Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Series : ^NYMWorld$
Max number of results shown : 300
Display author field : OFF
Output sorted : by Title (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Bach and Handel. NYMWorld 22 5 [427] 4 Jun 1859 5-6
2. Early development of musical genius. NYMWorld 25 10 [484] 7 Jul 1860 5-6
3. Exhibition of the musical magic lantern. New and much improved edition (For 'The Musical World'. Continued from last week). NYMWorld 21 1 [405] 1 Jan 1859 1-2
4. Generalities. Sebastian Bach's wig. Rubini. Rachel. Lablache and Russian gold. 'Home, Sweet Home'. NYMWorld 9 2 [163] 13 May 1854 13
5. John Sebastian Bach (From a lecture on music, delivered in 1836, at the Islington Literary and Scientific Institution). NYMWorld 17 314 4 Apr 1857 215-216
6. Mason and Thomas' last matinee. NYMWorld 19 17 [369] 24 Apr 1858 260
7. Mason and Thomas's matinee. NYMWorld 20 23 [401] 4 Dec 1858 770-771
8. Mason & Thomas's fifth matinee. NYMWorld 19 17 [369] 24 Apr 1858 260
9. Musical monarchs (Continued from No. 182. From the 'London Musical Transcript'). Frederick the Great [Agricola, Reichardt, Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach]. NYMWorld 10 8 [186] 21 Oct 1854 92-93
10. Originality. NYMWorld 17 307 14 Feb 1857 97-98
11. Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. On his 57th Birthday, February 3rd, 1866. NYMWorld 31 12, 19 May 1866
12. Sheet music critically selected. Wm. C. Peters & Sons, Cin. NYMWorld 9 13 [174] 29 Jul 1854 151
13. Stories about Mozart. Mozart on a journey [Orchestral rehearsal in Leipzig]. Mozart's organ playing, etc. [Influence of examination of Bach's manuscripts at St. Thomas's Church]. Power of extempore composition [Two canons composed for Doles]. Mozart on church music. Mozart and the piano tuner. NYMWorld 9 23 [173] 22 Jul 1854 134-135
14. The 'Thomas School' of Leipzig [Musical instruction]. Sebastian Bach's last journey. NYMWorld 15 283 30 Aug 1856 400-403

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BachBib Search Engine 1tt Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita