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Series : ^ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett)$
Year : 1838
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TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. A PASSACAGLIA, being XX VARIATIONS and GRAND FUGUE on a GROUND BASE. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 58-69p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 13. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 3, No. 13) [BWV 582] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 3 13 1838 58-69
2. BRILLIANT THREE-PART FUGUE in A. MINOR. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 119-127p. (1-9p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 25. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 5, No. 25) [BWV 944/2] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 5 25 1838 119-127
3. Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach. [vol.1: Nos. 1-6] In continuation of the English edition of his forty-eight preludes and fugues arranged from his masses litanies oratorios and exercises and inscribed to George Gwilt Esq.e F.S.A. F.R.A.S. by Henry John Gauntlett. ... - London: C. Lonsdale, No. 26, Old Bond Street, [1838]. 26p. (1-3p, 2-5p, 1-3p, 2-9p, 2-5p, 2-5p) Pl.-Nr. 224. [BWV 759 - Anh. III 172; 578; 232/7; 574b; 105/1; BWV 830/1] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 1 1838 26p
4. Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach. [vol.2: Nos. 7-12] In continuation of the English edition of his forty-eight preludes and fugues arranged from his masses litanies oratorios and exercises and inscribed to George Gwilt Esq.e F.S.A. F.R.A.S. by Henry John Gauntlett. ... - London: C. Lonsdale, No. 26, Old Bond Street, [1838]. 27-57p. (1-3p, 2-5p, 1-3p, 1-5p, 2-5p, no separate pagination) Pl.-Nr.: 224. [BWV 236/1, 1080/1, 1080/2, 1015/4, 680, 552/2] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 2 1838 27-57
5. Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach. [vol.3: Nos. 13-18] In continuation of the English edition of his forty-eight preludes and fugues arranged from his masses litanies oratorios and exercises and inscribed to George Gwilt Esq.e F.S.A. F.R.A.S. by Henry John Gauntlett. ... - London: C. Lonsdale, No. 26, Old Bond Street, [1838]. pp. 58-86. Pl.-Nr.: 224. [BWV 582, 226/3, 227/6, 687, 228, 689] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 3 1838 58-86
6. Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach. [vol.4: Nos. 19-24] In continuation of the English edition of his forty-eight preludes and fugues arranged from his masses litanies oratorios and exercises and inscribed to George Gwilt Esq.e F.S.A. F.R.A.S. by Henry John Gauntlett. ... - London: C. Lonsdale, No. 26, Old Bond Street, [1838]. pp. 87-118. Pl.-Nr.: 224. [BWV 542/2, 910, 684, 535] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 4 1838 87-118
7. Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach. [vol.5: Nos. 25-30] In continuation of the English edition of his forty-eight preludes and fugues arranged from his masses litanies oratorios and exercises and inscribed to George Gwilt Esq.e F.S.A. F.R.A.S. by Henry John Gauntlett. ... - London: C. Lonsdale, No. 26, Old Bond Street [c.1838]. pp. 119-146. Pl.-Nr.: 224. [BWV 944/2, 646, 953, 806/1, 798, 677, 572] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 5 1838 119-146
8. Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach. [vol.6: Nos. 31-36] In continuation of the English edition of his forty-eight preludes and fugues arranged from his masses litanies oratorios and exercises and inscribed to George Gwilt Esq.e F.S.A. F.R.A.S. by Henry John Gauntlett. ... - London: C. Lonsdale, No. 26, Old Bond Street [c.1838]. pp.141-170. Pl.-Nr.: 224. [BWV 540, 908, 533, 542] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 6 1838 141-170
9. COUNTERPOINT for TWO CLAVIERS and PEDAL. on the CORALE 'Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam.' / [J. S. Bach] From the Exercises; the Corale will be found in Bach's Choralgesange, Nos. 66 & 119. - London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 106-109p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 22. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 4, No. 22) [BWV 684] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 4 22 1838 106-109
10. COUNTERPOINT FOR TWO CLAVIERS AND PEDAL. on the CORALE 'Wo soll ich fliehen hin?' / [J. S. Bach] (From the Vorspiele; the Corale will be found in Bach's Choralgesange Nos. 25, 281, & 331.) - London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 128-130p. (1-3p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 26. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 5, No. 26) [BWV 646] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 5 26 1838 128-130
11. 'DER ABER DIE HERZEN ERFORSCHET.' CHORAL FUGUE from the 6th MOTET. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 70-72p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 14. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 3, No. 14) [BWV 226/3] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 3 14 1838 70-72
12. FANTASIA in G. MAJOR. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 138-146p. (1-9p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 30. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 5, No. 30) [BWV 572] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 5 30 1838 138-146
13. FANTASIA in G. MINOR. (which may be played as a Prelude to Fugues No. 2, & No. 19.) / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 167-170p. (2-5p partially visible) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 36. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 6, No. 36) [BWV 542] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 6 36 1838 167-170
14. FUGA in C. MAJOR. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 131-132p. (2-3p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 27. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 5, No. 27) [BWV 953] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 5 27 1838 131-132
15. FUGUE FROM A TOCCATA. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 23-26p. (2-5p) Pl.-Nr.: J. Sebastian Bach's Works, No. 6. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 1, No. 6) [BWV 830/1] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 1 6 1838 23-26
16. FUGUE in 3 PARTS. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 160-162p. (1-3p [only 3 visible]) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 34. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 6, No. 34) [BWV 908/2 (Anh. II)] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 6 34 1838 160-162
17. FUGUE in 4 Parts on the CORALE 'AUS TIEFER NOTH.' / [J. S. Bach] (From the Exercises. The Corale will be found in Bach's Choralgesänge, No. 10.) - London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 76-78p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 16. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 3, No. 16) [BWV 687] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 3 16 1838 76-78
18. FUGUE in 4 Parts on the CORALE 'JESUS CHRISTUS UNSER HEILAND' / [J. S. Bach] (From the Exercises. The Corale will be found in Bach's Choralgesänge, No. 30.) - London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 84-86p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 18. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 3, No. 18) [BWV 689] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 3 18 1838 84-86
19. Fugue in C. Minor (No. 1.) / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 11-18p. (2-9p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 4. [Left] 224. [Centre] [except p.12 which places '224' on the left, and 'J. S. Bach's Works, No. 4.' on the right.] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 1, No. 4) [BWV 574b] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 1 4 1838 11-18
20. FUGUE in D. MINOR. (No. 1.) / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 31-34p. (2-5p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 8. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 2, No. 8) [BWV 1080/1] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 2 8 1838 31-34
21. FUGUE in D. MINOR. (No. 2.) / [J. S. Bach] (The same Theme as that in No. 8. but by inversion.) - London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 35-41p. (1-7p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 9. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 2, No. 9) [BWV 1080/2] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 2 9 1838 35-41
22. FUGUE in D. MINOR. (No. 3.) The Theme from the Chorale 'Wir glauben all' an einen Gott.' / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 47-50p. (2-5p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 11. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 2, No. 11) [BWV 680] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 2 11 1838 47-50
23. FUGUE in F. MAJOR. / [J. S. Bach] (The Toccata in F. Major, No. 40. may be played as a Prelude to this Fugue.) - London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 151-157p. (2-7p fainly visible) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 32. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 6, No. 32) [BWV 540/2] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 6 32 1838 151-156
24. FUGUE in G. MINOR. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 114-118p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 24. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 4, No. 24) [BWV 535/2] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 4 24 1838 114-118
25. FUGUE in G MINOR (No.1) / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 4-7p. (2-5p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 2. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 1, No. 2) [BWV 578] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 1 2 1838 4-7
26. GRAND FUGUE in Eb. MAJOR, in three movements. / [J. S. Bach] (The Theme is the commencing phrase of a Chorale, St. Anne's Ps: Tune.) - London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 51-57p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 12. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 2, No. 12) [BWV 552/2] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 2 12 1838 51-57
27. GRAND FUGUE in G. MINOR. No. II. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 87-93p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 19. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 4, No. 19) [BWV 542/2] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 4 19 1838 87-93
28. 'GRATIAS AGIMUS TIBI' (From a Gloria in D major) / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 8-10p. (1-3p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 3. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 1, No. 3) [BWV 232/7] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 1 3 1838 8-10
29. 'HERR MEIN HIRT BRUNN ALLER FREUDEN.' CHORAL FUGUE from the 2nd MOTET. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 79-83p. [Individual pagination visible '4' (p.82)] Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 17. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 3, No. 17) [from BWV 228] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 3 17 1838 79-83
30. 'IHR ABER SEYD NICHT FLEICHLICH.' CHORAL FUGUE from the 5th MOTET. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 73-75p. [individual pagination '1' on p.73 only] Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 15. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 3, No. 15) [BWV 227/6] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 3 15 1838 73-75
31. INTERMEZZO. - FUGA on the CHORAL 'ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HOH.' / [J. S. Bach] (See Bach's Choralgesange Nos. 125, 249, 313 & 326.) - London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 135-137p. (1-3p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 29. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 5, No. 29) [BWV 798, 677] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 5 29 1838 135-137
32. KYRIE ELEISON, from the MASS in G MAJOR. / [J. S. Bach] (Choral Fugue for 4 Voices.) - London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 27-30p. (2-5p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 7. [Left] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 2, No. 7) [BWV 236/1] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 2 7 1838 27-30
33. O LET THE CONGREGATION OF SAINTS PRAISE THEE. (From a Litany.) / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 19-22p. (2-5p) Pl.-Nr.: J. Sebastian Bach's Works, No. 5. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 1, No. 5) [BWV 105/1] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 1 5 1838 19-22
34. PRELUDE and FUGUE in D. MAJOR. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 157-159p. (1-3p [only 3 visible]) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 33. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 6, No. 33) [BWV 908/1 (Anh. II)] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 6 33 1838 157-159
35. PRELUDE and FUGUE in E. MINOR. No. 2. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 163-166p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 35. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 6, No. 35) [BWV 533] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 6 35 1838 163-166
36. PRELUDE in G. MINOR. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 110-113p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 23. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 4, No. 23) [BWV 535/1] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 4 23 1838 110-113
37. RONDO FROM THE SIX SONATAS for the PIANO FORTE & VIOLIN. (Finale of the Second) / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 42-46p. (1-5p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 10. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 2, No. 10) [BWV 1015/4] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 2 10 1838 42-46
38. 'Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele.' from the Choral VORSPIELE. / [Gottfried August Homilius] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 1-3p. (1-3p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 1. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 1, No. 1) [BWV 759 - Anh. III 172] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 1 1 1838 1-3
39. TOCCATA in F#. MINOR. Part II. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 101-105p. [individual pp. faintly visible at 3 and 4 (pp.103, 104)] Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 21. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 4, No. 21) [BWV 910 second half] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 4 21 1838 101-105
40. TOCCATA in F#. MINOR. Part I. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 94-p. Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 20. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 4, No. 20) [BWV 910 first half] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 4 20 1838 94-100
41. TOCCATA, (partly in Canon.) / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 141-150p. (2-11p faintly visible) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 31. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 6, No. 31) [BWV 540/1] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 6 31 1838 141-150
42. VOLUNTARY in A. MAJOR. / [J. S. Bach] London: C. Lonsdale, [1838]. 133-134p. (2-3p) Pl.-Nr.: J. S. Bach's Works, No. 28. [Left] 224. [Centre] (= Choral and instrumental fugues of John Sebastian Bach ... by Henry John Gauntlett, Book 5, No. 28) [BWV 806/1] ChoralInstrFugues(Gauntlett) 5 28 1838 133-134

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