Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : BachNotesLBS
Year : 2016
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Steinitz, Margaret:   LBS Celebrates Landmark 70th. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2016), [1]
2. Steinitz, Margaret:   Bachfest 2016 (4-11 Nov). BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2016), [2-3]
3. Steinitz, Margaret:   Anna wins the LBS Bach Singers Prize. BachNotesLBS (Spring 2016), [2]
4. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   At the LBS Bach Club curated by Satoko Doi-Luck & Mirjam - Luise Münzel. BachNotesLBS (Spring 2016), [2]
5. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   LBS Vice President Lord Avebury dies. BachNotesLBS (Spring 2016), [2]
6. Steinitz, Margaret:   LBS Choir 1947-1989: No ordinary choir. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2016), [3]
7. Steinitz, Margaret:   RAM Bach Cantata Series: 8th glorious year! BachNotesLBS (Spring 2016), [3]
8. Smaill, Peter:   BACH GOES WEST: Peter Smaill reports on the American Bach Society Conference in April 2016. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2016), [4]
9. Caine, Philip:   In the Footsteps of JSB (and some other composers). BachNotesLBS (Spring 2016), [4]
10. Tomita, Yo:   Bachfest Leipzig 2016, a review from the pews. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2016), [5]
11. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   Max Reger Centenary (1873-1916) Inspired by Bach and Bach's city. BachNotesLBS (Spring 2016), [5]
12. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   Thomanerchor in Israel. BachNotesLBS (Spring 2016), [5]
13. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   A new Cantor is appointed. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2016), [6]
14. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   LBS Exhibit at Royal Academy of Music 19 September 2016 – 28 February 2017. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2016), [6]

Search took 1s cpu time (0.062s in system), 60890 records per second.

BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita