Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : Bach
Volume : 38
Year : 2007
Show full details : ON
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Rathey, Markus:   Two Unlikely Sisters: The 'Cross' and the 'Crosses' in BWV 12 and 69a. Bach 38/1 (2007), 1-44.
2. Öhm-Kühnle, Christoph:   Heinrich Nikolaus Gerber's Rediscovered Manuscript of Johann Sebastian Bach's Suite in E Minor (BWV 996): A Copy of Bach's Hitherto Unknown Revised Version. Bach 38/1 (2007), 45-66. [An expanded English translation of 'Zum Notentext der Suite e-Moll (BWV 996)--Eine textkritische Untersuchung der Abschrift von Heinrich Nikolaus Gerber,' BachJb xcii (2006), pp.295-302]
3. Rienenschneider, Tom; Kennelly, Laura:   The Baldwin-Wallace College Bach Legacy at 75 Years. Bach 38/1 (2007), 67-85.
4. Oleskiewicz, Mary:   'For the Church as Well as For the Orchestra': J.S. Bach, the Missa, and the Dresden Court, 1700-1750. Bach 38/2 (2007), 1-38.
5. Collins, Denis:   From Bull to Bach: In Search of Precedents for the 'Complete' Version of the Canon by Augmentation and Contrary Motion in J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. Bach 38/2 (2007), 39-63.
6. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Bach and the Story of an 'Aria Tempo di Polonaise' for Joachim Friedrich Flemming. Bach 38/2 (2007), 64-98. [BWV 210a, 30a, 210]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita