Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^EarlyMAmer$
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Bach in 2000. EarlyMAmer 6 2 Summer 2000 25-29, 46-47
2. Bach's Brandenburgs. [Guide to Recordings.] EarlyMAmer 4 1 Spring 1998 25-29, 48
3. Bach's Mass in B Minor. [Survey of Recordings] EarlyMAmer 5 1 Spring 1999 37-43
4. Bach's St. Matthew Passion. EarlyMAmer 7 3 Fall 2001 28-31, 38-41
5. Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier. EarlyMAmer 6 4 Winter 2001 31-41
6. Belated Thoughts on Bach's Chorus: A Reexamination of the Minimalist and Traditional Approaches to performing the choral music of Bach. EarlyMAmer 15 4 Winter 2009 24-27
7. Bringing Back BACH. EarlyMAmer 4 2 Summer 1998 17
8. Frozen Improvisations. In Conclusion. EarlyMAmer 15 2 Summer 2009 61-62
9. Mendelssohn and the Rise of Musical Antiquarianism. EarlyMAmer 15 2 Summer 2009 36-39, 41-43
10. Schering's wacky theory. EarlyMAmer 5 3 Fall 1999 48
11. Schickele: The man behind P.D.Q. Bach. EarlyMAmer 7 3 Fall 2001 22-26
12. Secret Codes, Dance and Bach's Great 'Ciaccona'. [BWV 1004/5] EarlyMAmer 8 2 Summer 2002 34-43
13. Sound Off: Rifkin's Pesky Idea. EarlyMAmer 5 2 Summer 1999 48
14. The Mystery of BWV 1067. In Conclusion. EarlyMAmer 11 1 Spring 2005 56
15. Toward a Sensible Tuning System for Baroque Orchestras. EarlyMAmer 16 3 Fall 2010 68, 66
16. Une autre chaconne. In conclusion. EarlyMAmer 14 2 Summer 2008 62-64

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BachBib Search Engine 1tt Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita