Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^MusicaAntiqua$
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Poppe, EliBach op Internet [Bach on the Internet] MusicaAntiqua 17 2 2000 90-91
2. Haenen, GretaBach uitvoeren. [Performing Bach] MusicaAntiqua 17 1 Feb 2000 29-32
3. Spiessens, GodelieveDe Bergamasca: Omzwervingen van een beroemde dansmelodie. [The bergamasca: Pereginations of a famous dance melody] MusicaAntiqua 6 4 1989 154-161
4. Herrera, FranciscoEl laud-clavecin. [The lute-harpsichord] MusicaAntiqua 6 Dec-Jan 1986-87 13-14
5. Castellani, MarcelloEl Solo pour la flûte traversière de J. S. Bach: ¿Coethen o Leipzig? [The Solo pour la flute traversiere of J.S. Bach: Cothen or Leipzig?] Trans. by Antonio Torralba. [BWV 1013] MusicaAntiqua 6 Dec-Jan 1986-87 16-19
6. Poppe, EliInternet: Bach. MusicaAntiqua 17 3 2000 141

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BachBib Search Engine 1tt Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita