Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Author : Marissen, Michael
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Marissen, Michael:   A Trio in C major for recorder, violin and continuo by J. S. Bach? EarlyM 13/3 (Aug 1985), 384-390
2. Marissen, Michael:   Bach-Repertoire für Flötisten. Tibia 12/3 (1987), 537-540
3. Marissen, Michael:   A Critical Reappraisal of J. S. Bach's A-major Flute Sonata. JMcol 6/3 (Summer 1988), 367-386
4. Marissen, Michael:   Relationships Between Form and Scoring in J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No.6. [p]AMS_Austin (Oct 1989)
5. Marissen, Michael:   Relationships Between Form and Scoring in J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No.6. [p]AMS_MidAtlantic (Oct 1989)
6. Marissen, Michael:   Relationships between Scoring and Structure in the First Movement of Bach's Sixth Brandenburg Concerto. MLetters 71/4 (Nov 1990), 494-504
7. Marissen, Michael:   Beziehungen zwischen der Besetzung und dem Satzaufbau im ersten Satz des sechsten Brandenburgischen Konzerts von Johann Sebastian Bach. BeitrBachF 9-10 (1991), 104-128
8. Marissen, Michael Anthony:   Scoring, Structure, and Signification in J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. diss. (1991), vii, 251p
9. Marissen, Michael:   Organological Questions and their Significance in J. S. Bach's Fourth Brandenburg Concerto. JAmerMInstrSoc 17 (1991), 5-52
10. Marissen, Michael:   On Linking Bach's F-Major Sinfonia and his Hunt Cantata. Bach 23/2 (Fall-Winter 1992), 31-46
11. Marissen, Michael:   J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos as a Meaningful Set. MQ 77/2 (Summer 1993), 193-235
12. Marissen, Michael:   Religious Aims in Mendelssohn's 1829 Berlin-Singakademie Performances of Bach's St. Matthew Passion. MQ 77/4 (Winter 1993), 718-726
13. Marissen, Michael:   More Source-Critical Research on J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. Bach 25/1 (Spring-Summer 1994), 11-27
14. Marissen, Michael:   The Social and Religious Designs of J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. (1995), 160p
15. Marissen, Michael:   Concerto Styles and Signification in Bach's First Brandenburg Concerto. BachPerspectives 1 (1995), 79-101
16. Marissen, Michael:   The theological character of J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. BachStud 2 (1995), 85-106
17. Marissen, Michael:   Bach and Recorders in G. GalpinSocJ 48 (Mar 1995), 199-204
18. Marissen, Michael:   Lutheranism, Anti-Judaism, and Bach's St. John Passion. [p]AMS_MidAtlantic (Oct 1995)
19. Marissen, Michael:   Performance Practice Issues that Affect Meaning in Selected Bach Instrumental Works. [p]AMS_MidAtlantic (Apr 1995)
20. Marissen, Michael:   Penzel Manuscripts of Bach Concertos. DortmundBachF 1 (1997), 77-87
21. Marissen, Michael:   The Redemptive Interpretation of Matthew 27: 25 in Bach's St. Matthew Passion. [p]IATB_Chicago (Sep 1997)
22. Marissen, Michael:   Lutheranism, Anti-Judaism, and Bach's St. John Passion. (1998), 127p
23. Melamed, Daniel R.; Marissen, Michael:   An introduction to Bach Studies. (1998), xi, 189p
24. Marissen, Michael (ed.):   Creative Responses to Bach from Mozart to Hindemith. BachPerspectives 3 (1998), ix, 160p
25. Marissen, Michael:   Performance Practice Issues that Affect Meaning in Two Bach Instrumental Works. [p]BS_Dortmund (Jan 1998)
26. Marissen, Michael:   Aufführungspraxis und Bedeutung in zwei Instrumentalwerken Johann Sebastian Bachs. DortmundBachF 2 (1999), 291-301
27. Marissen, Michael:   Vom Musikalisch-Theologischen in den Kirchenkantaten J. S. Bachs. [p]IATB_Logumkloster (Oct 1999)
28. Marissen, Michael:   Bach. Brandenburg Kyosokyoku. BCJ 42 (May 2000), 8-19
29. Marissen, Michael:   Brandenburg Concertos (Brandenburgische Konzerte). Six Concertos, BWV 1046-1051, which Bach dedicated to Christian Ludwig, Margrave of Brandenburg, in March 1721. BCJ 42 (May 2000), 28-33
30. Marissen, Michael:   Perspectives on the 'St. John Passion' and the Jews. NYTimes (2 Apr 2000)
31. Marissen, Michael:   Biblical solutions to Certain Problems in Bach Biography. [p]IBS_Utrecht (Sep 2000)
32. Marissen, Michael:   On the Musically Theological in J. S. Bach's Church Cantatas. LutherQ 16/1 (2002), 48-64
33. Marissen, Michael:   Bach and Josephus on the destruction of Jerusalem. [p]ABS_Houston (Apr 2002)
34. Marissen, Michael:   Bach, Luther, and Josephus on the Destruction of Jerusalem. [p]IATB_Eisenach (Mar 2002)
35. Marissen, Michael:   The Character and Sources of the Anti-Judaism in Bach's Cantata 46. HarvardTheolReview 96/1 (2003), 63-99
36. Marissen, Michael:   Blood, people and crowds in Matthew's Gospel, Luther's New Testament and Bach's St. Matthew Passion. [p]WAfB_Wolfenbüttel (Apr 2003)
37. Marissen, Michael:   Performance Practice Issues That Affect Meaning in Two Bach Instrumental Works. EastmanStudM 28 (2004), 85-94
38. Marissen, Michael:   Blood, People, and Crowds in Matthew, Luther, and Bach. LutherQ 19/1 (2005), 1-22
39. Marissen, Michael:   New Theological Research on Bach's Church Cantatas and Oratorios. [p]IMS_Middelburg (Mar 2005)
40. Scheide, William H.; Marshall, Robert L.; Marissen, Michael; Wolff, Christoph:   Arthur Mendel and the World of J. S. Bach. [p]Mendel60BR (Nov 2005)
41. Marissen, Michael:   Yohane Junankyoku BWV 245 Dai-4-Ko. Johannespassion BWV 245 Fassung IV. Kashi Chushaku. BCJ 76 (Apr 2007), 9-40
42. Marissen, Michael:   Bach's St. John Passion and the Jews. Colloquium 4 (Autumn 2007), 141-143
43. Marissen, Michael:   Historically Informed Rendering of the Librettos from Bach's Church Cantatas. [fs]Leaver65 (2007), 103-120
44. Marissen, Michael:   Bach's Oratorios: The Parallel German-English Texts with Annotations. (2008), 208p
45. Marissen, Michael:   J. S. Bach's Church Cantatas and 'the Jews' in the Gospel of John. [p]BICB_Salzburg (Jul 2014)
46. Butt, John; Tomita, Yo; Marissen, Michael; Varwig, Bettina:   Principles of Performance Lost and Gained: John Butt on Bach-related subjects in conversation with Yo Tomita, Michael Marissen and Bettina Varwig. [p]BNUK_Cambridge (Jul 2015)
47. Marissen, Michael:   Bach & God. (2016), xxi, 257p
48. Marissen, Michael:   In Memoriam: J. Reilly Lewis (15 September 1944—9 June 2016). BachNotesABS 25 (Fall 2016), 7
49. Marissen, Michael:   Religious Meaning and Bach Performance. [p]ABS_SouthBend (Apr 2016)
50. Marissen, Michael; Varwig, Bettina; Begbie, Jeremy:   Bach and God. [p]BNUK_Cambridge (Jul 2017)

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita