Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^OperaMcol$
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Južak, Kiralina Iosifovna [Űžak, Kiralina Iosifovna]Dučty iz Clavier-Übung III: Edinstvo v mnogoobrazii. [Duets from Clavier-Übung III: Unity in diversity] OperaMcol 1 1 2009 83-100
2. Glivinskij, Valerij ViktorovičEstetiko-stilevaâ priroda 'fal'šivizmov' v 'bahizmah' Stravinskogo. [Aesthetic and stylistic nature of seeming discordances in Stravinsky’s 'Bach-isms'] OperaMcol 1:11 2012 Latin 2
3. Űžak, Kiralina IosifovnaK voprosu o 'nedopisannyh' taktah 'neokončennoj' fugi [The 'missing' bars in the 'unfinished' fugue] OperaMcol 3-4:8-9 2011 5-32 Latin 2
4. Korobejnikov, Sergej Savel’evicO bahianstve Maksa Regera: Na primere Fantazii i fugi na temu BACH. [Max Reger’s Bachianism: Example of the Phantasie und Fuge über B-A-C-H, op. 46] OperaMcol 4:30 2016 5-17
5. Kulešova, AleksandraOratoriâ K.F.Č. Baha Izrail'tâne v pustyne. [C.P.E. Bach's oratorio Die Israeliten in der Wüste] OperaMcol 1:11 2012
6. Miščenko, Mihail P.O smysle motiva b-a-c-h: Iz opytov melosofii. [On the concept of the B-A-C-H motif: Melosophical essay] OperaMcol 1 3 2010 18-35 Latin 2
7. Shabalina, Tat'janaOtkrytiya v Peterburge: Noviye fakty tvorcheskoy biografii J. S. Bacha. [Discoveries in Saint Petersburg: new facts in J. S. Bach's biography] OperaMcol 3 5 2010 4-48
8. Prihod'ko, Igor' MihajlovičProgramma kursa H.S. Kušnareva 'Polifoniâ Baha': Dve versii—dve epohi. [An outline of H.S. Kušnarev's lecture series on J.S. Bach's polyphony: Two versions, two epochs] OperaMcol 2:12 2012 134-143
9. Saponov, Mihail AleksandrovičUtračennyj golos v interpretacijah muzyki Baha: Corno da caccia [Corno da caccia: A lost voice in modern interpretations of Bach's music] OperaMcol 1 3 2010 5-17 Latin 2

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita