Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Elferen, Isabella van: Musical expression of mystic love in Bach's vocal work. [p]IBS_Utrecht (Sep 2000) | |
| 2. | Elferen, Isabella van: The language of love. Baroque mystical love as an intertextual phenomenon. [p]ABS_Harvard (Apr 2001) | |
| 3. | Elferen, Isabella van: Theological symbolism of blood and tear metaphors in German baroque poetry and music. [p]CHB_Cambridge (Sep 2001) | |
| 4. | Elferen, Isabella van: The affection of love in arts and sciences of the German baroque. [p]RE_Manchester (May 2001) | |
| 5. | Elferen, Isabella van: 'Sie creutzigen alle Sinne des Leibes!' Die lutherische Passionsbetrachtung als Affekttherapie. [p]IATB_Eisenach (Mar 2002) | |
| 6. | Elferen, Isabella van: Visuality in poetry and music of the early German baroque. [p]MVK_Groningen (Feb 2002) | |
| 7. | Elferen, Isabella van: Reading, seeing, hearing and feeling in Lutheran poetry and music of the German baroque. [p]Paragone_Utrecht (May 2002) | |
| 8. | Elferen, Isabella van: Von Laura zum himmlischen Bräutigam: Der petrarkistische Diskurs in Dichtung und Musik des deutschen Barock. diss. (2003), 286p | |
| 9. | Elferen, Isabella van: Blood and Tears in J.S. Bach's Passions. [p]BachsPassions_Miami (Feb-Mar 2003) | |
| 10. | Elferen, Isabella van: Mystische Liebe in Text und Musik der barocken Passionsbetrachtung. [p]WAfB_Wolfenbüttel (Apr 2003) | |
| 11. | Elferen, Isabella van: 'Sie creutzigen alle Sinne des Leibes!' Multi-mediality, Consolatio Tragoediae and Lutheran Pedagogy in the German Baroque Passion Meditation. (2004), 121-143 | |
| 12. | Elferen, Isabella van: 'Recht bitter und doch süße': Textual and Musical Expression of Mystical Love in German Baroque Meditations of Christ's Passion. Bach 35/1 (2004), 1-28 | |
| 13. | Elferen, Isabella van: 'Seuffzen und Thränen': of sighs and tears in Bach's vocal works. [p]BICB_Manchester (Jul 2004) | |
| 14. | Elferen, Isabella van: Affective discourse in German baroque textbased music. TijdschrMtheorie 9/3 (Nov 2004), 217-236 | |
| 15. | Elferen, Isabella van: 'Let tears of blood run down your cheeks'. Floods of blood, tears and love in German baroque devotional literature and music. (2005) | |
| 16. | Elferen, Isabella van: Tears of Transgression. Crying, Sensitivity, and Performance in Musical Culture of the Empfindsamkeit. (Jan 2005) | |
| 17. | Elferen, Isabella van: Van Laura tot hemelse bruidegom: Mystieke liefde in poëzie en muziek van de Duitse barok. Incontri 20/1 (2005), 99-112 | |
| 18. | Elferen, Isabella van: 'Und ging hinaus, und weinete bitterlich': Music crossing Social Borders in C.P.E. Bach's Passions. [p]ABS_Leipzig (May 2006) | |
| 19. | Elferen, Isabella van: 'Ihr Augen weint!' Intersubjective Tears in the Sentimental Concert Hall. UnderstandingBach 2 (2007), 77-94 | |
| 20. | Elferen, Isabella van: The Hungry Soul: Communion Mystics and Physiology in J. S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Bach 40/1 (2009), 35-57 | |
| 21. | Elferen, Isabella van: Mystical love in the German Baroque: theology, poetry, music. ContextBachStud 2 (2009), xxvi, 357p | |
| 22. | Elferen, Isabella van: 'Recht bitter und doch süße'. Lutherse theologie en mystieke liefde in de Matthäus-Passion. [ce]GeheimenMatthausPassion (2010), 81-91 | |
| 23. | Elferen, Isabella van: The Gothic Bach: Film, TV, Subculture ... and Liturgy. [p]BNUK_Edinburgh (Aug 2011) | |
| 24. | Elferen, Isabella van: Gothic music: The sounds of the uncanny. (2012), 229p | |
| 25. | Elferen, Isabella van: The Gothic Bach. UnderstandingBach 7 (2012), 9-20 | |