Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : BCJ
Year : 2002
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Hofmann, Klaus:   Program Notes. [BWV 547, 65, 81, 83 and 190] BCJ 51 (Feb 2002), 6-15
2. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. [BWV 65, 81 and 190] BCJ 51 (Feb 2002), 32-34
3. Dreyfus, Laurence:   Bach no Continuo Group -- Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Sosha to Kanshu ni tsuite. Dai-2-Sho: Orugan to Chenbaro (Tsuzuki). BCJ 51 (Feb 2002), 35-44
4. Bach no Henkyoku ni yoru Kerll 'Sanctus' BWV 241 no Sofu title-page (Coburg Shuritsu Toshokan Shozo). BCJ 51 (Feb 2002), 45
5. Chafe, Eric T.:   Bach no Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Ongaku no Allegory. Dai-1-Sho: Bach no Ongaku ni okeru Shingaku to Ongaku no Allegory (tsuzuki.) BCJ 51 (Feb 2002), 46-51
6. Hayashi, Nozomu:   Muyo no Chobutsu. BCJ 51 (Feb 2002), 52-53
7. Bach Collegium Japan. J. S. Bach Cantata Series vol.31 / Cantatas from Leipzig 1724 - V; New Year, Epiphany, Candlemas. [Programme booklet] BCJ 51 (Feb 2002), 63p
8. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Yohane Junankyoku no Hensen. BCJ 52 (Mar 2002), 6
9. Hofmann, Klaus:   'Yohane Junankyoku' BWV 245 Dai-2-Ko (1725-Nen). BCJ 52 (Mar 2002), 8-17
10. Ebata, Nobuaki:   Yohane Junankyoku, tokuni sono Dai-2-Ko no Original Shiryo ni tsuite. BCJ 52 (Mar 2002), 38-43
11. Hayashi, Nozomu:   Kiseki ga... BCJ 52 (Mar 2002), 44-45
12. Bach Collegium Japan. Passion Concert 2002. Johann Sebastian Bach: Johannespassion BWV 245. Fassung II 1725 [Programme booklet] BCJ 52 (Mar 2002), 56p
13. Imai, Naoko:   Program Notes. [BWV 566] BCJ 53 (Apr 2002), 6-7
14. Hofmann, Klaus:   [Program Notes: BWV 20, 7 and 94] BCJ 53 (Apr 2002), 8-15
15. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. [BWV 94] BCJ 53 (Apr 2002), 32-33
16. Dreyfus, Laurence:   Bach no Continuo Group -- Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Sosha to Kanshu ni tsuite. Dai-2-Sho: Orugan to Chenbaro (Tsuzuki). BCJ 53 (Apr 2002), 34-40
17. Chafe, Eric T.:   Bach no Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Ongaku no Allegory. Dai-2-Sho: Bach-Goblet: Kaishakugaku-teki Approach. BCJ 53 (Apr 2002), 41-54
18. Bach Collegium Japan. J. S. Bach Cantata Series vol.32 / Cantatas from Leipzig 1724 - VI. [Programme booklet] BCJ 53 (Apr 2002), 61p
19. Hofmann, Klaus:   Program Notes. [BWV 733, 691, 690, 642, 10, 93, 107 and 178] BCJ 54 (Jun 2002), 6-17
20. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Masaaki Seisaku Noto. [BWV 10 and 178] BCJ 54 (Jun 2002), 34-35
21. Dreyfus, Laurence:   Bach no Continuo Group -- Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Sosha to Kanshu ni tsuite. Dai-2-Sho: Orugan to Chenbaro (Tsuzuki). BCJ 54 (Jun 2002), 36-47
22. Bach Collegium Japan. J. S. Bach Cantata Series vol.33 / Cantatas from Leipzig 1724 - VII. [Programme booklet] BCJ 54 (Jun 2002), 59p
23. Bach Collegium Japan. Discovering Handel -- 'Glory in the Gloria'. [Programme booklet] BCJ 55 (Jul 2002), 47p
24. Hofmann, Klaus:   Program Notes. [BWV 536, 113, 33 and 8] BCJ 56 (Sep 2002), 8-15
25. Suzuki, Masaaki:   [Program Notes: BWV 106] BCJ 56 (Sep 2002), 16-17
26. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. [BWV 8, 33, 113 and 106] BCJ 56 (Sep 2002), 33-35
27. Maeda, Ririko:   Bach no Flutist wa? 1724-Nen no Kantata to Flute no Chozetsugiko. BCJ 56 (Sep 2002), 36-38
28. Chafe, Eric T.:   Bach no Seigaku Sakuhin ni okeru Ongaku no Allegory. Dai-2-Sho: B-A-C-H: Namae no uchi ni himerareta mono (tsuzuki). BCJ 56 (Sep 2002), 39-47
29. Bach Collegium Japan. J. S. Bach Cantata Series vol.34 / Cantatas from Leipzig 1724 - VIII. [Programme booklet] BCJ 56 (Sep 2002), 63p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita