Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : ContributStudMDance
Volume : 19
Year : 1992
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Baron, Samuel:   J. S. Bach: The Flauto and the Traverso. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 11-18
2. Bennis, Ann Edward:   An Odd Couple: J. S. Bach and A. S. Huxley. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 19-21
3. Corrigan, Vincent:   Hemiola in the Eighteenth Century. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 23-32
4. Daverio, John J.:   The 'Unravelling' of Schoenberg's Bach. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 33-44
5. Sammern-Frankenegg, Fritz:   The Message of Johann Sebastian Bach in Ingmar Bergman's Cinematic Art. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 45-57
6. Adams, Howard C.:   The Contemporizing of Scripture in the Cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 5-9
7. Gottlieb, Stephen A.:   Bach's Musical Offering as Autobiography. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 59-68
8. Hall, Richard A. Spurgeon:   Bach and Edwards on the Religious Affections. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 69-81
9. Joseph, Charles M.:   Bach the Architect: Some Remarks on Structure and Pacing in Selected Praeludia. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 83-93
10. Schulenberg, David:   Musical Expression and Musical Rhetoric in the Keyboard Works of J. S. Bach. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 95-109
11. Smithers, Don L.:   The Original Circumstances in the Performance of Bach's Leipzig Church Cantatas, 'wegen seiner Sonn- und Festtägigen Amts-Verrichtungen'. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 111-126
12. Benstock, Seymour L. (ed.):   Johann Sebastian: A Tercentenary Celebration. ContributStudMDance 19 (1992), 176p

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita