/ 7 (1 Jul 1871), 53-55
9. Bowman:   Extracts from Mr. Bowman's 'review' of the Handel and Haydn Festival. The principal solo singers [Mme Rudersdorff, Cummings]. The Passion Music [Bach, 'St. Matthew Passion']. DwightJM 31/ 9 (29 Jul 1871), 69
10. [anon.]:   The Gloucester Festival (From the 'Orchestra', Sept. 3). DwightJM 31/14 (7 Oct 1871), 106-107
11. [anon.]:   The vocal works of Bach and Handel -- Letter by Robert Franz. DwightJM 31/14, 15, 16, 18, 19 (7, 21 Oct; 4 Nov; 2, 16 Dec 1871), 109-110; 118-119; 121; 137-138; 145-146
12. [anon.]:   [Matinées of Messrs. Leonhard and Eichberg at the Hall of the Mechanics' Charitable Association: Bach, Chaconne for solo violin. Schumann, Sonata for violin and pianoforte, op. 121]. DwightJM 31/19 (16 Dec 1871), 149-150

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