Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : Bach
Volume : 25
Year : 1994
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Butler, Gregory G.:   J. S. Bach's 'Hudemann' Canon, BWV 1074: A Note on the Engraving and Printing History. Bach 25/1 (Spring-Summer 1994), 5-10
2. Marissen, Michael:   More Source-Critical Research on J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. Bach 25/1 (Spring-Summer 1994), 11-27
3. Cox, Howard H.:   The Scholarly Detective: Investigating Bach's Personal Bible. Bach 25/1 (Spring-Summer 1994), 28-45
4. Kellner, Herbert Anton:   Kepler, Bach, and Gauss: The Celestial Harmony of the Earth's Motion. Bach 25/1 (Spring-Summer 1994), 46-56
5. David, Hans T.:   Deceptive Performance Traditions. (1926) Bach 25/2 (Fall-Winter 1994), 36-53
6. George Kochevitsky Speaks Concerning the Performance of Early Music. (1972-1976) Bach 25/2 (Fall-Winter 1994), 54-58
7. Rudolf, Max:   Storm and Stress in Music. (1972) Bach 25/2 (Fall-Winter 1994), 6-35
8. Schenkman, Walter:   Portrait of Mattheson, the Editor, Together with His Correspondents. (1978-1979) Bach 25/2 (Fall-Winter 1994), 63-90
9. Ambrose, Jane:   Notations on Mattheson's Der brauchbare Virtuoso. (1986) Bach 25/2 (Fall-Winter 1994), 91-98
10. Radice, Mark A.:   Tate's Libretto for Dido and Aeneas: A Revaluation. (1976) Bach 25/2 (Fall-Winter 1994), 99-106
11. Leaver, Robin A.:   The Funeral Sermon for Heinrich Schütz. Bach 25/2 (Fall-Winter 1994), 115-129

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita