Bach Bibliography
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Series : ContextBachStud
Volume : 8
Year : 2018
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Rathey, Markus:   In Honor of God and the City: Strategies of Theological and Symbolic Communication in Bach's Cantata Gott ist mein König (BWV 71). ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 3-22
2. Chafe, Eric:   Two 'Johannine' Cantatas: Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes (BWV 40) and Sehet, welch eine Liebe (BWV 64). ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 23-50
3. Peters, Mark A.:   Death to Life, Sorrow to Joy: Martin Luther's Theology of the Cross and J. S. Bach's Eastertide Cantata Ihr werdet weinen und heulen (BWV 103) ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 51-73
4. Greer, Mary:   Toward an Understanding of J. S. Bach's Use of Red Ink in the Autograph Score of the Matthew Passion. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 75-102
5. Petzoldt, Martin:   The Theological in Bach Research (2007). ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 103-118
6. Sanders, Reginald L.:   Formal and Motivic Design in the Opening Chorus of J. S. Bach's Magnificat. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 121-137
7. Lee, Kayoung:   The Tonally Open Ritornello in J. S. Bach's Church Cantatas. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 139-151
8. Allanbrook, Wye J.:   The Christian Believer and the Sleep of Jesus: 'Mache dich, mein Herze, rein' from J. S. Bach's Matthew Passion. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 153-164
9. Schulze, Hans-Joachim:   Parody and Text Quality in the Vocal Works of J. S. Bach. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 167-176
10. Leaver, Robin A.:   J. S. Bach's Parodies of Vocal Music: Conservation or Intensification? ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 177-203
11. Butler, Gregory:   J. S. Bach's Dresden Trip and His Earliest Serenatas for Köthen. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 205-214
12. Saunders, Steven:   Bach's Second Thoughts on the Christmas Oratorio: The Compositional Revisions to 'Bereite dich, Zion,' BWV 248/4. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 215-224
13. Tomita, Yo:   The Passions as a Source of Inspiration? A Hypothesis on the Origin and Musical Aim of Well-Tempered Clavier II. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 225-242
14. Kevorkian, Tanya:   The Leipzig Audiences of J. S. Bach's Matthew Passion to 1750. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 245-259
15. Grant, Jason B.:   The Vocal Music of the Bach Family in Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 261-279
16. Scheide, William H.:   The Need for a New Music: J. S. Bach in Contemporary Context (1946). ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 281-295
17. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach at the Boundaries of Music History: Preliminary Thoughts on the B-minor Mass and the Late Style Paradigm. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 297-303
18. Peters, Mark A.; Sanders, Reginald L. (eds.):   Compositional Choices and Meaning in the Vocal Music of J. S. Bach. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), xxi, 328p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita