Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The list is the result of your searching:
The periodical / series starting with letter : 0
TypeListAbbreviation: Full Title (range). Website Status
1.10Transcriptions(Grace): Ten transcriptions / J.S. Bach ; [arranged] for organ by Harvey Grace (1926-1926)
2.12Transcriptions(Grace): Twelve transcriptions from the Vocal Wroks / J.S. Bach ; arranged for organ by Harvey Grace (1934-1934)
3.15dana: 15 dana: Ilustrirani časopis za umjetnost i kulturu. [Petnaest dana] (1957-)
4.16cJ: The sixteenth century journal: the journal of early modern studies. (1972-) WEBSITE
5.18cM: Eighteenth-century Music. (2004-) WEBSITE
6.18cStud: Eighteenth-Century Studies. (1967/68-) WEBSITE
7.18Jh: Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. (1977-)
8.19cM: 19th-Century Music. (1977/78-) WEBSITE
9.19cMReview: Nineteenth-century music review. (2004-) WEBSITE
10.20cM: Twentieth-century music. (2004-)
11.20SacredSongs(Novello): Twenty Sacred Songs. Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. (1889-1889)
12.21cM: 21st Century Music. (2000-) WEBSITE
13.2PianoSer: The two piano series / edited by Ethel Bartlett and Rae Robertson. (c1935-c1950)
14.DoceNotas: Doce notas: revista de información musical. [12 notas] (1996-2007/2008) WEBSITE
15.J17cM: Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music. (JSCM) (1995-) WEBSITE
16.J18cStud: Journal for eighteenth century studies. (2008-) WEBSITE

16 matches.
Search took 0.031s cpu time (0.046s in system), records per second.

Format of data output: Abbreviation: series title in full, website (if exist)
Further searches can be carried out by clicking the information shown in green:
  • Abbreviation - to view the further details of this series and the state of research
  • website - to jump to the website of the series

BachBib Search Engine 5 Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita