Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : [p]IMS_Tokyo
Year : 2017
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Cressy, Thomas:   The Reception and Dissemination of Bach's Music in Meiji-Era Japan: Repertoire, Social Agency, and Westernization. [p]IMS_Tokyo (Mar 2017)
2. Koska, Bernd:   Identifying 'Anonymus 402': New thoughts on the transmission of Bach's works in Berlin. [p]IMS_Tokyo (Mar 2017)
3. Tomita, Yo; Blanken, Christine; Rettinghaus, Klaus; Ebata, Nobuaki:   Towards the Development of the Next Generation of Online Resources for Bach Scholarship. [p]IMS_Tokyo (Mar 2017)
4. Markstrom, Kurt:   Easter 1724 and Bach's Chorale Cantata Cycle. [p]IMS_Tokyo (Mar 2017)
5. Enßlin, Wolfram:   Prospects of Research on Scribes: The Heritage Yoshitake Kobayashi. [p]IMS_Tokyo (Mar 2017)
6. Maul, Michael:   Lost Musical manuscripts rediscovered at unexpected places - another chapter. [p]IMS_Tokyo (Mar 2017)
7. Tomita, Yo:   Exploring J. S. Bach's musical thinking and performance intentions through the examination of his quaver-beam notation. [p]IMS_Tokyo (Mar 2017)
8. Blanken, Christine:   The path towards a new Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis ('BWV3'): The struggle to establish an authentic corpus of organ chorales by J. S. Bach. [p]IMS_Tokyo (Mar 2017)
9. Szabó, Zoltán:   'The Bare Original in Its Primitive State': Friedrich Grützmacher's Concert Version of the Bach Cello Suites. [p]IMS_Tokyo (Mar 2017)
10. Kato, Takumi:   Reinhard Keiser's Passion Oratorios: Examining the Originality and Ingenuity of the Vanguard in German Sacred Oratorio. [p]IMS_Tokyo (Mar 2017)

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita