Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^20SacredSongs(Novello)$
Year : 1889
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Franz, Robert (arr.)Be not troubled, be not sad. [BWV 489] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 6 1889 15
2. Franz, Robert (arr.)Be thou contented. [BWV 460] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 16 1889 26-27
3. Franz, Robert (arr.)Blest is he who thinks on him. [BWV 498] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 9 1889 18
4. Franz, Robert (arr.)Come, kindly death. [BWV 478] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 11 1889 20
5. Franz, Robert (arr.)Come, let us all this day. [BWV 479] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 2 1889 6-7
6. Franz, Robert (arr.)Forget me not. [BWV 505] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 14 1889 23
7. Franz, Robert (arr.)Had I now what most I wish for. [BWV 439] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 10 1889 19
8. Franz, Robert (arr.)I fain would know, ere life shall cease. [BWV 502] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 19 1889 34-35
9. Franz, Robert (arr.)It is fulfilled. [BWV 458] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 12 1889 21
10. Franz, Robert (arr.)Jesus, fount of consolation. [BWV 475] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 3 1889 8-9
11. Franz, Robert (arr.)O gloomy night, how soon wilt thou be going. [BWV 492] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 20 1889 36-37
12. Franz, Robert (arr.)O Saviour mine, what agony. [BWV 487] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 4 1889 10-11
13. Franz, Robert (arr.)O saviour sweet, o saviour kind. [BWV 493] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 8 1889 17
14. Franz, Robert (arr.)O spotless lamb. [BWV 455] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 17 1889 28-29
15. Franz, Robert (arr.)Passion-tide. [BWV 450] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 5 1889 12-14
16. Franz, Robert (arr.)The third day he rose again. [BWV 480] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 15 1889 24-25
17. Franz, Robert (arr.)Thou goest now, my saviour, forth. [BWV 500] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 13 1889 22
18. Franz, Robert (arr.)Twenty Sacred Songs. Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Selected from the Schemell Collection, and arranged for Voice and Pianoforte Accompaniment by Robert Franz. The English version by the Rev. Dr. Troutbeck. - London: Novello, Ewer and Co.; New York: H. W. Gray, [1889]. 37p. Pl.-Nr.: 7788. [BWV 484, 479, 475, 487, 450, 489, 441, 493, 498, 439, 478, 458, 500, 505, 480, 460, 455, 507, 502, 492] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 1889 37p
19. Franz, Robert (arr.)Up, up, my heart, with gladness. [BWV 441] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 7 1889 16
20. Franz, Robert (arr.)Wherefore, o Saviour, so long in returning. [BWV 484] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 1 1889 2-5
21. Franz, Robert (arr.)Where is the lamb that willed to leave me? [BWV 507 in D] 20SacredSongs(Novello) 18 1889 30-33

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita