Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^KeyboardPerspectives$
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. An enigmatic legacy: Organ music and the Berlin Bach traditions. KeyboardPerspectives 4 2011 153-174
2. Bach's Late Works and the Central German Organ. KeyboardPerspectives 3 2010 113-130
3. Bach's Organ Music in the Context of the Liturgy. KeyboardPerspectives 3 2010 147-160
4. Continuo Practice in the Bach Cantatas: Instruments and Style. KeyboardPerspectives 3 2010 101-112
5. From the divine to the diapason: Bach in his religious and instrumental context. KeyboardPerspectives 9 2016 159-168
6. 'Instrumente Mangel': Leipzig Cantata Movements with Obbligato Organ as a Reflection of Bach's Performing Forces. KeyboardPerspectives 3 2010 131-146
7. Interlude: Recollecting the Westfield Center Bach Organ Tour of 1989. KeyboardPerspectives 10 2017 113-118
8. J.S. Bach and Improvisation Pedagogy. KeyboardPerspectives 2 2009 31-53
9. J. S. Bach's 'Gradus ad Parnassum' in the Realm of Meter and Tempo: The Six Sonatas for Two Manuals and Pedal. KeyboardPerspectives 1 2007-08 73-85
10. Leipzig's Organs in the Time of Bach. KeyboardPerspectives 3 2010 87-100
11. Mozart's gothic: Feelings for history in the rondo in A minor, K.511. KeyboardPerspectives 4 2011 69-113
12. Seventeenth-century organ music in eighteenth-century Berlin: Early music in the time of Frederick the Great. KeyboardPerspectives 4 2011 115-137

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BachBib Search Engine 1tt Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita