Bach Bibliography
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Series : [fs]Sumikura70
Year : 2002
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Osumi, Kinya:   Ongakushi-teki Tenkan no Yoin to shite no Luther? Luther no Ongakukan Saiko. [fs]Sumikura70 (2002), 46-60. [Luther as a factor for a turning point in music history? Rethinking Luther's musical perspective]
2. Arakawa, Tsuneko:   Concerto kara Kyokai Kantata e no Michi: Dresden Kyutei ni okeru 2ri no Italia-jin Gakucho ni tsuite. [fs]Sumikura70 (2002), 125-135. [The road from concertos to church cantatas: Two Italian kapellmeisters at the Dresden court]
3. Sato, Nozomi:   Tenkanki to shite no 'Kigaku no Dokuritsu'. [fs]Sumikura70 (2002), 136-147. ['Emancipation of instrumental music' as a turning point]
4. Kimura, Sachiko:   Shaibe ni yoru Bach Hihan Saiko. [fs]Sumikura70 (2002), 148-161. [Rethinking Scheibe's criticism on Bach]
5. Kubota, Keiichi:   C.P.E. Bach to J.N. Forkel. [fs]Sumikura70 (2002), 171-179. [C.P.E. Bach and J.N. Forkel]
6. Tenkanki no Ongaku: Shinseiki no Ongaku Gaku Foramu; Sumikura Ichiro Sensei Koki Kinen Ronbunshu. [Music at a turning point: Forum for musicology of the new century. The festschrift for the 70th birthday of Prof. Ichiro Sumikura] Tokyo: Ongaku no Tomosha, 2002. 484p. ISBN: 4-276-13907-4. [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita