Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : BachNotesLBS
Year : 2013
Show full details : ON
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   SARAH POWER (Ireland) 2010 Bach Prize Winner and an 'Emerging Artist' at Scottish Opera from 2014. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2013), [1].
2. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   LBS 23rd BACHFEST 'Around and about the St. Matthew Passion' 31 October - 8 November. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2013), [1].
3. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   New Music at the Bach Club on 2 November... inspired by Bach's example. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2013), [1].
4. Steinitz, Margaret:   'About the St. Matthew Passion'. BachNotesLBS (Spring 2013), [1]. Why is the early version of the St. Matthew significant?
5. Robson, Anthony:   'About the St. Matthew Passion'. BachNotesLBS (Spring 2013), [1].
6. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   BRITTEN 100th. BachNotesLBS (Spring 2013), [2].
7. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   The Orgelbüchlein Project. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2013), [2]. Organ Notes.
8. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   RCO Medal to Peter Hurford, March 2013. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2013), [2].
9. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   WAGNER 200th: Richard Wagner on Bach ... the most stupendous miracle in all music! BachNotesLBS (Spring 2013), [2].
10. Tomita, Yo:   Leipzig's Bachfest [2013] enthrals. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2013), [3].
11. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   CPE Bach: Why he is important: A brief entrée to his 300th. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2013), [3].
12. Steinitz, Margaret:   Bach Network's 2013 Warsaw Dialogue. BachNotesLBS (Autumn 2013), [4].

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita