Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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The periodical / series starting with letter : y
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TypeListAbbreviation: Full Title (range). Website Status
1.BulYamagataUEducSci: Yamagata Daigaku Kiyo. Kyoikukagaku / Bulletin of the Yamagata University. Educational science. (1952-) WEBSITE
2.IPHYearBook: IPH yearbook: yearbook of paper history = IPH-Jahrbuch: Jahrbuch der Papiergeschichte = Annuaire IPH: annuaire de l'histoire du papier. (1980-1990)
3.YaleJMRelig: Yale journal of music and religion.
4.YaleULibGazette: The Yale University Library gazette. (1926-2008)
5.YeonseEumagYeongu: Yeonse eum'ag yeon'gu / Yonsei music research.
6.YinyueTansuo: Yinyue-tansuo: Sichuan Yinyue Xueyuan xuebao; jikan = Explorations in music: journal of Sichuan Conservatory. (1983-) WEBSITE
7.YinyueWenhua: Yinyue wenhua: Yinyuexue niandu congshu. (2000-) WEBSITE
8.YinyueYanjiu: Yinyue-yanjiu: jikan = Music research / Yinyue-yanjiu Bianjibu bianji. (2001-) WEBSITE
9.YinyueYishu: Yinyue-yishu: Shanghai Yinyue Xueyuan xuebao = The art of music: journal of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. (1979-)
10.YuefuXinsheng: Yuefu-xinsheng: Shenyang Yinyue Xueyuan xuebao; jikan = The new voice of yue-fu: the academic periodical of Shenyang Conservatory of Music. (1983-) WEBSITE
11.Yueqi: Yueqi = Musical instrument magazine. (1981-)
12.Yuriika: Yuriika. Shi to hihyo. (1956-) WEBSITE

12 matches.
Search took 0.046s cpu time (0.015s in system), records per second.

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BachBib Search Engine 5 Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita