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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Bach '18 Choral' o meguru Shomondai. Kiko. [Various problems surrounding Bach's 'Great Eighteen Chorales' (Contribution)] OruganKenkyu 28 2000 1-14
2. Bach Jidai no Orugan. Tokubetsu Koen Yoshi. [The organs in Bach's time. (Summary of Special Lecture)] OruganKenkyu 13 1985 74-79
3. Bach Jidai no Pedalling ni tsuite. [On the Pedalling of Bach's time] OruganKenkyu 13 1985 41-48
4. Bach ni okeru Kakato Shiyo no Shoko. [Evidence of the Toe-Heel Pedalling in J. S. Bach's Organ Works.] OruganKenkyu 7 1979 16-28
5. Bach no Kenban Giho to Gendai Orugan. Tokubetsu Koen Yoshi. [Bach's Clavier techniques and the modern organ. (Summary of Special Lecture)] OruganKenkyu 13 1985 80-88
6. Bach no Riso no Orugan Saiko. [Revisiting on Bach's ideal organ] OruganKenkyu 17 1989 51-65
7. Bach no Soshoku Kigo ni tsuiteno Ichikosatsu. Orugan Sakuhin no Jitsurei o Chushin to shite. [A study on Bach's ornaments: focusing on the examples from his organ works] OruganKenkyu 17 1989 1-20
8. Bach Orugan Ongaku no Densho. Tokubetsu Koen. [The transmission of Bach's organ music. (Special Lecture)] OruganKenkyu 24 1996 45-54
9. 'Bach Orugan Ongaku no Densho' to Enso. 11-Gatsu Reikai Tokubetsu Koenkai ['Transmission of Bach's Organ Music' and performance (November Symposium, Special lecture)] OruganKenkyu 24 1996 90
10. 'Bach Orugan Tour 2001' ni sankashite. ['Bach Organ Tour 2001': a review] OruganKenkyu 29 2001 47-50
11. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach no Bigaku - Sono Sakuhin ni tsuite. [Aesthetics of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach] OruganKenkyu 20 1992 47-78
12. Charles Tourmenire no 'Shinpiteki Orugan' [L'orgue mystique by Charles Tourmenire] OruganKenkyu 26 1999 34-47
13. C. Ph. E. Bach no Organ Sonata: sono Gakufu ni kansuru Kenkyu Hokoku. [C. Ph. E. Bach's Organ Sonata: research report on the score] OruganKenkyu 42 2014
14. D. Buxtehude to J. S. Bach no 'Soshoku Koraru'. [D. Buxtehude and J. S. Bach's Ornamental Chorales] OruganKenkyu 19 1991 1-18
15. Hubert Parry no Orugan Koraru: 20-Seiki Shoki Eikoku ni okeru 'Bach-Teki' Ongaku Goho no Eikyo to sono Juyo. [Hubert Parry's Organ Chorale: The Influence and Reception of Bachian Musical Idioms in Early Twentieth-Century Britain] OruganKenkyu 40 2012 60-74
16. Jean-Claude Zehnder 'Johann Sebastian Bach no Shoki Sakuhin': Yoshiki Nendai Kenkyuu Sakkyoku Gihou. [Jean-Claude Zehnder, 'Die frühen Werke Johann Sebastian Bachs: Stil - Chronologie - Satztechnik'] OruganKenkyu 41 2013 71-76
17. Johann Sebastian Bach 'Organ Sakuhin Zenshu'. [Johann Sebastian Bach: Complete Organ Works.] OruganKenkyu 40 2012 75-79
18. J. S. Bach '6tsu no Sonata' BWV 525-530: Seiritsu Katei to sono Mokuteki. [J. S. Bach 'Six Sonatas' BWV 525-530: Process of formation and its purpose] OruganKenkyu 44 2016
19. J.S. Bach ni itaru Toccata no Hensen. The Transition of Toccata from A. Gabrieli to J. S. Bach. OruganKenkyu 4 1976 22-39
20. J.S. Bach no Orugan Ongaku. Tokubetsu Koen Yoshi. / The Organ Music of J. S. Bach. Lectures. OruganKenkyu 4 1976 42-46
21. J. S. Bach no Orugan sakuhin no Shingimondai ni kansuru ichikosatsu. 'Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, Vater' (BWV 740) o megutte. [Zur Echtheit des Orgelchorals 'Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, Vater' (BWV 740)] OruganKenkyu 23 1995 1-17
22. J. S. Bach no Orugan Tsuso Teion - Rekishiteki Shiryo o Chushin ni. [J. S. Bach's organ continuo - fucusing on historical sources] OruganKenkyu 32 2004 14-29
23. Kenban Enso ni okeru 'Kotoba no Genri' to 'Oto no Genri': Bach Jidai no Kenban Ongaku ni kansuru Rekishiteki Articulation-ron Saiko. ['Principle of Language' and 'Principle of Sound': Revisiting the historical articulation and the Clavier music of Bach's time] OruganKenkyu 28 2000 15-26
24. Kenban Gakki no Rekishiteki Soho ni tsuite. An old method of playing keyboard instruments. OruganKenkyu 1 1973 13-24
25. Klavier Renshukyokushu Dai-3-Kan ni okeru Shocho ni tsuite. Reikai Kenkyu Happyo Yoshi. / The symbolism in Bach's 'Clavierübung III Teil'. Summaries - Studies at regular meetings. OruganKenkyu 1 1973 38-41
26. 'Neumeister-Sammlung' and 'Orgelbüchlein' (Hikaku Kenkyu) Reikai Hokoku [Comparative study (Report of symposium)] OruganKenkyu 15 1987 66-74
27. Nitancho Toccata BWV 565 wa J. S. Bach no Orugan Kyoku ka. Peter Williams no Ronbun Shokai. [Is the D-minor Toccata BWV 565 BAch's Organ work? Introducing Peter Williams' article] OruganKenkyu 9 1981 33-46
28. Orugan Enso ni okeru Hyogenho. Sono 2: Bach ni okeru Wasei to Dyunamiku o chushin to shite. [Expression in performing organ (part 2): Harmony and Dynamics with Bach.] OruganKenkyu 10 1982 163-171
29. Ruisen no Energy - Bach no Onritsu wa 21seiki ni yomigaeru noka? [Spiral Energy - Will Bach's tuning be revived in the 21st century?] OruganKenkyu 36 2008 19-31
30. Samuel Wesley to 19Seiki Shoki no Eikoku ni okeru Bach Revival. [Samuel Wesley and Bach Revival in England in the early 19th century] OruganKenkyu 24 1996 1-11
31. Uchutentai no Harmony no Kyozo to shite no Ongaku: Bach no Sakuhin ni okeru sono Reisho. Kiko [Music as mirroring image of the harmony of universe as illustrated in Bach's works (Contribution)] OruganKenkyu 31 2003 29-53
32. Wakaki Bach to Orugan Ongaku. 10-Gatsu Reikai Koenkai ['Young Bach and organ music' (Report of Lecture given at the October Symposium)] OruganKenkyu 28 2000 85

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita