Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : CPEBachCW
Volume : 3
Year : 2008
Show full details : ON
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Krüger, Ekkehard; Schwinger, Tobias (eds.):   Berlin Symphonies / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Edited by Ekkehard Krüger and Tobias Schwinger. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxviii, 195p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-24-0. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 1) [Wq 173-181 - H. 648, 649, 650, 651, 653, 654, 655, 656]
2. Nosow, Robert (ed.):   Violoncello Concertos / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Edited by Robert Nosow. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxxii, 171p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-25-7. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 6) [Wq 170, 171, 172 - H. 432, 436, 439]
3. Edler, Arnfried (ed.):   Keyboard Concertos from Manuscript Sources XIV / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Edited by Arnfried Edler. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxiv, 143p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-32-5. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series III: Orchestral music, Volume 9.14) [Wq 41, 42 - H. 469, 470]

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita