Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : DwightJM
Volume : 30
Year : 1870
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. [anon.]:   Bach's 'Grosse Passions-Musik' ('St. Matthew') (From the London 'Musical Times'. Concluded from page 210) DwightJM 30/ 3 (23 Apr 1870), 226-228
2. [anon.]:   Music abroad. Bach's 'Passion Music' ('St. Matthew') in London. DwightJM 30/ 3 (23 Apr 1870), 231
3. A.:   Musical correspondence (Further extracts from the diary of a young man of the 'future'). Dresden (April 9). DwightJM 30/ 5 (21 May 1870), 244
4. [anon.]:   Music abroad. London. Oratorio Concerts. DwightJM 30/ 5 (21 May 1870), 245
5. Rahles, Ferdinand:   Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. DwightJM 30/ 6 (4 Jun 1870), 252
6. Ehlert, Louis:   Haydn, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, etc., as contrapuntalists (From Ehlert's 'Letters on Music'). DwightJM 30/10 (30 Jul 1870), 281-282
7. Ambros, August Wilhelm:   Beethoven, Goethe, and Michael Angelo (From the 'Neue Berliner Musikzeitung'). DwightJM 30/15 (8 Oct 1870), 322-323
8. Anglo-Saxon:   A study on Sebastian Bach (From the 'Musical Standard', London). DwightJM 30/16 (22 Oct 1870), 330-331

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita