Bach Bibliography
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Author : Terry, Charles Sanford
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. A Bach Relic. MTimes 76 1114 Dec 1935 1075-1078
2. Bach. GroveDictionary(5) 1 1954 285-331
3. Bach. GroveDictionary(4) 1 1940 148-181
4. Bach. A Biography. 1928 xix, 292p
5. Bach Gesellschaft. GroveDictionary(3) 5 1928 182-188
6. Bach Gesellschaft. GroveDictionary(5) 1 1954 333-337
7. Bach's Autograph Scores. MTimes 58 892 Jun 1917 264
8. Bach's Cantata Libretti. ProceedRMA 44 1917-18 71-125
9. Bach's Cantatas. Arranged Chronologically with Notes on the Libretti. 19uu 54p
10. Bach's Chorals, Part III: The Hymns and Hymn Melodies of the Organ Works. 1921 xiv, 361p
11. Bach's Chorals, Part II: The Hymns and Hymn Melodies of the Cantatas and Motets. 1917 xiii, 615p
12. Bach's Chorals, Part I: The Hymns and Hymn Melodies of the 'Passions' and Oratorios. 1915 xv, 74p
13. Bach's Descendants. MTimes 70 1042 Dec 1929 1117-1118
14. Bach's Descendants. MTimes 73 1069 Mar 1932 256
15. Bach's Dresden Appointment. MTimes 73 1070 Apr 1932 315-316
16. Bach's Kettledrums. MTimes 72 1056 Feb 1931 119-121
17. Bach's Magnificat. 1936
18. Bach's Mass in B minor. A Study. 1915 37p
19. Bach's Music and Church Acoustics. Consort 2 Dec 1931 2-3
20. Bach's Orchestra. 1932 xv, 250p
21. Bach's 'Quodlibet'. MLetters 14 1, 2 Jan; Apr 1933 1-17; 188
22. Bach's Singet dem Herrn: A Conjecture. MQ 21 2 Apr 1935 125-131
23. Bach's Swan-Song ['Vor Deinen Thron']. MQ 19 3 Jul 1933 233-237
24. Bach's Tomb. MTimes 70 1033 Mar 1929 258
25. Bach's Wedding Quodlibet. MTimes 73 1073 Jul 1932 642
26. Bach: the Cantatas and Oratorios. 1925-6 52, 38p
27. Bach. The historical approach. 1930 157p
28. Bach: The Magnificat, Lutheran Masses and Motets. 1929 60p
29. Bach: The Mass in B minor. 1924 47p
30. Bach: The Passions. 1926 56, 80p
31. Baron Bach [Carl Ernst Baron de Bagge] MLetters 12 2 Apr 1931 130-139
32. Choral / Chorale. 1952
33. Coffee and Cupid (The Coffee Cantata): An Operetta by Johann Sebastian Bach. 1924 48p
34. G. S. Bach. La Vita. 1938 xxiv, 360p
35. Has Bach Surviving Descendants? MTimes 71 1048 Jun 1930 511-513
36. Johann Sebastian Bach. 1990 349p
37. Johann Sebastian Bach. Eine Biographie. 1929 xvi, 395p
38. Johann Sebastian Bach. Eine Lebensgeschichte. 1935 248p
39. John Christian Bach. 1929 xvi, 373p
40. John Christian Bach. 1967 lv, 373p
41. Joh. Seb. Bach: Cantata Texts, Sacred and Secular. With a reconstruction of the Leipzig Liturgy of his Period. 1926 xx, 656p
42. J. S. Bach's Original Hymn-Tunes for Congregational Use. 1922 64p
43. 'Mons. N. G. Bach'. MTimes 72 1065 Nov 1931 1022
44. Portraits of Bach. MLetters 17 4 Oct 1936 287-288
45. Teazing Cupid's Golden Bow. ARIA from 'COFFEE and CUPID'. Words by Charles Sanford Terry ; Music by JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH. 1925 3p
46. The 'Christmas Oratorio': Original or Borrowed? MTimes 72 1056, 1057 Feb, Mar 1931 159-160; 255-256
47. The 'Christmas Oratorio': Original or Borrowed? MTimes 71 1052, 1053, 1054 Oct, Nov, Dec 1930 887-889; 982-986; 1073-1076
48. The Four-Part Chorals of J. S. Bach. 1929 xii, 539p
49. The Magnificat, Lutheran Masses, and Motets. 1929? 60p
50. The Music of Bach. An Introduction. 1933 104p
51. The 'Orgelbüchlein': Another Bach Problem. MTimes 58 887, 888, 889 Jan, Feb, Mar 1917 9-11; 60-62; 107-109
52. The Origin of the Family of Bach Musicians / Ursprung der musikalisch-Bachischen Familie. 1929 22p
53. The Spurious 'Bach' 'Lucaspassion'. MLetters 14 3 Jul 1933 207-221

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita