Bach Bibliography
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Series : diss.
Year : 1997
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TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Muller, Stephanus Jacobus van Zyl:   An interpretative analysis of the Capriccio in B flat major, BWV 992, by J. S. Bach, with specific reference to comparative interpretations on the clavichord, harpsichord and piano. diss. (1997) MMus diss., University of South Africa, 1997.
2. Malone, Sean:   Schenkerian Analysis and Goedels's Theorem: The Urlinie as Formally Undecidable. diss. (1997) MA diss. in Music Theory. Univ. of South Florida, 1997.
3. Yip, Lam Christine:   The Performances of J. S. Bach's Music in the Hong Kong Arts Festival: A Case Study of Bach Reception in Hong Kong. diss. (1997), 177p. MPhil, University of Hong Kong, 1997. 177p. - ISBN: 0-599-13892-0
4. Aringer, Klaus:   Die Tradition des Pausa-Schlusses in den Klavier- und Orgelwerken Johann Sebastian Bachs. diss. (1997), 197p. PhD diss., Musicology, München, 1997. 197 p
5. Hoffmann, Martin:   Studien zur Fermate. diss. (1997), 203p. PhD diss., Musicology: U. Salzburg, 1997. 203 p.
6. Husainov, Igor':   Fuga i logika: O vyrazenii logiceskoj argumentacii v fugah J.S. Baha. diss. (1997), 24p. [Logic and the fugue: The expression of logical argument in J.S. Bach's fugues] Kand., Iskusstvov: Rossijskaja Akademija Muzyki im. Gnesinyh, 1997. 24 p.
7. Sattolo, Luca:   Le messe BWV 233-236 di Johann Sebastian Bach: aspetti di tecnica compositiva e di stile musicale. diss. (1997), 269p. Cremona: Scuola di Paleografia e Filologia Musicale dell'Universita di Pavia, a.a. 1996-1997, 269 p.
8. Gerstner, Matthias:   Das Orgelschaffen von Johannes Brahms: Studien zur Tradition in der Orgelmusik des 19. Jahrhunderts. diss. (1997), 279p. PhD diss., Musicology: U. Salzburg, 1997. 279 p.
9. Redmann, Bernd:   Studien zur Lehre Heinrich Schenkers auf Grundlage einer allgemeinen Theorie der Musikanalyse. diss. (1997), 507p. PhD diss., U. Salzburg, 1997. 507 p.
10. Shao, Tingwen Tina:   Franz Liszt's Transcription of John Sebastian Bach's Prelude and Fugue in A minor (BWV 543). diss. (1997), 50p. DMus diss, The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1997. 50p (See DissAbstracts 59/04-A, 1004)
11. Brown, Louise Fallon:   The special attributes of Mozart's scoring in the string quintets. diss. (1997), 51p. DMA doc., Music: U. of Cincinnati, Col.-Conservatory of Music, 1997. 51 p.
12. Holtzendorff, Peter B.:   A parametric integration model for the analysis of late Baroque music: A tentative approach. diss. (1997), 84p. MA diss., McGill University, 1997. 84p. Advisor: Bo Alphonce.
13. Kreuscher, Carol Ann:   Two Cantatas for Solo Alto by J. S. Bach on Texts by G. C. Lehms: A Poetic and Musical Analysis. diss. (1997), 86p. DMA diss., The University of Texas at Austin. 1997. 86p; [See DissAbstracts, lviii/8, p.2453] UMI AAI9803088. [BWV 54, 170]
14. Auclair, Francis:   L'interprétation des œuvres de J.S. Bach. diss. (1997), 900p. [The interpretation of J.S. Bach's musical works] Doctorat, Musicologie: U. de Strasbourg II [Sciences Humaines], 1997. 2 vols. 900 p.
15. Douglas, David James:   Inquiry into J.S. Bach's method of reworking in his composition of the concerto for keyboard, flute and violin, BWV 1044, and its chronology. diss. (1997), vi, 52p. MA thesis, Music: U. of British Columbia, 1997. vi, 52 p.
16. Springthorpe, Nigel Richard:   Passion Composition and composers of Passion music associated with the Court of Anhalt-Zerbst. diss. (1997), xiv, 490p. PhD dissertation, University of Surrey, 1997. xiv, 490p.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita