Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Series : ^MWorld$
Year : 1858
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. [anon.]'Bachiana': select pieces from the pianoforte works of John Sebastian Bach ['Literary Gazette']. 'The Lord's Prayer' by G. Meyerbeer ['Era']. MWorld 36 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 20, 27 Nov; 4, 11, 18, 25 Dec 1858 752; 768; 770; 786; 816; 826
2. [anon.]Bach's 'Passion Music'. Her Majesty's Chapel Royal of St. George, Windsor Castle. Theatrical mems. Madame Frezzolini ('Revue et gazette de Paris'). St. Petersburg. MWorld 36 12 20 Mar 1858 182
3. [anon.]First performance in Hamburgh of Bach's 'Passions-Musik according to St. Matthew'. MWorld 36 43 23 Oct 1858 684
4. N. N.Frankfort-on-the-Main -- (May 20th)]. MWorld 36 25 19 Jun 1858 391
5. [anon.]Johann Sebastian Bach's 'Christmas Oratorio' (First performance in Berlin by the Singakademie on the 17th December, 1857). MWorld 36 3 16 Jan 1858 38
6. [anon.]Miss Arabella Goddard in Bach's music ['Musical Gazette']. MWorld 36 17 24 Apr 1858 261
7. [anon.]Miss Arabella Goddard's soirées. MWorld 36 18 1 May 1858 283-284
8. [anon.]Miss Arabella Goddard's soirées. MWorld 36 10 6 Mar 1858 154-155
9. [anon.]Miss Arabella Goddard's soirées. MWorld 36 16 17 Apr 1858 251-252
10. [anon.]Miss Arabella Goddard's soirées. MWorld 36 6 6 Feb 1858 91
11. [anon.]Miss Arabella Goddard's soirées. MWorld 36 8 20 Feb 1858 122-123
12. [anon.]Miss Arabella Goddard's soirées (From the 'Morning Post'). MWorld 36 20 15 May 1858 307
13. [anon.]Mr. Brinley Richards' soirées. MWorld 36 13 27 Mar 1858 203
14. [anon.]Mr. Charles Hallé's matinées. MWorld 36 20 15 May 1858 309
15. [anon.]Mr. Henry Leslie's choir. MWorld 36 49 4 Dec 1858 777
16. V***s.Music at Bonn (From the 'Niederrheinische Musikzeitung'. March 12th, 1858). MWorld 36 13 27 Mar 1858 197
17. [anon.]New Philharmonic concerts. MWorld 36 25 19 Jun 1858 387
18. [anon.]Pianoforte compositions by J. S. Bach. Published by F. Chrysander. MWorld 36 5 30 Jan 1858 69-70
19. [anon.][Re-examination of the worth of Sebastian Bach.] MWorld 36 25 19 Jun 1858 392-393
20. [anon.]St. Martin's Hall. MWorld 36 13 27 Mar 1858 202-203
21. [anon.]St. Martin's Hall. MWorld 36 4 23 Jan 1858 59-60
22. [anon.]The Leeds Musical Festival (From our own correspondent). Sept. 10. MWorld 36 38 18 Sep 1858 595
23. [anon.]'The Musical World'. London, Saturday, March 27th, 1858. MWorld 36 13 27 Mar 1858 200-201
24. [anon.]The Niederrheinische Musical Festival at Cologne (From the 'Niederrheinische Musik-Zeitung'). MWorld 36 23 5 Jun 1858 358
25. [anon.]The third Mittelrheinisches Musical Festival (From the 'Niederrheinische Musik-Zeitung'. Concluded from page 686). MWorld 36 46 13 Nov 1858 724-725

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita