Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : Bachperspectives
Volume : 10
Year : 2016
Show full details : ON
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Butler, Lynn Edwards:   Bach's Report on Johann Scheibe's Organ for St Paul's Church, Leipzig: A Reassessment. Bachperspectives 10 (2016), 1-15.
2. Leaver, Robin A.:   Bach's Choral-Buch? The Significance of a Manuscript in the Sibley Library. Bachperspectives 10 (2016), 16-38.
3. Stauffer, George B.:   Miscellaneous Organ Trios from Bach's Leipzig Workshop. Bachperspectives 10 (2016), 39-59.
4. Wolff, Christoph:   Did J. S. Bach Write Organ Concertos? Apropos the Prehistory of Cantata Movements with Obbligato Organ. Bachperspectives 10 (2016), 60-75. [BWV 1052, 1052a, 1053]
5. Butler, Gregory G.:   The Choir Loft as Chamber: Concerted Movements by Bach from the Mid- to Late 1720s. Bachperspectives 10 (2016), 76-86.
6. Cron, Matthew:   Music from Heaven: An Eighteenth-Century Context for Cantatas with Obbligato Organ. Bachperspectives 10 (2016), 87-118.
7. Dirst, Matthew (ed.):   Bach and the Organ. Edited by Matthew Dirst. - Urbana, Chicago and Springfield: University of Illinois Press, 2016. viii, 122p. ISBN: 978-0-252-04019-1. (= Bach Perspectives, 10) [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita