Bach Bibliography
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Series : KunitachiColMResearchInstBul
Volume : 25
Year : 2012
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Oyama, Mayumi:   Dai-1-Kai (4 Gatsu 11 Nichi): J. S. Bach no Klavier Ongaku ni okeru Tayo na Yoshiki: Kyosokyoku Yoshiki o Chushin ni. KunitachiColMResearchInstBul 25 (2012), 95-99. [No.1 (11 April): Various styles among the keyboard works of J.S. Bach: focusing on concerto style]
2. Kubota, Keiichi:   Dai-2-Kai (4 Gatsu 25 Nichi): C. P. E. Bach 'Clavier Soho'. KunitachiColMResearchInstBul 25 (2012), 100-104. [No.2 (25 April): C. P. E. Bach's Versuch]
3. Otsuka, Naoya:   Dai-3-Kai (5 Gatsu 9 Nichi): Gakufu kara Enso e: J. S. Bach no Clavier Sakuhin o Chembalo de hiku Baai. KunitachiColMResearchInstBul 25 (2012), 105-109. [No.3 (9 May): From score to performance: when performing J. S. Bach's keyboard works on the harpsichord]
4. Kondo, Nobuko:   Dai-4-Kai (5 Gatsu 23 Nichi): Bach Ensoron (piano): Heikinritsu Klavier Kyokushu Dai-2-Kan ni tsuite. KunitachiColMResearchInstBul 25 (2012), 116-122. [No.4 (23 May): On Performing Bach (piano): about The Well-Tempered Clavier II]
5. Hisamoto, Yuko:   Dai-7-Kai (7 Gatsu 4 Nichi): Mozart Ensoron I: Mozart to Futari no Bach. KunitachiColMResearchInstBul 25 (2012), 133-140. [No.7 (4 July): On Performing Mozart I: Mozart and 2 Bachs]
6. Yamamura, Kaoru:   Dai-14-Kai (11 Gatsu 21 Nichi): 18 Seiki no Kenban Ongaku o Enso suru ni atatte: Ongaku to Rhetoric (Shujigaku) KunitachiColMResearchInstBul 25 (2012), 183-187. [No.14 (21 November): on performing the 18th-century keyboard works: Music and Rhetoric]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita