Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : BachNotesLBS
Year : 2008
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Steinitz, Margaret:   Steinitz Bach Players Celebrates 40th anniversary and its work today at London Bach Socety's 18th Bachfest 2 - 18 November 2008. BachNotesLBS (Sep 2008), [1]. Original Press Release, 1968; SBP today.
2. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   From Thüringia's Lakes and Forests... The Bach experience begins here, journeys towards Mendelssohn and then on to London. BachNotesLBS (Mar 2008), [1]. Eisenach - Bach's reinvigorated birthplace; The first ten years; The Luther connection
3. Steinitz, Margaret:   JSB at 'Heaven's Castle' [in Weimar] BachNotesLBS (Sep 2008), [2-3]. Meanwhile... elsewhere - 1708-1717; The Duke's organist; 'A safe stronghold...'; A 'Himmelsburg' original for the SBP's anniversary.
4. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   Steinitz Bach Players (SBP). A Pen Portrait for the orchestra's 40th Anniversary - Part One. BachNotesLBS (Mar 2008), [2].
5. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   Première and Reception of the St. Matthew in Victorian England. BachNotesLBS (Mar 2008), [3-4]. The Prince Consort's influence.
6. Tomita, Yo:   Bachfest Leipzig 2008. BachNotesLBS (Sep 2008), [3].
7. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   The Reception of Bach's Work in the 19th century. Bach Network UK meeting at Oxford -- The Berlin St. Matthew of 1829 - The English St. Matthew of 1854. BachNotesLBS (Mar 2008), [3]. Bach Network UK at Oxford; Young Scholars Platform
8. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   The Berlin St. Matthew Passion of 1829. BachNotesLBS (Mar 2008), [3].
9. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   A Conversation with Ian Partridge. BachNotesLBS (Mar 2008), [4-5].
10. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   Sterndale Bennett's first English St. Matthew. BachNotesLBS (Mar 2008), [4]. An indifferent reception then and concerns for tomorrow.

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita