Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : diss.
Year : 1961
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Buelow, George J.:   Johann David Heinichen, 'Der General-Bass in der Composition': a Critical Study with Annotated Translation of Selected Chapters. diss. (1961) PhD. New York University, 1961.
2. Lambert, Arthur Adams:   The keyboard partitas of J. S. Bach: A study of background, text, and interpretation. diss. (1961), 292p. PhD diss., Musicology, State Univ. of Iowa 1961, 292p. (Ann Arbor Microfilms. No. 61-5587)
3. Lomnitzer, Helmut:   Das musikalische Werk Friedrich Schneiders (1786 - 1853); insbesondere die Oratorien. diss. (1961), 376, 37p. Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Hohen Philosophischen Fakultät der Philipps-Universität zu Marburg / vorgelegt von Helmut Lomnitzer aus Dillenburg. - Marburg, 1961. [1. Textteil] 277p; [2. Anhang] p. 280-376, 37p. - Marburg, Phil. F., Diss. v. 19. Juli 1961.
4. Foelber, Paul Frederick:   Bach's treatment of the subject of death in his choral music. diss. (1961), 435p. Washington: The Catholic Univ. of America Press 1961. 435p.
5. Scharf, W. A.:   Bach's B minor mass: a study in interpretation. diss. (1961), x, 344p. DMA dissertation, University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music, 1961. x, 334p. 6 fc.
6. Shannon, John Reuben:   The Mylauer Tabulaturbuch. diss. (1961), xi, 146p. A Study of the Preludial and Fugal Forms in the Hands of Bach's Middle-German Predecessors. - PhD diss., Music, Univ. of North Carolina. 1961. xi, 146p., iii, 184p musical supplement.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita