Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : MAmer
Year : 1960
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Kammerer, Rafael:   Masterwork foundation presents Bach's Christmas Oratorio. MAmer (Directory 1960), 236f
2. Sabin, Robert:   Bach Aria Group. MAmer 80/ 1 (1 Jan 1960), 20
3. Locklair, Wriston:   Philadelphia Orchestra Presents Bach Oratorio. MAmer 80/ 1 (1 Jan 1960), 40-41
4. Ardoin, John:   All-Bach Program Given by Philharmonic. MAmer 80/ 1 (1 Jan 1960), 41
5. Ardoin, John:   Bach Aria Group. MAmer 80/ 3 (Feb 1960), 253
6. Alderman, Hugh:   Bach Festival celebrates 25th year. [Winter Park / Florida.] MAmer 80/ 4 (Mar 1960), 12
7. Diether, Jack:   Bach Aria Group in final concert. MAmer 80/ 4 (Mar 1960), 24
8. Locklair, Wriston:   Harpsichord Society in All-Bach Program. MAmer 80/ 5 (Apr 1960), 23
9. Sabin, Robert:   Bach Choir excels. [Bethlehem-Pensylv.] MAmer 80/ 7 (Jun 1960), 14-15
10. Sabin, Robert:   Bach B Minor Mass Sung by Dessoff Choirs. MAmer 80/ 7 (Jun 1960), 40
11. Bloomfield, Arthur:   Bach, Non-Bach Gems. [Carmel, Calif.] MAmer 80/10 (Sep 1960), 16

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita