Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : BCJ
Year : 1998
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Bach Collegium Japan. 34th Subscription Concert. J. S. Bach: Cantatas in Leipzig Period 1723 - II & Violin Concerto I. [Programme booklet] [BWV 24, 167, 1041, 1043, 76]. 27 June 1998 in Shoin Joshigakuindaigaku Chapel; 2 Juli 1998 in Opera City Concert Hall (Tokyo). Ed. Hiroyuki Takeda. - Tokyo: Bach Collegium Japan, 1998. [28]p. [contents]
2. Isoyama, Tadashi:   [Programme Note: BWV 24, 167, 1041, 1043, 76] BCJ 34 (Jun 1998), [ 2-14].
3. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. [Trumpet, Oboe da caccia] BCJ 34 (Jun 1998), [15]. [Production notes]
4. Setaka, Michisuke:   Countertenor no 3tsu no Dojo. BCJ 34 (Jun 1998), [16-19]. [three training grounds for countertenors]
5. Goto, Nahoko:   Robin Blaize Interview. BCJ 34 (Jun 1998), [20-21].
6. Yamashita, Michiko:   Leipzig to Bach no Kantoru Shunin. BCJ 35 (Sep 1998), 20-25. [Leipzig and Bach's appointment as cantor]
7. Bahr, Robert von:   BIS-Sha no 25-shunen Kinen ni atatte. Shacho Robert von Bahr shi kara no Message. BCJ 35 (Sep 1998), 26-27. [On the 25th Anniversary of the foundation of BIS. A message from the company's CEO Mr Robert von Bahr]
8. Suzuki, Masaaki:   BIS 25-Shunen ni okuru. BCJ 35 (Sep 1998), 27. [A message for BIS on their 25th anniversary]
9. Bach Collegium Japan. 35th Subscription Concert. J. S. Bach: Cantatas in Leipzig Period 1723 - III & Violin Concerto II. [Programme booklet] [BWV 95, 46, 1042, 1060, 138, 136]. 5 September 1998 in Shoin Joshigakuindaigaku Chapel; 12 September 1998 in Opera City Concert Hall (Tokyo). Ed. Hiroyuki Takeda. - Tokyo: Bach Collegium Japan, 1998. 27p. [contents]
10. Isoyama, Tadashi:   [Programme Note: J. Kuhnau: Magnificat in D; J. D. Zelenka: Magnificat in C (ZWV 107), in D (ZWV 108); J. S. Bach: BWV 243] BCJ 36 (Nov 1998), 2-6.
11. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. [BWV 243 (problem about versions); pronunciation of Latin] BCJ 36 (Nov 1998), 8. [Production notes]
12. Arakawa, Tsuneko:   Seiji, Keizai, Shukyo, Geijutsu -- Dresden to Leipzig no Baai. BCJ 36 (Nov 1998), 10-14. [Politics, Economics, Religion, Arts -- the case of Dresden and Leipzig]
13. Bach Collegium Japan. 36th Subscription Concert. 'German Magnificat'. [Programme booklet] 29 November 1998 in Opera City Concert Hall (Tokyo); 5 December 1998 in Shoin Joshigakuindaigaku Chapel. Ed. Hiroyuki Takeda. - Tokyo: Bach Collegium Japan, 1998. 16p. [contents]

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita