Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : Bach
Volume : 20
Year : 1989
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Schulze, Hans-Joachim:   The Parody Process in Bach's Music: An Old Problem Reconsidered. Bach 20/1 (Spring 1989), 7-21
2. Cox, Howard H.:   Bach's Conception of His Office. Bach 20/1 (Spring 1989), 22-30
3. Whaples, Miriam K.:   Bach's Earliest Arias. Bach 20/1 (Spring 1989), 31-54
4. Wolff, Christoph:   Bach the Cantor, the Capellmeister, and the Musical Scholar: Aspects of the B-Minor Mass. Bach 20/1 (Spring 1989), 55-64
5. Butler, Gregory G.:   J. S. Bach's Einige Canonische Veraenderungen: The View from the Original Print. Bach 20/2 (Summer 1989), 4-37
6. Snyder, Kerala J.:   To Lübeck in the Steps of J. S. Bach. Bach 20/2 (Summer 1989), 38-48
7. Dadelsen, Georg von:   Friedrich Smend's Edition of the B-minor Mass by J. S. Bach. Bach 20/2 (Summer 1989), 49-74
8. Mann, Alfred:   A Document from the Hand of Arthur Mendel: Introduction and Commentary. Bach 20/3 (Fall 1989), 4-5(-14)
9. Mendel, Arthur:   Persönliches zur Geschichte der Jüngeren Bach-Forschung. ('A Personal Message Concerning the History of Recent Bach Scholarship') Bach 20/3 (Fall 1989), 6-14
10. Tatlow, Ruth:   J. S. Bach and the Baroque Paragram: A Reappraisal of Friedrich Smend's Number-Alphabet Theory. Bach 20/3 (Fall 1989), 15-33
11. Leaver, Robin A.:   The Revival of the St. John Passion: History and Performance Practice. Bach 20/3 (Fall 1989), 34-49

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita