Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : NaucnyeTrudy(Belarus)
Volume : 22
Year : 2010
Show full details : ON
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Pilipenko, Elena Alekseevna:   Trehgolosnye invencii Baha v praktike izučeniâ pedagogičeskogo repertuara sudentami srednih i vysših muzykal'nyh učebnyh zavedenij. NaucnyeTrudy(Belarus) 22 (2010), 61-68. [J.S. Bach's three-part inventions in the study of pedagogical repertoire at the institutions for mid-level and higher musical learning] Latin 2
2. Metel'skaâ, Elena Mihajlovn:   Notnaâ tetrad' Anny Magdaleny Bah: Pervoe znakomstvo s bahovskim hronotopom. NaucnyeTrudy(Belarus) 22 (2010), 69-78. [Clavierbüchlein for Anna Magdalena Bach: The first acquaintance with Bach's chronotope]
3. Âkonűk, Vadim Leont'evič (ed.):   Teoriâ i praktika professional'noj ispolnitel'skoj i pedagogičeskoj podgotovki v vysšej muzykal'noj škole: Voprosy istorii i teorii ispolnitel'skogo iskusstva. [Theory and practice of professional performance and pedagogical preparation at institutions for higher musical learning: History and theory of performance art] - Minsk, Belarus: Belaruskaâ Dzâržaunaâ Akadčmiâ Muzyki, 2010. 208p. ISBN: 9-85-683770-7; 978-9-85-683770-1. (= Naučnye trudy Belorusskoj Gosudarstvennoj Akademii Muzyki) [contents] Latin 2

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita