Bach Bibliography
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Series : [p]AMS_Kansas
Year : 1999
Show full details : ON
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Stockigt, Janice B.:   Performance Practice of the Electoral Saxon and Royal Polish Hofkapelle: Evidence from the Performance Materials of Gesł al Calvario, Jan Dismas Zelenka, 1735. [p]AMS_Kansas (Nov 1999) A paper read at American Musicological Society National Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, November 4- 7, 1999: A session on 'Bach, Telemann, and Performing Forces' chaired by Joshua Rifkin.
2. Swack, Jeanne:   'Telemann's Chorus': Vocal Forces in Telemann's Frankfurt Cantatas and the Implications for the 'One on a Part' Controversy. [p]AMS_Kansas (Nov 1999) A paper read at American Musicological Society National Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, November 4- 7, 1999: A session on 'Bach, Telemann, and Performing Forces' chaired by Joshua Rifkin.
3. Wright, Craig:   The Authenticity of and Theology behind Bach's Kleines harmonisches Labyrinth. [p]AMS_Kansas (Nov 1999) A paper read at American Musicological Society National Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, November 4- 7, 1999: A session on 'Bach, Telemann, and Performing Forces' chaired by Joshua Rifkin.
4. Zohn, Steven; Payne, Ian:   Bach, Telemann, and the Process of Transformative Imitation in BWV 1056/2 (156/1) [p]AMS_Kansas (Nov 1999) A paper read at American Musicological Society National Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, November 4- 7, 1999: Asession on 'Bach, Telemann, and Performing Forces' chaired by Joshua Rifkin.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita